Ich mag Pflanzen und hab ein extra Regal dafür. Support your FOSS (Free and OpenSource Software) projects!🫶🏼
- Comment on nets 1 day ago:
Why not both?
- Comment on Anon is confused 3 days ago:
Yeah I’d rather bet that he is kinda emotionally disconnected from anything happening with her (and himself).
So she probably never feels supported, tried to talk about, didn’t work, finally divorced him but loves him too much to actually go through with it.
- Comment on idijt 3 weeks ago:
Didn’t SIA wrote it and allegedly in like 30 minutes or so?
- Comment on Uncanny sandwich 4 weeks ago:
Convolutional networks are typically used in image processing for object detection or recognition, classification etc. but not for generating images, as far as I know.
- Comment on Warning 2 months ago:
- Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 4 months ago:
Good advice. It took me two or three attempts to finally get hooked by the game. But it was totally worth it.
- Comment on under the ice 5 months ago:
What movie? I have no idea what this is referencing
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Why is this in c/shitpost?
- Comment on Heiroglyphs 8 months ago:
I don’t.
- Comment on He came with receipts 8 months ago:
You can’t just compare creative writing to writing a paper.
- Comment on He came with receipts 8 months ago:
He could just sasay “I have a turing award, you don’t” if he wanted to show off.
- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
He means the photic sneeze reflex.
- Comment on Every base is base 10 9 months ago:
Not sure of you’re trolling or not…
- Comment on Anon misses a potential match 10 months ago:
This seems to be extremely region and country dependent! 😅 Where I live, tinder is very popular and not among “old, ugly” people for sure.
- Comment on GTA: Real life 1 year ago:
Best ask that in the sync community, hopefully someone there can help :)
- Comment on New Lemmy trend incoming 1 year ago:
Scrolling past this on an amoled screen with extra-low brightness this kinda looked like a satellite with solar arrays lol
- Comment on Your typesetting will look professional, they said 1 year ago:
First, many people don’t know how to use WYSIWYG word processing programs, you’revery right about that!
Second, both systems have overlapping use cases which makes it difficult to differentiate between “technically better” and “better in my opinion”, i.e. objectively vs. subjectively.
Finally, use what tool you’re nist comfortable with. But you may want to invest time to get more comfortable with another tool, if your current one isn’t suitable for your job.
PS: things I do repeatedly, I do best in LaTeX. Because for other things I’ve already forgotten how to do them and have to re-learn them each time, which might be more time consuming than using other tools (or just Markdown with LaTeX support hehe)
- Comment on I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: 1 year ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
You sound very passionate but also very aggressive. It’s almost uncomfortable to read 😅 Will check it out though, thank you.
- Comment on Checkmate round-earthers 1 year ago:
Something something manifold.
- Comment on Panik 1 year ago:
You don’t say haha :D But there is no reason why people who don’t work or study in a math related field would have an intuition for that.
- Comment on Panik 1 year ago:
It “looks” or “feels” prime. And being divisible by a prime like 17 feels even stranger.
- Comment on The ultimate in self debeennse 1 year ago:
Did you really just call blet boo low effort? 🫠 Also, you’re not really complaining about awful low effort memes below a shitpost, are you?
- Comment on A little man enjoys driving a little car while using pavements and pedestrian crossings. 1 year ago:
“Yo no shit, this nig… this, this dude”
- Comment on Be kind to our financially paired brethren. 1 year ago:
Maybe I misunderstand, but just to clarify: I assume he didn’t mean “satire” created by PragerU but as in satire created by e.g. the onion. So to see if the post was real (or fake/satire) he’d have to visit their insta which he didn’t want.
- Comment on Be kind to our financially paired brethren. 1 year ago:
Why is this downvoted?? PragerU is trash