Fuck it we ball
- Comment on Be honest. Your first thought was would this be an advantage or disadvantage during masturbation 1 week ago:
My first thought is that it looks like face hugger from Alien
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 1 week ago:
License to have licenses
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 1 week ago:
While it seems logical at first, when you consider it seriously it quickly falls apart.
Even not considering such questions as “How do you enforce it?” (What are you going to do? Take the kid from them? That would quickly turn into a giant mess) or “How effective in actuality it is going to be?” (What stopping someone malicious to ace the exam and then abuse their kid without legal repercussions?) much simpler reason is that it would even further hinder the already falling birth rates. And most of the goverments and people don’t want that.
- Comment on In case you didn't know 2 weeks ago:
I like that there’s like small chance that it knows…
- Comment on Too early on a Monday for deadlines 3 weeks ago:
Or As Severe As Possible…
- Comment on Is it weird to hate a language because it bring up bad memories/feelings? 3 weeks ago:
Like, I kinda just hate Cantonese. I mean, almost every interaction in Cantonese is with an abusive person.
I mean, yeah, I think it’s completely valid in your case. I think people are very good at linking together the sound of something and the atmosphere it is being heard in. This is a very mild example, but I heard many many times the story of " I heard the music that used to be my alarm, and jolted in pain for a moment". So even in such simple cases the effect is strong, and you just had to go through terrible things, all accompanied with the same type of sounds. So yeah, it isn’t weird or bad, it’s just your associations with the awful things that you needeed to go through.
I hope that one day you be able to grow much more warming associations with these sounds, or even just letting them go entirely and embracing another language as the powerful language of love.
- Comment on Do cats have intrusive thoughts about eating their humans? Conversely, do cats get scared of humans eating them? 3 weeks ago:
I don’t remember where I heard it, but basically dogs do understand that they and their humans are different species, but think you’re their leader/master because you provide food and shelter.
But cats are different - they do not understand that they are a different species to their human - they basically think that you are a big strange bald cat. That’s why they don’t fear you (because cats mostly don’t eat other cats) and that’s why they sometimes bring mice or some kind of food to you: they think you fucked up on a hunt or something, so they bring you “food” so you did not die.
- Comment on In some countries (such as the USA), sending encrypted communications via Amateur Radio is illegal, but how likely will the government actually enforce it, and how severe would the consequences be? 4 weeks ago:
The problem is not in the enctyption, nor the message - it’s in the unregistered broadcast in itself. It can interfere with some stuff and generally can be suspicious, thats why all amateur radio must be properly registered (the damage can be even bigger if you don’t know what your doing, so it is required to pass a test where I live to register an amateur radio).
So you can brodcast anything you want, but if it’s unregistered, be prepared for consequences
- Comment on ya shorty handling me with care and mindfulness 4 weeks ago:
Hate to be the guy whos girl gets snatched by a bee
- Comment on Why did FediDB stopped updating data for Lemmy (and other software as I can see) after November 2024? 4 weeks ago:
Oh hmm then I guess I should submit a ticket or something
- Why did FediDB stopped updating data for Lemmy (and other software as I can see) after November 2024?lemmy.world ↗Submitted 4 weeks ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on Always a fan of simple instructions on how to do everyday things 4 weeks ago:
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to [deleted] | 11 comments
- Comment on Sometimes I forget to hold the vodka tightly enough. 5 weeks ago:
Sounds delicious! Would try sometime, thanks :)
- Comment on Sometimes I forget to hold the vodka tightly enough. 5 weeks ago:
No, I’m just mixing it with cream and sugar
- Comment on this is controllable now: guy has moving robot messing with stuff in his house and blabbering TTS under internet control 1 month ago:
I can actually control it it’s so cool!!
- Comment on Claim Now! 2 months ago:
- Comment on They're doing a January 6th 3 months ago:
Plague Inc. ass news headline
- Comment on Why doesn't Lemmy have a system like Reddit's Karma? 3 months ago:
If you’re craving some gamefication we have posts/comments numbers
The more you contribute, the bigger the number gets!
- Comment on WILD 3 months ago:
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 3 months ago:
No, it isn’t. Because earth wouldn’t fall towards the ball. Why?
Go to your frige right now and try to push it with one finger. It doesn’t move does it? You may say “That’s because of static friction!” And you would be correct. The force of static friction. Because the object moves in the direction of vector sum of all forces.
Tap for spoiler
(In the example with fridge the static friction force cancels all other forces up to certain value and after that - motion)
And adding microscopic attraction force towards the ball absolutely doesn’t change the full vector sum of forces, that are applied to Earth constantly (which is probably pointed towards the sun).
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
Never gonna give you up
- Comment on His cage would never be the same (it is going to get smelly and dirty again in two days) 3 months ago:
Yeah, you need to put effort to keep lil guy happy. But it’s worth it - they are so adorable!!
- His cage would never be the same (it is going to get smelly and dirty again in two days)lemmy.world ↗Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 11 comments
- Comment on Is it offensive for me as a man to dress as a male version of a female fictional character for Halloween?' 3 months ago:
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
I don’t want to say that it is easy, because it is actuall effort you have to put in, but moderating a community, especally if it is very niche and small is not that hard.
I can understand people not wanting to do some stuff, but I much more respect “I don’t want to modding so I make a community and ask someone to be with me on a mod team when stuff is going to get overwhelming, and focus on other stuff within community” than “I dont want to do modding so I’m going to just sit there and wait while other people do it for me”
- Comment on Read-onlys are cancer. Post stuff you want to see. 3 months ago:
That’s so cool! Thank you for sharing!
- Comment on Read-onlys are cancer. Post stuff you want to see. 3 months ago:
“I’m in this picture and I don’t like it”
- Comment on Read-onlys are cancer. Post stuff you want to see. 3 months ago:
Sorry for spamming two posts in a row, I just needed to get that out of my system
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
Yes! It is worth a try!