- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
The OneDrive plug at the end is *chefs kiss*
- Comment on Homer Simpson irl 2 weeks ago:
Could you release the already captured images for him to take to a doctor for medical advice?
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 2 weeks ago:
Short answer: no
Long answer:
In scientific terms, the glow comes from chemical reactions within our bodies. These chemical reactions besides generating energy and producing heat also produce free radicals – atoms or molecules that have a lone, isolated electron. That makes these radicals highly reactive setting off a series of energetic chemical reactions as they interact with various fats and proteins in our cells. **The glow is produced when these reactions involve fluorophores – molecules that give off photons (elementary particles of light). **
- Comment on LIVE! 3 weeks ago:
I need this on a t-shirt.
- Comment on This letter from "Friends of Zion" my grandmother received today 3 weeks ago:
Not the only source, or a primary source, but the most comprehensive I’ve found so far. How Israel killed hundreds of its own people on 7 October
- Comment on This job description for a job posting by Amazon 4 weeks ago:
If you’re spending minutes scrolling then I don’t think the post is the problem here
- Comment on This job description for a job posting by Amazon 4 weeks ago:
Your reader should have a way to open and zoom in on the full resolution version if you fullscreen the image. Mine has a “HD” icon in the top right.
- Comment on Nope 4 weeks ago:
Some dude would most definitely be keeping them as pets
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
I don’t think they were advertising it that way, the label in the picture says security glass. The reddit post is just poorly titled.
- Comment on Liquid Death Quietly Adds Stevia to Tea Drinks 5 weeks ago:
The switch cartridges have a bitterant added to them since they’re small enough to be a choking hazard. It’s not the smell of the construction material they’re talking about.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
This isn’t plexiglass, it seems to just be laminated glass
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 5 weeks ago:
There was a contracted security guard there at all times, a rule that you couldn’t use any tools, and they called it off after a day when the bus stop frame started to weaken. Only $500 of real money was placed on top of a bunch of fake money.
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 1 month ago:
Ford execs have floated it too
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 1 month ago:
That’s the point of what they’re saying. If you’re only buying a subscription to the content then it’s not theft to get access to that content by other means.
- Comment on Costs to thee, but none for me! 1 month ago:
Well it’s not about incentive but because people deserve to be paid for their labor more than the publisher deserves to make profit. If we’re talking about the evils of financial incentives then we really should be looking at the publishers.
- Comment on Multiverse 1 month ago:
Nah there’s definitely different universes/timelines in star trek. The series just have the one main timeline they follow.
In TNG theres the dark Romulan war timeline in which Yar doesn’t die in that confrontation with the evil tar pit guy and goes on to prevent war with the Romulans, switching us back to the main timeline where the war doesn’t happen but Yar’s descendant is a Romulan warlord. I think this is the same timeline in DS9 where evil Kira and all of them exist. It’s mentioned in DS9 that the Kirk in this timeline also switched places with the Kirk in the main timeline at some point but I didn’t watch TOS so I cannot confirm.
The final season of Lower Decks was also a huge step into multiverse theory. So perhaps there is more to come.
- Comment on The US is actually going to implement a nationwide abortion ban and the measures for how it's gonna be handled are already in the works 1 month ago:
I mean he wrote it after his experience in the British Ministry of Information during WWII. That reality arguably already existed when he wrote it and he just put it into terms that made the contradictions obvious and stole a plot to make it into a full length novel about how communism is bad and scary.
1984 is supposedly a cautionary tale about what would happen if the Communists won, and yet it was based on his own, actual, Capitalist country and his job serving it. It’s really no wonder how we got here, they’re just expanding the same tactics and rhetoric into new territory.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Hear, hear. I prefer socialist revolution of course but in the meantime I’m willing to compromise.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Yep. All of this. They want the “good” immigrants and the “middle” classes who can afford expensive education and travel, and not the lower classes that their own society is built on the backs of. Their base is just too easily blinded by racism to see the class war for what it is.
They don’t need to reinstate slavery, they already are able to employ people at wages below what it costs to feed, clothe, and house them. They don’t care how we live as long as they are making more money than last year, which includes profiting from our consumption. No, all they have to do is gradually replace their workforce with workers that accept lower compensation. Poverty, homelessness, recessions, debt, unemployment, these are all necessary components of capitalism. They keep the workforce desperate for any wage it can get. Capitalists have referred to it as “tempering” the workforce.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Absolutely, I fully agree with you. We are experiencing the same depression of wages in the engineering sector because of these abusive practices. I still live quite comfortably as an engineer but I am watching the conditions develop for it to be taken from me as it has from others.
I question how it can be that I interact with more foreign nationals than the marginalized peoples of my own country, especially those like myself whom I grew up with that have all the same drive I do. I am watching as the ladder that got me here is being stuffed with exploitable labor and pulled back up, when more should be going down and leading to more diverse careers that actually serve humanity. Unlike my industry whose entire business model is taking an essential service from our countrymen so they could sell it back to us in a form that regularly kills and financially burdens us.
Sorry about your health situation. It really sucks that we live under such oppressive conditions, with leaders would allow our needs to be deprived from us simply because we do not have the wealth that they are accountable to. It feels like a cliché to say money is the root of all evil but every day it gets harder to avoid such an apparent truth.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 2 months ago:
I think it’s talking about rows of seating. Not the grille.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
marginalizing the majority
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Oh & reminder Stallin apologists are class traitors.
Who told you that? The American capitalist class? You really trust what they have to say about the leader of a socialist country they were trying to justify a war with, and prevent their own working class from getting any ideas, at all costs?
I invite you to challenge all beliefs that have been formed under a state which finds itself threatened by socialist revolution.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
My guy. I’m a black woman from a single mother with a bachelor in engineering. I am putting in the work, out on the streets in my community, organizing with a revolutionary party. I invite you to read through my comment history.
The Republicans and Democrats are both right wing parties of capital. Neither of them are on the side of the people and they absolutely were not about to give you welfare reform.
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 2 months ago:
“HR: Have they said they are a Nazi or that they hated Jews?”
- Comment on ADL defends Nazi salute 2 months ago:
Yes. At best, he is an apologist for Israel/Zionism which does not represent Jewish people as a whole. Zionists hated Holocaust victims and were Nazi collaborators.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I imagine this is the kind of nonsense political take one develops when they go through life only skimming a few grade school economics textbooks and actively disregarding all other reality or thought.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
noooo you HAVE to enforce borders with violence!!! How else will you keep out all the cretins from nations whose infrastructure you’ve destroyed and resources you’ve plundered!!! You can’t possibly take care of all those people, think of tHe EcOnOmY!!! hahaha that’s so funny guy you really think this is a normal and well adjusted view of the world. The scare quotes around uplifting minorities is a cherry on top. You’re so devoid of empathy you can’t even fucking imagine a world of people that actually care about each other for the sake of their humanity.
I’ll take a “stallin apologist” over a capitalist that cares more about his stocks than his fellow man. Any fucking day of the week.
- Comment on Anon picks up some food for his family 2 months ago:
McDonald’s fries just aren’t good anymore imho, period. There was a time when I would go just for the fries, even post beef tallow era. Not anymore.
- Comment on We overpaid you and need you to pay back $.23 2 months ago:
Quite possibly. Payment processing is not free or effortless, not to mention preventing moments like this where you look petty going to all this trouble to ask for less than a quarter of a dollar.