Oh no, you!
- Comment on How are you feeling? 2 hours ago:
Work: Pretty chill in general, but especially nowadays
Family: Kids are healthy and growing
Hobbies: I’ve reconnected with some earlier hobbies of mine and rediscovered why I loved it to begin with.
Household: Almost done refurbishing this one room.
Money: Perfect storm of good news, such as tax return, expense claim payout, and misc other things result in me finally being able to afford a much needed car upgrade.All in all, slightly better than usual
- Comment on how do they decide where to put bus stops? 2 hours ago:
Estimated usefulness compared up against practicality. Of course you want it where people are, and at yhe same time you want the bus to be able to stop without obstructing traffic.
- Comment on What kind of car is this? 17 hours ago:
I’d go as far as saying he wrangles.
- Comment on Does the beginning of "Money for Nothing" remind you of "Shine on you crazy diamond?" 1 day ago:
Be sure to reserve enough time
- Comment on How would world politics be like if the top 100 countries (in terms of military strength) all had their own nuclear arsenals? 2 days ago:
Dutch with nukes. May the lords and ladies have mercy.
- Comment on Does the beginning of "Money for Nothing" remind you of "Shine on you crazy diamond?" 2 days ago:
Not directly, but it does carry a similar vibe.
I would say SOYCD intro is more similar to the intro of Dream Theater - Octavarium. Shouldn’t be surprising because the former was part of the inspiration for the latter.
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 3 days ago:
Yes, but not as much as many other metals. We’retalking large amounts over a long period of time.
On sidenote, everything is poisonous, it’s just a matter of dosage.
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 3 days ago:
That’s why those of us who poison people for fun and profit have started appending “in roblox”. The spooks will never catch us.
- Comment on What are some slow acting poisons? 3 days ago:
I’m thinking metal poisoning over time. Lead or copper, for example.
- Submitted 5 days ago to [deleted] | 16 comments
- Comment on identity theft 1 week ago:
Could one of you scholars please explain the joke for us smoothbrains who don’t get it? All I see is a matrix.
- Comment on Have people that have been held captive hallucinated an entire other world ? 1 week ago:
It is my firm belief that the world and the plot of Mamma Mia are the hallucinations of James Bond being imprisoned and tortured in a North Korean prison. It’s his coping mechanism.
- Comment on Papers, Please: USA Edition | Official Trailer - YouTube 2 weeks ago:
Glory to arstotzka!
- Comment on For your consideration 2 weeks ago:
More information: Your size is fine
- Comment on How did you get your job? 2 weeks ago:
Copypasting my answer from the previous thread:
My current specific employment: A coworker of mine was laid off from my former employer, and joined the competition instead. Turns out that they needed what I do, and were willing to pay whatever it took, so they poached me with an offer I couldn’t refuse.
My job: Covid happened, and cuts were made among the field crew. I landed a role in the support structure instead, where I’ve been ever since.
My career: No fucking idea what happened. In 2008 I applied for a job and I had no idea what it was, and for which I was severely under qualified. I got it anyway. Turns out that being used to heavy machinery, computers/linux, and jury rigging was exactly what they were looking for, depsite wanting all sorts of degrees.
- Comment on Is it possible to eat a toxic amount of culinary herbs/spices? 2 weeks ago:
How much are we talking? Are there any documented suicide by nutmeg?
- Comment on What’s an acceptable gender neutral replacement for “techbro”? 2 weeks ago:
I’d say techbro is pretty gender neutral, in the same way “dude” and “guys” are.
- Comment on Suppose you were a dissident facing political persecution, how would you preserve your personal files so that you can retrieve it many years later, in case of imprisonment? 2 weeks ago:
Encrypted, written to LTO, vacuum sealed and buried somewhere temperate.
- Comment on When fighter jets are scrambled to intercept a plane for security reasons, what can they actually do? 2 weeks ago:
Depends. It’s very situational, but the procedure first calls for monitoring and communications (longbstory short there are ways of communicating between aircraft using maneuvers.)
Beyond that, there will be attempt at guiding the offending aircraft, either to a runway, or to a safer area.
But if it comes to it, the passenger jet can be shot down - A Hijacked passenger liner should be considered a weapon of mass destruction.
- Comment on What are some of the things someone permanently relocating away from the US should be aware of? 3 weeks ago:
- This depends on your destination, but you may need to unlearn the habit in tipping, as wait staff salaries are reasonable. Where I live it is common to enable the option for various services, but you’re never really expected to. I might tip if something was far beyond expectations with staff going above and beyond what is expected of them, but I usually don’t.
- Extremely simplified/rounded metric: 1 meter = 1 yard or 3 feet
- 1Kg = 2 pounds
- 1 gallon = 4 liters (a standard serving of beer is 0.5 liters. Sometimes 0.33)
- Almost everything carries some sort of tax. This is usually included in the price tag.
- 50mph = 80kmh
- most intersections don’t have a stop sign. Held for anyone entering from your right hand side (unless you’re in the UK or Ireland, where it’s opposite)
- Learn the difference between Europe, EU, EEA and Schengen Area. In most cases you may be safe presuming they’re the same, but there’s a difference that may be relevant if traveling between European countries.
- Comment on What's easier to shoot, a bow or a firearm? 3 weeks ago:
Plus a gun doesn’t require draw strength
- Comment on i found in my notes that "alt+junja" in w10 on potplayer does "Playback->A-B Repeat->Repeat next marked section". is junja a key or i typoed? 3 weeks ago:
Obvously. Don’t you guys have a key labeled “Fight!” ?
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 3 weeks ago:
Maybe, but not necessarily in a good way. Unfounded, to the point of cocky, maybe.
- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 3 weeks ago:
I wouldn’t say arrogant, but I’ve worked with a lot of Americans, and there’s something most of them have in common. I can’t quite put my finger on what, but it’s in the vicinity or arrogance. I simply don’t have the necessary English vocabulary to explain it properly. In short, I’ve found that most of them likes to swing their dick around and pull rank, even if someone else clearly has a better approach.
- Comment on Are the explain the joke subreddits just AI training grounds? 3 weeks ago:
It is now. It’s literally in the EULA.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Similar metrics here. I finally managed to break 70Kg at 35.
- Comment on Continuously runn8ng screen recorder for linux? 3 weeks ago:
Works perfectly even with proprietary nvidia driver: I now have a test clip of me picking around in the terminal, followed by launching factorio and war thunder, and then setting up a cronjob to cleanup old recording.
- Comment on Continuously runn8ng screen recorder for linux? 3 weeks ago:
I was thinking of something like that, except steam only accounts for a miniscule portion of what I want to record.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
As long as the upload retains memories, they will still feel like the same self.