- Comment on Mother 2 hours ago:
After the predator instantly becomes enamored with the adorable baby quokka, and calls her own kids over to play.
- Comment on Hey, do americans just want to take a break from normal politics for a bit and focus all our efforts solely on the wild boar problem? 2 days ago:
Some animals are more equal than others!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
In theory, authoritarianism is the fastest way to transform a society from one form to another—so it’s rational that regimes that take power based on the promise of rapid social transformation will be drawn to authoritarianism.
But it’s also rational for institutions to try to preserve themselves—which for these authoritarian regimes means preserving the conditions that led to the belief in their necessity, instead of delivering on the promise of transformation that would lead to their dissolution.
- Comment on If any external factor made you create art, would your art be created by that factor? 2 weeks ago:
I guess in that sense you could say the only “creator” is the Big Bang.
- Comment on Between Linux or Windows which do you think will be first to have a viable OS for quantum computers? 3 weeks ago:
Quantum circuits aren’t general-purpose computers—they’re added to conventional computers to allow them to perform a small handful of algorithms more efficiently. I don’t believe any of those algorithms would benefit a general operating system enough that an OS would be modified to require the use of one.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
States are explicitly prohibited by the Constitution from “enter[ing] into any treaty, alliance, or confederation” with foreign states, but there are plenty of cases of state and local governments joining economic partnerships and initiatives.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
I would never use an iPhone if my phone were my primary computing device. But I just make occasional calls and texts, and use a handful of apps (for instance, Nextcloud and Home Assistant connected to my home server, bypassing most of Apple’s ecosystem). I just want something simple and sturdy that I have to think about as little as possible, and for that specific use case the limitations are a plus.
- Comment on Why there is no photos of earth from space? 5 weeks ago:
There’s a certain neurological disorder where people can look at their own reflections and believe them to be fake or inhuman. I would expect them to make posts very similar to this one.
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 1 month ago:
There are plenty of activities that are perfectly harmless when done by one person, but need to be managed when a bunch of people try to do them at once.
- Comment on Why do some people think others are troll just because they don’t like what they have to say? 1 month ago:
In some cases, assuming the poster is a troll is the more charitable option.
- Comment on WTH is going on with the price of a quart of Hydrogen Peroxide? 1 month ago:
Are you looking at the 3% topical solution, or something more concentrated?
- Comment on Should I avoid communities on lemmy.ml? 1 month ago:
In circumstances where similar communities exist on multiple instances, I would subscribe to all of them at first—but pay attention to differences in moderation and community norms, and unsubscribe from communities you’re less comfortable with. I wouldn’t judge a community on the basis of its instance without trying it first, unless the instance admins have unusual rules they’re imposing on all their communities.
- Comment on How to make multiple paragraphs render with a space? 1 month ago:
Ah, so you want to increase the default space between paragraphs? (That’s UI dependent, by the way—in Alexandria the default paragraph spacing is closer to a full line.)
You could always add a horizontal rule between paragraphs if you want to indicate a more substantial division.
- Comment on How to make multiple paragraphs render with a space? 1 month ago:
Your post text is rendering as two paragraphs for me in both old.lemmy and alexandria. Are you seeing something else?
For standard markdown, a paragraph is indicated by two successive returns in your source text (and a line break within a paragraph is indicated by a line ending in two spaces followed by a return).
- Comment on Do you ever simply not understand a piece of text no matter how many times you read it despite the fact that you understand the language and individual words? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Can cats see color? 2 months ago:
Except that a rose/red filter would pass wavelengths centered around red, while a magenta filter would block wavelengths centered around green. So a magenta filter would let in proportionally more blue.
- Comment on Can cats see color? 2 months ago:
They are dichromats—with red and blue receptors—as opposed to most humans, who are trichromats with red, green, and blue receptors. So in terms of colors, they can distinguish roughly the same colors as a human looking through a magenta filter.
