That‘s a German supermarket, so eggs are actually affordable there.
Should have been born a Limited Liability Corporation
Submitted 1 month ago by to [deleted]
Comments 1 month ago 1 month ago
I’m probably going to sound like a space allowing alien, but enough beans to feed a grown man costs two dollars a day. The beans are nutritious and relatively palatable. 1 month ago
Potatoes also have enough nutrients that you can pretty much subsist on them alone. 5 weeks ago
Diabetes has entered the chat. 5 weeks ago
Yeah! Let them eat beans!
In all seriousness, it’s not just the money. It’s also the time. Having a varied, healthful diet requires time, effort, skill, and education. If it’s not our own, we’ll end up paying someone else for it in one way or another. Many people are working multiple jobs to get by and don’t have the luxury of spending hours shopping, cooking, and cleaning every day. You might point out that if they worked less, they could afford the time to buy cheaper food. Unfortunately, that won’t make most of their other goods and services any less expensive. The Federal Poverty Limit is based on just covering rent. Minimum wage in most states at full time will put a person a little bit over that. With the utilities, transportation, and healthcare required to maintain a job, there may be very little left over for food. 5 weeks ago
luxury of spending hours shopping, cooking, and cleaning every day
Y’all need to sort out your country if this is deemed a luxury in America. Richest nation on the planet, my arse! 5 weeks ago
This sounds depressing as hell, good work. 5 weeks ago
One of the few things I go back to the old site for is /r/eatcheapandhealthy - you need the time to make the food, but you can make very little cash go a long way, especially if you’re buying beans/lentils/oats dried and soaking them overnight rather than buying canned. 5 weeks ago
Yeah, it’s actually insane how cheap the basic food is nowadays. I never understood these memes implying that people can’t afford basic food anymore. But then again, I guess chugging 4 liters of coke a day can make a dent in food budget. 1 month ago
Ooh Fancy pants rich McGee over here
Fuck you 5 weeks ago
I wish life were that simple but being diabetic sucks and beans and rice put me basically in a coma 5 weeks ago
If I were to survive off only beans, what beans would I eat? 5 weeks ago
Chickpeas are my favorite. I enjoy the taste of them right out of the can. They dry ones are also good if soaked overnight in cold water and then eaten without further preparation. They become pleasantly crunchy, like nuts. 5 weeks ago
In this timeline you find the actual truth in shitposts 5 weeks ago
Should’ve been born an executive. You get to decide your own pay as well as everyone else’s. And pay relatively little in taxes. 5 weeks ago
- Build an “AI” platform (by stealing work from basically everyone).
- Lie your ass off about its capabilities.
- Stage an IPO.
- Profit. 1 month ago
just make more money
then gibe me some 1 month ago
Hmm have you tried having 2 not enough moneys? 5 weeks ago
I solved grocery prices by going to Aldi. The problem is not everyone has a non-American market around. 5 weeks ago
our budget grocery is a winco, and they do a pretty good job. it’s rare you’ll catch the wilty end of the produce cycle. 5 weeks ago
I’m able to utilize Lidl as well thankfully. 5 weeks ago
Italy is like 20 years with no salary increase 5 weeks ago
Thanks, that’s really what I wanted to hear as someone who can’t worked and is on a fixed disability income (way below poverty line). 5 weeks ago
I hate that I have to go to a ghetto grocery store now with police monitors in the parking lot, just to save a few cents, and it’s still wildly expensive compared to 2019 5 weeks ago
Pro Tip: You can just grab items and not pay for it to save money.
😉 5 weeks ago
I’m a blue collar factory worker and I’m doing great. It’s hard work and we can’t seem to keep help…so if you are down and out, looking into manual labor, it pays. 1 month ago
Shoulda been born a potato.