Sometimes people tell me “never mind” but it is too late. I have already minded.
Anon is devilish
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
I put free credits in the machines at the arcade where I work because I like to see the little kids get excited when they find a machine is already loaded. 5 weeks ago
First one free, make 'em come back for more. 5 weeks ago
I took my kids to a nickel arcade, and it turns out that many of the games there only exist to dispense “tickets” that they can convert to rewards at the counter. Everything is digital now, so it’s not nearly as satisfying as it was when I was a kid. My kids blew through their allotment and when they compared their tickets to things they wanted, they added some of their own money to get up to a specific ticket amount to get the thing they wanted.
At that point it’s basically gambling, because the conversion of nickels to tickets is largely chance-based. So loading a game w/ free tokens that dispenses tickets may lead to gambling issues if the kid would otherwise play non-ticket games.
It’s a bit of a stretch, and I still think OP is a pretty decent human. 5 weeks ago
Never thought of it that way. I did once put $50 worth of tokens into a Jurassic Park machine that no one ever plays. Just to watch it get some love for a few hours. 5 weeks ago
I’ve said it two times (in different ways) in this comment section, but that’s a fitting username for this comment. 5 weeks ago
Delightfully devilish anon 5 weeks ago
Ho ho ho ho ho 5 weeks ago
I used to feel SO FUCKING LUCKY to get that extra mcnugget though 5 weeks ago
I feel equally as angry if they shorted me one. 5 weeks ago
Chaotic evil: only put it in one kids bag when there’s an order for two kids and watch them fight over it. 5 weeks ago
True Chaotic Evil:
2 extra nuggets for one kid, 1 short for the other.
Let the games begin. 5 weeks ago
That’s easier to rectify. The parent will just take one and give it to the other so there’s an equal amount. But with an odd number you either have to go Solomon or pick a kid, or eat it yourself and draw both their ire. 5 weeks ago
Fuck the milgram experiment i wanna watch this! 5 weeks ago
Devilish: in order to brighten a child’s life, deliberately steal resources from your corporate masters, torturing their knighted/blessed control and absolute authority over all of society. 5 weeks ago
Turns out Satan was the good guy this whole time 5 weeks ago
He thought it was his lucky day, but it was me, Dio! 5 weeks ago
that stuff used to make my day, also its good for the place too because I would go there again, thinking it was more common in this shop, maybe. 5 weeks ago
i did that all the time at my first job (Wendy’s), until I learned that a single extra nugget actually really really hurts how much money the managers come home with. a devastating amount, truly.
well, they acted like it. 🙄 5 weeks ago
Then you started adding two nuggets, right? 5 weeks ago
That sounds like something a velociraptor would say. Sus.
As an aside, my Gboard absolutely 100% did not want me to type “velociraptor.” Is Google promoting revisionist prehistory? 5 weeks ago
You don’t have to encourage me, I’m already doing it 5 weeks ago