Anon can't sleep
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Comments 2 months ago 2 months ago
How the fuck? 2 months ago
Yakuza drone operators taking the piss 2 months ago
He wished it, obviously. 2 months ago
I had a friend whose mom was prescribed Ambien. I think it was the first time I’d ever heard of it. She said she kept having experiences like waking up in bed with empty bags of flour and jars of mayonnaise, so she stopped taking it. 2 months ago
My ex GF had a roommate who was taking this stuff and apparently frequently woke up with empty bags of McDonald’s or Taco Bell on the bed, meaning he’d literally sleepwalk to his car, go to the drive thru, order, drive back, and eat, all without remembering any of it the next day. No idea how this stuff is even legal, it’s a miracle he never ended up in a car accident. 2 months ago
My mother actually died in a car wreck last week. We’re almost certain it was ambien related. Luckily there was no other people or vehicles involved. 2 months ago
It does seem pretty wild how widely it’s prescribed given anecdotes like that. I also a knew a guy who had been taking it for over 10 years and clearly was wildly addicted. 2 months ago
I had to take sleep pills years ago, and after taking them I couldn’t sleep still so I took them again and went dark instantly and had the most strange dreams I ever had, one of them was calling my girlfriend to tell her thar we were not really working and that we should broke up. Woke up fully dressed and bathed on my job washing some dishes. I went out, called my girlfriend, but her mother said that she didn’t wanted to pass to the phone, because that was never a dream and I actually broke with her. 2 months ago
Someone have me 5 Ambien once claiming they were pain pills. This was like 25 years ago. First 2 didn’t work (weren’t getting me high) so I took them all. According to my roommates I did some seriously crazy shit. I didn’t remember shit for like 3 days but I was having full on conversations with Jesus (an American flag hanging in our living room we all wrote dumb shit on at parties), I drew all over my bedroom wall with a sharpie (thought it was the flag I guess) took apart our dryer for reasons unknown, all our weed was in a collander in the sink… There was more but the point is don’t take 5 Ambien, even if you thought it was oxy or something. Don’t take 5 of anything ever really.
Same thing happened a few months later but with roofies. 2 months ago
Sounds like a pattern. Did you manage to break the pattern? 2 months ago
Same thing happened a few months later but with roofies.
Gave me an LOL thnx. As someone who’s midlife now I love looking back at my parallel and knowing those days are long past. Sounds like you can say the same thing. 2 months ago
Mild side-effect, don’t worry about it. 2 months ago
Ambien makes me sleepwalk and wake up in strange places. Doc adjusted my meds after I provided feedback. No issue with what I take now. 2 months ago
Seems like ambien, and only Ambien, does that to a lot of people. 2 months ago
Somnambien 2 months ago
IMO its either too high a dose or the person didn’t listen about mixing alcohol and ambien.
People wake up in jail after mixing the two sometimes. 2 months ago 2 months ago
How is this a legal drug… 2 months ago
The first rule of the Loaf Club… 2 months ago
Reminds me of that sleepwalker perk on fallout London 2 months ago
Most believable greentext I’ve seen in a while. 2 months ago
Ambien. Ambien happened. 2 months ago
Fucking Ambien. I tried it for a week to help with my insomnia and it did not work at all. I would get a little sleepy for about 5 minutes then I was loopy as hell and very active/hyper. At about the 10-15 minute mark my memory would crap out so all the best stories I can’t even recall just what people told me the next day. Things like laying down on a skateboard and scooting around with my hands, sobbing about the small villagers in the bed that we’re going to lose their culture if the blankets got disrupted, searching the house for the blacksmith and winding up talking to my frog about his sword making. Wild stuff. I threw out the rest of the bottle after a few days because if it wasn’t helping me sleep and I couldn’t remember the high what even is the point 2 months ago
Do they even prescribe that anymore? That shit was horrible 2 months ago
general practitioners hand it out like candy to anybody who’s having trouble sleeping. mine sent me to a shrink because he wasn’t comfortable perpetually filling trazodone for me but he offered me Ambien 2 months ago 2 months ago
Oh yeah. It still seems to be a preferred option. Dependency doesn’t seem to be an issue, although tolerance does. Not everyone has quite OP’s reaction, although it’s not uncommon. 2 months ago
Hopefully we can all be lucky enough to meet the walrus some day.