Crack addiction is so sad. The war on drugs has been such a disaster. Look at people that are addicted to crack and assess if they’re having a good life at everyone else’s expense. They’re absolutely not. Yet, we punish them by placing them in steel and concrete cages for years, make their lives much more difficult afterwards, then expect them to not use when they get out.
Comment on I did it because I had to! 2 weeks ago
I don’t know what’s worse - that it’s a r/crack or that someone decided to give it a wholesome award 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
And depending how prone you are to conspiracy thinking, a few people think the CIA was involved in trafficking cocaine into the U.S. at the very beginning of the crack epidemic, to help fund the Contras in Nicaragua. 2 weeks ago
well they do have a very good life in 15 minute intervals… then really bad the rest of the time 2 weeks ago
Isn’t that the purpose of wholesome awards? 2 weeks ago
To give to crackheads online ironically? Yes.