- Comment on Anon takes an IQ test 23 hours ago:
How about podcasting?
- Submitted 2 days ago to [deleted] | 46 comments
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 6 days ago:
I’m not arguing that ethics boards cant be overly stringent. But there’s a reason we have them in the first place and that still doesn’t make it alright to start conducting unauthorised experiments on people.
Even if it turned out OK in this case, and we still can’t say that it definitely did, the next person who trys to pull a stunt like this might not be so lucky, qualified, or knowledgable.
What’s the alternative here?
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
“Speed limits are holding me back from getting from a to B in as little time as possible” yeah, and they reduce the likelihood of injuring/killing a people in the process.
- Comment on DR HANKS 1 week ago:
Um, is Esther OK? Hes looking a little baked
- Comment on Please tell me I'm not going nuts 2 weeks ago:
I’m sorry dude but in the gentlest way possible, you’re relying on conspiracy theories to avoid confronting reality and justify your beliefs. It’s exactly the same as what q-anon and trump nutters do. I realise that its a coping mechanism to help you deal with the state of things but you can’t change anything for the better if you can’t engage with reality.
I know shit feels hopeless now but I promise there’s things you can do now that will genuinely improve life for yourself and the people you care about. Join communities, volunteer for causes you believe in, get involved in protests, and try and form those social bonds that help break people away from conservative and maga centric thinking. If you think about it, regardless of whether what you believe is true or not, these are still things that will improve life for people who are suffering now.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
I have around 1500 in KSP but tbf, most of that is AFK where I’ve had to do long manouvre burns in the multiples of hours so I’ve just set it and walked away lol.
- Comment on Ads are a plague 3 weeks ago:
Agreed. Designing in a feature that presents users with something that’s deliberately designed to be as distracting and attention grabbing as possible during a time when they should have their undivided attention on driving is asking for trouble.
On that note, LED billboards run up along the side of roads should be illegal and at very least have dimmers to prevent them from blinding drivers at night.
- Comment on Has America Reached Its Tipping Point with Ignorance? 4 weeks ago:
I asked one of my mates who’s a historian and he said, yes. Viva la revolution
- Comment on How likely do you think there will be a run on the banks? 5 weeks ago:
Not sure really, but probably best to go an remove all your money now just in case! I bet hundreds of people are doing the same thing! /s
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 1 month ago:
As with many types of license, they usually only get checked when you’re caught misbehaving.
If you’re caught not picking up your dogs poo, you’re asked “have you got a licence for that dog”. At which point, if you say no, then you get another charge or two slapped on as well. If you lie and say yes you can get yet another charge slapped on for lying to law enforcement.
Its basically another layer of incentive to follow the law and get a license or the penalties may be higher as a result.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 1 month ago:
Genuinely thought that said “anachronism” and was ready to go on a tirade about how cool cloaks are and how they should make a comeback
- Submitted 1 month ago to [deleted] | 87 comments
- Comment on Do cats have intrusive thoughts about eating their humans? Conversely, do cats get scared of humans eating them? 1 month ago:
Same here honestly! Its not like I was going to use the body again. Worm food or cat food, its all alright by me!
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
Companies don’t need to make infinite money. That’s just a weird incentive that modern corporations seem to be chasing and burning everything down around them to achieve.
- Comment on Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking? 2 months ago:
Fucking moron. You’ll never hit a drone with that! The ruskies have been trying that for the last couple years with virtually zero success.
- Comment on This app requires access to your contacts 3 months ago:
You jest but that’s literally already a thing that exists and you can buy it!
- Comment on Coal 4 Christmas 3 months ago:
Yup! After all, everyone knows that trees make coal while dinosaurs make oil!
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Again, there already is an easy way out. All that would change is the manner in which is happens and whether it happens professionally or not.
- Comment on wtf Cambrian 3 months ago:
Leave them be, everyone goes through an experimental phase. They’re just working themselves out. Give them time.
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 3 months ago:
Cheap vapes and gucchi knock offs apparently.
- Comment on At what age do we switch from measuring a human by length to by height? 3 months ago:
Gravity surely?
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago:
Because they’ve successfully been conned into thinking that what’s in the best interests of the rich is in their own best interests too.
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 4 months ago:
That sounds like a warning to others lol. Don’t inbreed or we’ll feed you to the lions
- Comment on Premium Ads 4 months ago:
Less is sometimes more honestly. Its likely you’ve got so much running that they’re fighting each other. See if you’ve got overlapping features and remove as many as possible while still keeping the same functionality.
- Comment on On a lighter note: Why do people still buy fast food? 4 months ago:
Most cafes aren’t open at 3am when I get off a dreadful shift and just want to wolf something down before collapsing into bed for 10 hours.
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 4 months ago:
It only took a couple billion monkeys a few million years but one did eventually write out the full works of Shakespeare
- Comment on Most of the trick-or-treaters have been skipping my house, and I finally figured out why 4 months ago:
Leave a bowl out with a sign that says “if the bowl is empty, please knock.” You don’t even have to fill the bowl with anything.
- Comment on Honey 5 months ago:
Because you mentioned killing off entire hives because they’re sick, I was wondering about what a vegans ethical stance on culling would be and what, if any, situations culls might be acceptable from a vegans perspective.
For example, the beehive which has been infected. Bees don’t understand virology or social isolation or even the concept of “passing it on”. What do you do when a hive of infected bees breaks up and starts infecting other hives? Desieses can be devastating to local domesticated and wild swarms if left unchecked. Would a cull be acceptable in this situation to prevent more death and suffering?
How about in areas where humans have already tinkered with the food chain and wiped out all other apex predators? In some places, controlled culling of heards of deer is necessary to prevent them from overfeeding and wiping out other species further down the food chain and eventually themselves?
As I understand, most vegans would prefer the natural solutions such as reintroducing apex predators but that’s not always possible. Likewise, I don’t think most vegans would advocate for a dawinist solution to infected beehives.
I’m purely asking this from a point of genuine interest and not out of any desire to be proven right or wrong so please don’t take this as any attempt at point scoring.
- Comment on Anon tries to take care of his little bro 5 months ago:
The better question is why were they using the car port? Most dashcams come with power adapters to plug into a standard fuse box and can be very easily routed through interior panels with basically no tools, no permanent modifications, and absolutely no expertise required.