Anon caught a bullet.
Anon is confused
Submitted 3 days ago by to
Comments 3 days ago 3 days ago
Tape em back together surely! 2 days ago
I remember this post. Same opinion still. Not the best course of action, but I wonder if it was a last ditch effort for him to give a fuck, which he doesn’t seem to, and that broke her heart. Not that that means she did the right thing, but with all the comments patting anon on the back for dodging a bullet, I’ll give one to the lady for conforming that Anon doesn’t love her like she thinks/wants. Hopefully they’ll both find someone that makes them happy. 2 days ago
When being taught that no is supposed to mean no I dont believe there is any other appropriate reaction to being given the divorce papers 2 days ago
Yeah, for sure. If you tell someone you want to call things off, you gotta be prepared for that “sure.” Definitely wasn’t her best move.
Doesn’t mean I can’t have some empathy for her, even if I don’t agree. Humans do crazy, sometimes even terrible things, out of hurt and love. Us humans are pretty flawed. 😅 3 days ago
Drama queen 3 days ago
Time to file the divorce papers. 3 days ago
Yeah I’d rather bet that he is kinda emotionally disconnected from anything happening with her (and himself).
So she probably never feels supported, tried to talk about, didn’t work, finally divorced him but loves him too much to actually go through with it. 3 days ago
That said, my SO is similar to this. We don’t talk as much as we should, but that seems to be because they got into online gaming with their friends and play during the times we would normally hang out. I’m expected to go out of my way to make up for that, but I don’t need as much emotional contact as they do so I don’t. I’m usually just hanging out on the bed on my own, and I put down my phone, game, book, etc the moment they initiate.
This causes some issues occasionally, but I don’t think I’m the cause here. We have kids, and I end up interacting with them more to make more time for them to play (I make breakfast and get them ready for bed).
That said, I’m trying to be more proactive to help them be more fulfilled. I just wonder if anon is in a similar situation. 3 days ago
Anon is emotionally stunted and this person really loves them but doesn’t feel it back. Anon needs to express themselves better 3 days ago
Anon sounds pretty over it, and I don’t blame them.
Also, if they’re making a greentext about this, they’re quite possibly on the spectrum, in which case it’s on their partner to communicate clearly. 3 days ago
Being on the spectrum does not put the onus of communication on the partner, and I say that as someone decidedly on the spectrum. It’s still a partnership that requires all players to participate fully. 3 days ago
It was a test 3 days ago
If only divorce was a simple form… 3 days ago
Civil unions work like that over here. I could walk into town hall tomorrow and tell them I want to separate from my SO and all I need is my autograph, not even hers. 3 days ago
What about assets and everything else that goes along with a relationship? 3 days ago
And that’s how it should work right? Nobody should be allowed to keep someone hostage in a “relationship”. 3 days ago
It is though, if it’s amicable. It only gets complicated if you disagree on who gets what.
If there aren’t kids or pets involved, just hire an arbiter and be done with it in a day. 3 days ago
I’ve been in this situation. Amicable. Split evenly. No kids. A half hour with my buddy who is a lawyer to sign papers and done. 3 days ago
If finances also are separate it can be very quick 1 day ago
Depends on where you live.
In Finland you have to be officially separated for 6 months before you can get a divorce. 3 days ago
Depends where you are. There’s companies here that’ll come to your house and divorce you in a morning. 3 days ago
One way to understand them better is to occasionally talk. Cuz like, guys and girls are actually incredibly similar. A couple of conversations a day, with the occasional really good conversation, can go a very long way towards understanding each other. Everything you don’t talk about is one more thing you won’t understand. 3 days ago
you’r not talking that kinda person into making sense 2 days ago
I’m not hoping the person from 4 chan is also in here, just giving general advice for anyone reading it now. 2 days ago
Its true. I wondered why I didn’t feel like girls were any different from me and why I had a hard time understanding both girls and boys, then I learned I was trans and autistic 2 days ago
It’s super effective!