- Comment on What's this thing stuck on my dirty underwear? Is it a piece of undissolved tide pod? 1 day ago:
Left a tissue in your pocket? Maybe the detergent got caught in a fold and didn’t get a chance to get rinsed out?
- Comment on Is there any handbooks for warning lights on cars/machinery 1 day ago:
Dunno man, sorry. I haven’t worked in construction sites for more than 30 years, I wouldn’t know where to look either.
- Comment on i took an iq test and it was nice and i took my time doing it but the answer was 86, is that bad?? 1 day ago:
The results of IQ tests vary from country to country, from city to city, and depend a lot on socio-economic, educational, and cultural background. They can be a good bit of fun but aren’t consistently reliable. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
- Comment on Is there any handbooks for warning lights on cars/machinery 1 day ago:
On the outside? There’s almost certainly a standard for your country and industry. For example, nsw.gov.au/…/RMS-45070588-Flashing-lights-and-sir…
- Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 2 days ago:
What was the question again?
- Comment on went to the local food bank today 4 days ago:
Thanks for letting us know. Are you ok?
- Comment on What really separates a PC from a server? Mainly the hardware, but I guess software too. 5 days ago:
Technically, only intent.
I can run a samba or plex server, for example, from my raspberry Pi, my desktop pc, or my laptop. These can all be considered servers as well as desktop PCs.
I could, in theory, buy a secondhand rackmount server from eBay and run it at home as a “desktop” pc with windows or Linux.
More practically, hardware architecture that provides redundancy and continuous uptime. A commercial enterprise server could have multiple hot-swap hard disks in a raid array, redundant and hot-swappable power supplies, and something in the back of my mind tells me that even RAM and CPU can be hot-swappable in some models (am I thinking of IBM power or did I imagine it?).
The advent of cloud and virtual machines could work towards making hardware redundancy and continuous uptime obsolete, but there are cases where servers on premises continue to be used and preferred.
I hope that others will correct me and add further information.
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 5 days ago:
Don’t dolphins and whales breathe through their blowholes?
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
Waiting for a repeat of Jan 6 from the other side, or a civil war, or the sovcits to take over, or all of the above, or some other unknown catastrophe.
Whatever disasters may or may not have come about due to “bad” presidents in the past will pale in comparison to the events of the next few years.
- Comment on Why doesn't phones numbers have a "DNS" servet so we can just type in words like we do with the internet? 2 weeks ago:
Because phone numbers are more complicated than IP addresses.
- Comment on In the 1985 movie Teen Wolf, when Scott Howard turned into a teen wolf, would he have had a human penis or a wolf penis? 2 weeks ago:
Asking for a friend
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 3 weeks ago:
im not gonna drink much after this for a while
Haha, famous last words
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 3 weeks ago:
Why isn’t there a license to have a kid? With an exam to make sure you’re going to look after them properly?
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 3 weeks ago:
When I was young and regularly drank to excess, they used to last until mid afternoon.
- Comment on Colesworth exit gates 3 weeks ago:
The sign says “gates will open automatically”, so I assume they will, and go through them at speed. Sometimes they don’t open and they get slammed with a trolley. Too bad, so sad. Sometimes they don’t open and I have to push them open with my hand or more usually kick them. On the rare occasion that a staff member notices or even gives a shit, I tell them to log a fault because the gates are broken.
- Comment on What even is fire? 3 weeks ago:
I always thought that fire is “just” plasma, but it’s more complicated: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire
- Comment on My YouTube homepage after I watch one balatro video 3 weeks ago:
Log out, clear cookies, never log in again.
- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 4 weeks ago:
- Flat out like a lizard drinking
- We’re not here to fuck spiders
- As dry as a dead dingo’s donger
- Forty cents short of a shout
- A few kangaroos loose in the top paddock
- Comment on What are the odds of getting salmonella when eating raw poultry products? 1 month ago:
Pretty much guaranteed. Don’t do it, unless you’re on a desert island with no food, no fire, and no hope of rescue.
- Comment on The lost days 1 month ago:
- Comment on Do people still call each other at midnight on NYE? 1 month ago:
What would they call each other?
- Comment on How do we know the government doesn't just have a secret hardware backdoor in all our devices? 2 months ago:
“If you can’t trust the governments of the world, then who can you trust?”
Albert Einstein, Young Einstein - Comment on Two in one stupidish question- Debate about United Healthcare CEO and best place to have it 2 months ago:
Not disagreeing, but do you have sources? I wouldn’t even know where to start looking.
- Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: 🚆🚇🚥 Wednesday, 18 December, 2024 2 months ago:
Just took the dog out for a wee and it started raining.
- Comment on Is it okay to continue to work for a (non-defense) federal government agency under an administration hostile to my own moral and ethical beliefs? 3 months ago:
Do you feel that your “customers” are the administration or the general public? Whom do you feel that you are serving in your job? Do you feel that the directions given to you by your administration are legal and safe and reasonable? Do you feel that the directions given to you by your administration cause a disadvantage to yourself or your “customers”?
You could try to clutch at straws to justify staying in your job. You might be able to reasonably determine that your feelings for your administration don’t affect the performance of your job. Maybe staying in your job is the best way to benefit your “customers” and obstruct the administration.
Only you can decide how you feel and what is an appropriate match for your own moral and ethical position.
- Comment on what's stops one from scavenging the best parts of old phones and putting them into a new one? 4 months ago:
Imagine you like the shape of the front of a Mini Cooper and the rear of a Ford mustang. You could take the paneling from the interior of a rolls Royce and the seats from a Lamborghini and make a really cool car.
Unfortunately, unlike modern standard PCs, phones are individually designed and built and even models in the same range can’t use each other’s parts or software.
Each component is designed to work with each of the other components and just slapping them together doesn’t necessarily make a new working product.
- Comment on Police use capsicum spray on neo-Nazis after clash at Melbourne asylum seeker rally 4 months ago:
So where’s the problem?
- Comment on How much should I expect to pay to have 40 feet of fence installed? 4 months ago:
Labour and materials depends on your country and location. Do you need to pay a ~bribe~ permit to local government as well? Will the neighbour on the other side pay half? Does it need to be painted?
Get a few quotes, ask for references of other fences they’ve built, and compare locally.
- Comment on why does every single flashlight have multiple settings that you have to scroll through? 4 months ago:
Rescued my daughter in the cliched flat tyre in the rain scenario, the flashing light was good to alert other drivers. I think it’s something that could be useful very rarely.
- Comment on What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu? 5 months ago:
It might or might not:
- arrive
- work
- be genuine
- be fit for purpose