- Comment on The Human Condition 5 days ago:
- Comment on Anon finds a new way to get protein 1 week ago:
Please don’t eat this. My cat needs his gainz
- Comment on The workplace is most toxic atmosphere I've ever experienced. No wonder they force us to buy necessities with this money they give us. 1 week ago:
On the other hand, if you find yourself thinking “hmm, I have great technical skills including software architecture, I could make a positive broader impact here!” they’re going to ignore you unless you’re a smooth talking charismatic motherfucker
- Comment on Wish I could just keep drinking, but I need to cut back soon. 3 weeks ago:
Me irl. Back to screwing around with Linux and making half baked software nobody else ever sees!
- Comment on SLAY 3 weeks ago:
Woah. That totally makes sense actually. Thanks!
- Comment on New clothes and more Linux! 3 weeks ago:
Is that a Logitech G502 👀 good taste!
- Comment on SLAY 4 weeks ago:
Wait, snowflakes are that big? Or is this just a silly meme?
I have very limited experience with snow being in Australia and all
- Comment on 4 weeks ago:
The money will disappear into a hole, just like it does every time the US government invests into tech
- Comment on Career options 4 weeks ago:
Literally me.
Well, except I thought I had the answer at one point, but now I’m disillusioned and jaded
- Comment on Alan Emrich, the game designer and writer who coined the term '4X,' has died 5 weeks ago:
Oh damn, thats a name I admittedly haven’t heard in a while. This guy had a huge impact on the games I played growing up. Still play the Master of Orion games every now and then. RIP
- Comment on Do you want me to heat that up in the "Michael Wave"? 1 month ago:
Love this video. Such devotion to Michaelsoft Binbows.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
I think that’s part of the fun of an “ask people” forum, the answers reveal the common understanding of the definition of the question itself!
For example, In this question the term “male loneliness” is seemingly semantically meaningful. It seems to be a name given to the popular perception or understanding of a certain phenomenon.
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 1 month ago:
the uniparty
- Comment on american culture 1 month ago:
Rude tweets? At this time of year?
- Comment on These dames wanting inclusivity 1 month ago:
That’s NSFL bro!
- Comment on Carcinisation has got the furniture too! 1 month ago:
That’s some HR Giger shit
- Comment on Any relations experts? 1 month ago:
Those damn “form over function” people…
Anyway that’s my excuse for lack of home decoration sense: it’s all function-first. Yeah. Totally that.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 5x10 "The New Next Generation" 1 month ago:
I can’t believe it’s already been five seasons… that was a great show.
Unexpectedly really relatable too, as a young working professional (well, less young than when it started…)
- Comment on What do You think about level scaling in cRPGs? 2 months ago:
Ah, I didn’t see the “c” in my sleep deprived state, whoops
- Comment on What do You think about level scaling in cRPGs? 2 months ago:
I despised it in World of Warcraft, but I actually loved it in The Witcher 3. How I feel about it seems to be at least somewhat related to whether it’s a singleplayer game or multiplayer. But it’s more complicated than that - in TW3 without scaling enabled the whole game becomes piss easy even on Death March so it’s kinda required for me to even enjoy the gameplay at all. There are still many ways to gain relative character power that exceeds the level scaling that eventually you just WILL overpower everything regardless.
Unless it’s basically broken I will play games on the highest difficulty possible, because that’s just more fun to me.
- Comment on How was trying to get a job different THEN vs NOW 2 months ago:
Bang on with the motley collection of technologies coming from HR hahah
- Comment on Ahahah, it's too late Batman, I've already released an uncountable amount of PFAS into Gotham's water supply! 2 months ago:
joker serum 🤤
- Comment on I'll take two Pedros with a side of Henry 2 months ago:
nah it’s just beauty standards from the media give cis straight guys dysphoria
- Comment on Premium Ads 3 months ago:
Yep… although… Lately my TV PC’s CPU has been groaning under the weight of all the Firefox addons required to make YouTube usable lol.
- Comment on I screen, you screen, we all screen for I screen. 3 months ago:
That is deeply amusing. It’s the same instinct…
- Comment on 'He was an incurable romantic': The boy who lived a secret life in World of Warcraft 3 months ago:
I’m gonna watch this, but it’s gonna make me cry man haha
I also had a friend on WoW who also had an incurable illness and eventually passed away. We spent hours together on Ventrilo back in the day
- Comment on Anon takes their dog for a walk 3 months ago:
Your ass is grass
- Comment on If you find any German words, you can keep them 3 months ago:
- Comment on If you find any German words, you can keep them 3 months ago:
I have another one for you:
- Comment on Don't Do Drugs 4 months ago:
Lmao that’s hilarious… got any more?