- Comment on Best game ever? 2 days ago:
Honestly just missing the old days of rpg games now, KotOR was the shit
- Comment on Is it better to leave a country, or stay behind to fight for it? And what about the ethics of fleeing instead of staying behind? 3 days ago:
Makes no difference if the little shit is a pig or a bastard, if something you value and care about is threatened, fucking fight for it. When they have bigger guns than you, all that means is its time to get creative.
- Comment on Best game ever? 4 days ago:
To those downvoting, yall need to be calibrated
- Comment on Best game ever? 4 days ago:
There is no such thing as a ‘Best Game Ever’, but it’s Mass Effect 2
- Comment on Is it better to leave a country, or stay behind to fight for it? And what about the ethics of fleeing instead of staying behind? 4 days ago:
Imagine someone keeps breaking into your house and shitting on your pillow. Do you move out and find a new house, or do you grab a baseball bat and beat the shit bandits ass?
Both are valid options with positive and negative consequences. Which path we choose is largely determined by the value we personally place on our things and spaces. We tend to value our homes and families more, so it’s easier to choose the bat. But, it’s the exact same choice when your country goes sideways (or any difficult decision, really).
Ask yourself; How valuable is the country, to you? How valuable is your role in its society, to you? How valuable is it that you stand up for your beliefs, to you? If you place no value on your country, then move on and feel good about taking care of yourself. If you value your country a lot, then stand and fight to the end. No one on the internet can answer these questions for you, and there is no right or wrong choice unless you decide there is.
- Comment on They know I'm not cool, I know I'm not cool. Cool. 6 days ago:
Pretty much yeah
- Comment on I'm sure dolphins will fuck it up in their own special way. 1 week ago:
Nah, they’ll peace out as soon as the bulldozers show up
- Comment on They know I'm not cool, I know I'm not cool. Cool. 1 week ago:
And those evil fuckers (I’m a teacher, relax) will absolutely make fun of you
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
Japan still generally places more emphasis on quality over shitting out shiny new, overpriced garbage as fast as possible
- Comment on How likely is the US government going to identify and arrest every online user who have disagreed with the current administration? 1 week ago:
Right now I think its basically zero chance, BUT we are absolutely hurtling face-first into that exact reality.
It’s our extremely unfortunate job right now to fight these fascist Cunts and do our best to prevent this reality from coming to be. I get that that is downright terrifying, but if we give in to that fear and bury our heads in the sand, doesn’t kinda mean they win?
- Comment on Anon judges books by their covers 2 weeks ago:
Why the fuck would I do that
- Comment on Anon judges books by their covers 2 weeks ago:
People are butthurt because literally the only evidence you’ve used to support your claim so far is “trust me bro”
- Comment on Anon judges books by their covers 2 weeks ago:
People lie with words all the time, but their body language always tells the real truth if you learn to listen
- Comment on Anon is confused 4 weeks ago:
Being on the spectrum does not put the onus of communication on the partner, and I say that as someone decidedly on the spectrum. It’s still a partnership that requires all players to participate fully.
- Comment on We already knew that 4 weeks ago:
Don’t think anyone has ever really disagreed on this
- Comment on Why there is no photos of earth from space? 5 weeks ago:
We actually have hundreds of photos of Earth from space and more than a few astronauts that make it a full-time hobby to photograph our little blue marble. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation (two actually) for why those photos look fake, and while far more mundane, it doesn’t require the application of any ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Explanation Uno: There isn’t anything in space like a pesky atmosphere to get the way of the camera lens and create distortions and imperfections. The result is images that look a little too crisp, a little too clean, and a little too colorful. They don’t look like the ‘normal’ images we are used to, so our brains tell us it’s wrong or fake. It’s called the uncanny valley, which is typically applied to images of people but it’s relevant to anything that breaks our normal just a little.
Explanation Zwei: The images are actually fake, or rather they are false color images. Pictures are great, but it’s kinda hard to do a lot of science if all one ever does is look at the visible color spectrum, so we also take pictures in other spectrums like infrared, radio, or ultraviolet. However, since our pathetic human eyes can’t see those wavelengths, we have to recolor them to something we can see in the visible light range (hot things are colored blue, cold things are colored red, etc.). It’s not lying, it’s just better science.
There are plenty of things in this world actually worth being concerned about, especially right now, but if none of this convinced you, let me ask you this; Why? Why would anyone fake every single photo of Earth ever taken from space? Why (or more importantly, how) would literally everyone agree to lie about going to space?