Not a true greentext but I hope I have captured the spirit of it. (First time I wrote smth like this, don’t be harsh on me. >w<)
why is life like this?
Because someone else getting access to your email account nowadays is worse than losing your wallet, phone and keyring, combined. 8 months ago
Use a password manager. Won’t forget passwords anymore. 8 months ago
Image 8 months ago
just use a password manager for the password manager password 8 months ago
Write it down somewhere. Just do it by hand. 8 months ago
just make the password a little story you can remember, e,g. “Carl+Lenny:go2a bar&spend$$$” 8 months ago
My strategy for this is to have a second password manager available on a couple old devices, accessed with biometrics (fingerprint in this case), and only the master password saved within it.
I considered saving it within the main manager itself, since I have devices where I can use biometrics rather than password, but that feels like a bad idea.
Has definitely been a life saver 8 months ago
Print out your recovery kit or master password and put it with your other documents (like birth certificate).