Or maybe get your news from somewhere else besides “guy on tic tok sitting in his car”
“Ed Allen, with IBEW 66, said the fentanyl report was not true and the report that 20 linemen were taken hostage was a hoax.”
Submitted 7 months ago by x0x7@lemmy.world to videos@lemmy.world
The state that embodies selfishness and the “I got mine” attitude is surprisingly blaming the electricity company and those helping restore power when a natural disaster hits.
I’m flabbergasted that the state isn’t pulling together, working on the community, and helping those in need. Instead people resorting to pulling weapons on blue collar workers and trying to sue anyone they can.
Enjoy the hell you made. Just stop trying to make the rest of the US like you.
Hey we didn’t ask for this, Houston is blue and progressive. The state fucked us by privatizing utilities
that’s true, I shouldn’t blame innocent Texans on it. It’s the idiots who are threatening blue collar workers who are the worst right now. The ones who are more worried about themselves than everyone else.
So wtf is going on here? Why are linemen being attacked? Is there some new Qtard conspiracy going on?
People have been so amped up with undirected random anger against the system that it’s just spilling out in random directions against anything that looks like organized activity.
As soon as it can get harnessed and channeled against Democrats, it’ll turn into a hell of a big problem.
He said 2 of their guys are in the hospital for being given water laced with fentanyl. That’s just asshole behavior.
Icing on the cake? Our absentee rolling turd machine of a govenor is on the news complaining about the electric company in Houston.
Fucking insanity.
Isn’t the absentee part by design though? I’m pretty sure it was designed that way to minimize waste. The legislature only meets every other year for about 5 months, Seems like the absenteeism is a feature… I get it that it sucks during a natural disaster. See the meme above though.
Absentee as in he left for oversees knowing a hurricane was going to hit his state.
Regardless of whichever “side” you’re on, what possible benefit is there to attacking linemen trying to restore power to people’s homes???
Conservatives vs everyone else are the sides these days
Chaos, the people who want to overthrow the government know they can just any chaos they insue to their advantage.
It turns out, when you spend the last 30 years turning your constituents into a fearful, hate based mob.
They aren’t controllable…
Electricity is woke, pussy!
I don’t think we can expect sense or logic from terrorists.
Wew lad, am I glad not to be in the US of A. What the hell is wrong with that country?
We are filled up with oppositional defiant puritan racists who believe in Calvinist predestination. Has been since the beginning and the delusions persist to this day.
Reminder that everybody whose ancestors came over on the Mayflower came over because they were basically kicked out of England for being too prudish.
A lot. Right now though, all of politics and capitalism and everything can be broken down into selfishness and greed. If you break all of our chemical soup brains together, all of our country’s problems are root caused by those two issues. People are selfish, and they are greedy - and we have let those fester for way too long.
We’ve lost our collective minds because everyone’s been programmed by the media to be a victim about everything.
The video doesn’t work. Just shows a picture
Thank you
Skill issue.
Settle down, young one.
There is no link showing in my app.
GSP working overtime
MyOpinion@lemm.ee 7 months ago
Texas is a dystopian nightmare.
originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com 7 months ago