- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 3 weeks ago:
An(n)ons favourite song:
- Comment on Anon sets up a prank at school 3 weeks ago:
ulimit -H -u 10
will (hard)limit the current process (the shell) to 10 subprocesses. You can also use it to limit the number of open files etc.To globally configure that for a user/group you’d use
instead.If you want to prevent users from filling up the disk, take a look into quota.
- Comment on Anon sets up a prank at school 3 weeks ago:
I’d scold the sysadmin instead for not cofiguring critical systems in a secure way. Ulimit exists for a reason.
- Comment on Anon questions the KKK 5 weeks ago:
Don’t wanna argue with the premises here. But isn’t Christianity also a bit stupid for praying towards the instrument that’s been used to torture and kill their leader.
Just imagine you are Jesus and come into a modern church. You’d run away screaming with all those crosses triggering your PTSD. And that’s before you’ve even heard of all the atrocities they’re doing there in your name.
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 1 month ago:
That. And the fact that doctor jokes have a well known scheme that’s broken here, as you’d normally expect the joke to continue after the sentence.
A woman comes to the doctor and asks “Can I take a bath with my diarrhea?” The doctor answers: “Sure, if it’s enough to fill the tub.”
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 1 month ago:
A neutron walks into a bar and asks: “How much for a beer?” The barman says: “For you, no charge”.
- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 1 month ago:
It’s a bit like the shortest joke: A woman comes at the doctor…
Or in German: Kommt 'ne Frau beim Arzt…
This one works well in German and English, but I assume it’s untranslatable in many other languages.
- Comment on Anon picks up some food for his family 1 month ago:
There are a lot of foods that taste better and better with every time you reheat them. Especially a lot of stews: Grünkohl, Bigos, Lasagna, Chilli con Carne, Pörkölt, all kinds of Curry etc.
Problem with reheating McDonald’s is, that it’s shit food to begin with. To get a decent menu out of McD leftovers you put them in the oven for 7 minutes, but make sure to replace them with a pizza 6 minutes before they’re done.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 month ago:
Is woman short for womb-man?
- Comment on Anon is devilish 1 month ago:
- Comment on Anon goes on holiday 2 months ago:
I was in Faliraki a few years ago and it was really nice. I was there in late October though, so there were only like 20 other tourists in town and all the penny arcades and tourist shops were already closed.
I’ll never understand why people fly to the south in the middle of the summer, when the weather is nice here anyway.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 months ago:
always wash chicken, in a separate room
Oh dang, I’ll have to move to a bigger house. My current home is lacking a chicken washing room.
- Comment on Why does the winter solstice mark the beginning of winter, and not the center? 2 months ago:
There are (at least) four different definitions of winter:
- Astronomical seasons are what you describe, and these are obviously based on astronomical events, for which the equinoxes and solstices are the perfect fix points. That the seasons start at these days is purely conventional, and in some times (roman empire) and places (Celtic calendar) people used these days as the center point of the season instead (also known as “Solar seasons”). Why those don’t match up with the actual temperature has already been explained in countless other replies.
- Meteorological seasons use a simple, month based approach, where winter is just December, January and February. That makes it easier for statistical usage but obviously is also just a man-made convention.
- The energy sector defines winter as the time of extended energy needs due to heating. Where I live, that’s defined as 1. of October - 31. of March, but for obvious reasons that’s highly dependent on where you are.
- Phenological seasons are a bit more what you’re looking for: They are based on biological events in indicator plants and a lot more complex than just being four fixed periods and only ever the same for small regions. Where I live, there are ten phenological seasons, winter starts when the English Oaks drop their leafs and ends with the blooming of the Common Hazle.
In other cultures there might be vastly different seasons. In many tropical countries you’ll only have the dry season and the monsun season.
- Comment on Should I get a drum kit, or a pressure washer? 2 months ago:
Use the drumset on speaker mode at 3am, sell silence to your neighbours for money and use the ransom to buy a pressure washer.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 2 months ago:
His mother already seems to have one. Maybe he can borrow it from her.
- Comment on Anon's lacking pissing habits 2 months ago:
While standing, do you shit directly into the water so that all the women in your vicinity get aroused by the sound of the splash or are you a stealth shitting fuckboy like Anon? And how exactly do you aim? So many questions.
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago:
Lol. Maybe you can help me out once more, as I’m a bit confused here, maybe it’s a cultural thing. Is it normal for Americans to throw around with swearwords while believing the others are impertinent, or is it just a chemicalprophet problem?
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago:
I’m not sure where exactly I said something assholy. If I did, I’m sorry as that was not my intention. GFY and a happy new year to you too, whatever that means.
- Comment on Anon is in a simulation 2 months ago:
Long distance calls are sometimes routed over geostationary satellites. These signals travel for 2x40,000km which leads to a very noticeable delay of ¼ of a second, the answer will reach you ½ a second later than usualy, which feels very odd.
At least that was the case in the 1990s, when I used the POTS to call long distance. Nowadays I’d assume most of that is routed over the Internet, which uses undersea cables and thus is usually much faster than that. - Comment on Duh 2 months ago:
What is love?
- Comment on Anon visits America 2 months ago:
An average male adult will burn round about 2000kcal/day, which comes down to 1kg of fat per week (that’s 2.2 lbs in freedom units). To burn through 10 punds in three days, you’d have to finish an Ironman every day. And all that’s assuming that your calorie intake is zero, nada, niente. So if you’re loosing 10 pounds in three days, you are either an exceptional athlete or you just peeing a lot. That’s also the problem with all these “loose 10kg in 2 weeks” diets: What you’re loosing is water, not fat. And as soon as you end the diet it’s a matter of days to regain that weight .
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
Anon: 2007
The music industry ca. 1981: - Comment on Anon plays a guessing game 4 months ago:
I don’t care that you used to be a dude, but I must say, the surgeon did an amazing job.
- Comment on Anon has their wisdom teeth removed 6 months ago:
I hope, you got Paracetamol, or Ibuprofen instead of Aspirin, as the latter is an anticoagulant, which prevents the blood from thickening itself. Other than that, that’s exactly the same medication I got in Germany when my wisdom teeth were extracted: Local anesthetics during the procedure, paracetamol for afterwards and a sick note for one day with the option to get it prolonged if necessary. Outside the US it’s not as common to throw a ton of opioids at minor/medium pains. Which is why the US has an opioid crisis and we don’t.
- Comment on Anon figures out how dieting works 9 months ago:
OTOH, if you eat a lot of shitty food, it can very well be the case, that you just get enough essential nutrients by the sheer amount of food you’re eating. That would mean that by cutting the amount without changing what you eat, you’d get into malnutrition.
- Comment on Anon discovers a diet trick 9 months ago:
Even if you only eat pure sugar, as long as you eat less than you burn, you’ll loose weight. You would of cause get scurvy and all other kinds of disease, but you’ll still loose weight. Your body can’t produce something out of the air, that’s thermodynamics 101.