- Comment on Centuries-old leasehold system to be abolished in England and Wales 1 day ago:
The problem with that referendum was that unless you can confidently and clearly explain why a change is better than the status quo then people tend to stick with what they know.
The offer in that vote didn’t clearly show an improvement to FPTP. The question wasn’t “should we enact proportional representation or not?”. The question wasn’t “Of these five voting systems which would you prefer?”
The question was “At present, the UK uses the “first past the post” system to elect MPs to the House of Commons. Should the “alternative vote” system be used instead?”
The alternative vote system doesn’t really have any obviously huge advantages over FPTP. It doesn’t offer proportional representation.
This short video explains it well:
Obviously, any improvement is better than no improvement but people tend not to like change so you have to very clearly state what they will gain from changing. And that didn’t happen.
This playlist has a few videos explaining voting systems if you’d like to learn more:
- Comment on Should have been born a Limited Liability Corporation 2 weeks ago:
luxury of spending hours shopping, cooking, and cleaning every day
Y’all need to sort out your country if this is deemed a luxury in America. Richest nation on the planet, my arse!
- Comment on Nothing a whole lotta *COPE* can't fix 3 weeks ago:
Bullshit. People avoid politics and have loud opinions all the time. I understand your burden, the state of the world is depressing af, but to claim that the ignorant keep their opinions to themselves is absurd.
- Comment on Nothing a whole lotta *COPE* can't fix 3 weeks ago:
To clarify though, the news isn’t really politics. The news is theatre.
I agree that people can live their reality how they want but it also has to be remembered that everything is political so if you avoid politics it’s hard to complain when things aren’t going your way. Particularly if you live in a democratic system.
This video by the UK’s Electoral Commission always sticks in my mind about politics
- Comment on We cosplay as free individuals on the weekend. Sometimes you just gotta get another taste of freedom. 5 weeks ago:
There was an update a while ago that lets you turn it off if you want. I’ve almost forgotten it’s sound. Almost.