License to fish? License to… RIDE A BIKE? License to… HAVE A DOG/CAT? License to USE A RADIO? (I’m talking about GMRS, AFIAK emergency services do not use GMRS frequencies)
Why is everything a license?
What next? License to exist?
Someday they are gonna require a license to get your own water, or filter your own air (due to pollution). 1 month ago
Reasons for a license to fish (from a German perspective):
License to have a dog:
Lincense for a GMRS radio: 1 month ago
Upvote for thoughtful reply but I think you mean fish procreation periods. Nobody cares what season they go golfing 😆 1 month ago
Thanks for catching that. I’m sure there must be a fish-specific term that’s eluding me. 1 month ago
NYC technically requires a dog license, and I can guarantee you it provides neither of these things. The streets are absolutely covered in dog shit because of irresponsible dog owners. A lot of the city doesn’t have garbage cans either, or if it does, they’re never emptied. 1 month ago
How does the dog license get enforced? Do police go around confronting dog walkers? 1 month ago
In Germany we have a law enforcement level below the police called “Ordnungsamt” (I’m not going to try to translate that). They are in charge of these minor misdemeanors (like parking wrong, littering, speeding, etc.) It’s entirely possible that their patrols randomly check dog owners, but personally I’ve never heard of that. 1 month ago
As with many types of license, they usually only get checked when you’re caught misbehaving.
If you’re caught not picking up your dogs poo, you’re asked “have you got a licence for that dog”. At which point, if you say no, then you get another charge or two slapped on as well. If you lie and say yes you can get yet another charge slapped on for lying to law enforcement.
Its basically another layer of incentive to follow the law and get a license or the penalties may be higher as a result.