- Comment on Do you think billionaires fear losing their fortune and becoming "a poor"? 2 months ago:
Billionaires are almost always created by starting with substantial familial wealth, taking large financial risks, and getting lucky. They then generally misattribute this luck to personal excellence, causing them to underestimate future risks.
On the other hand, they also induce institutions to change in ways that really do insulate them as a class from the consequences of risk. But both of these factors would tend to reduce their fear of losing their wealth and status.
- Comment on Do rhymes make sense to deaf people? 2 months ago:
Along the same lines, do deaf people compose poems in ASL? What aspect of that language plays the part of rhyme?
- Comment on If you have diarrhea and you hold it in will your body retain some of the water? 2 months ago:
I thought diarrhea was (at least sometimes) caused by too many of your gut bacteria getting killed by fever so they can’t digest solids enough to extract the water.
- Comment on If we're living in a simulation, why would the simulation creators allow the sims to ponder and speculate whether or not they live in a simulation? 3 months ago:
So instead of a simulation, maybe we’re living inside of some other type of thing we’re hard-wired to be unable to even think of.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 3 months ago:
There are lots of kinds of “leftisms” with lots of different attitudes toward landlords—but to take Georgism as a concrete example that exclusively focuses on land ownership:
Georgists would say that the portion of the rent equal to the market rent of the unimproved lot—including the value generated by the presence of the surrounding community and infrastructure—should go back to the community, but the portion of the rent contributed by the presence of buildings and other improvements should go to the owner of the improvements.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 3 months ago:
I heard he was wearing a
white and goldblue and black coat. - Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
There are three distinct concepts I think you’re confusing:
The idea of biological races. Yeah, a given culture’s definition of “race” is historically contingent and biologically incoherent. I think you get that and are assuming that’s all there is to it.
Race as a correlative of ethnicity. There are some ethnicities whose members tend to have darker skin colors, and people tend to conflate skin color and ethnicity. Ethnicity (as a set of cultural institutions) is meaningful to some people, and some of them interpret a disregard for “race” as a disregard for their ethnicity, or as an attempt to suppress ethnic identity.
Race as a social construct. When the above ideas permeate a society, people with different skin colors experience systemically different treatment—even in the absence of actual biological or ethnic distinctions. So people with similar skin colors can be grouped on the basis of those shared experiences, and the different behaviors resulting from those experiences feed back into the society’s conceptions of biological race and ethnicity. And it doesn’t suffice to counteract such social constructs by ignoring them—social behavior is taken for granted unless people make a conscious effort to reevaluate it.
- Comment on Are Increased Colorectal Cancers Rates Linked to Using Laptops on Stomachs? 3 months ago:
What increased rates are you referring to? According to the National Cancer Institute, colorectal cancer rates in the past five years have declined by 1% for men and 0.7% for women.
- Comment on Is it possible to have a "free speech" platform that simultaneously stops "hate speech"? 3 months ago:
Depends on whether you define a “free speech platform” as a platform that doesn’t impose its own constraints on speech, or a platform that enables speech without constraints. Because there are social pressures that also constrain speech, and hate speech can be a tool of those pressures.
- Comment on Why do people say "quote unquote something" and not "quote something unquote" ? 3 months ago:
Yeah—I think the canonical usage is to hold up your fingers as you say “quote unquote”, then lower your hands when the quote is complete.
- Comment on If trump appointments someone that doesn't last as long as Anthony Scaramucci do we measure that in fractional moochies or do we abandon the mooch system because it failed us? 4 months ago:
It’s a metric scale—just use centimoochies.
- Comment on Does sunlight through UV-blocking windows warm you less than unfiltered sunlight? 4 months ago:
There’s glass that doesn’t block UV frequencies—like the glass used in tanning booths, UV lights, and UV cameras.
- Comment on Does sunlight through UV-blocking windows warm you less than unfiltered sunlight? 4 months ago:
That’s true of any material that gets warmed by sunlight, though.