Neurotypical // Neurodivergent
I often forget the term and end up using atypical.
Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago
Shit like that is why I think neuro-atypical people might actually be the correct psychological state and everyone else is just a “normal” animal.
Neurotypical // Neurodivergent
I often forget the term and end up using atypical.
I don’t listen to hip-hop.
it’s a good show
I gotta be honest, some of you 2 months ago
An AuDHD perspective: Neurotypicals tend to lack curiosity and passion for interests. They’re less in-touch with their senses, sometimes needing mind-altering substances in order to appreciate basic sensory stimuli. Not only that, but they are overly-invested in “following the group” and “blending in,” even if it ends up harming them.
So yeah, you might be onto something. 2 months ago
What self-important bullshit 🤣 2 months ago
Average neurotypical reaction. Can’t expect them to understand 🤷 2 months ago
Imagine thinking normal people don’t have hobbies and then acting superior about it on the Internet… 2 months ago
You literally can not expect them to understand. 2 months ago
That’ll be the autism. 2 months ago
Says the guy who just had his feeling of superiority threatened. 2 months ago
I like to call it Attention Surplus Disorder. It’s crazy to me how most people can just focus on something for 50 hours a week that they’re not interested in at all, and this doesn’t set off warning bells in their head.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of antiwork neurotypucals, but it seems weird how many people actively support it. 2 months ago
I think for most people it’s just a matter of tradeoffs. You don’t have to be interested in the act of doing something in order to be interested in the consequence of doing that thing.
Someone who doesn’t like driving may still drive, and concentrate on driving the entire time, to get to a destination where they want to end up. For someone who doesn’t like to cook but wants to eat hot food, cooking is a means to that end.
Now, if you’re saying that you don’t think that tradeoff is worth it to you, maybe that’s true of them if they stop to think about it, too. But I’m not sure that’s what’s going on for most people who continue to work jobs they don’t like. 2 months ago
When the interest at issue is human relationships and social norms, I think it flips the other way around.
Better to characterize things by what type of interests tend to appeal to which. 2 months ago
Idk, dude. I’ve met people I swear are autistic but social but they’re overly rigid about social norms and being polite. I don’t buy it. Anyone can be interested in anything. 2 months ago
Yeah, but I’m responding to a comment that says that neurotypical people aren’t curious or passionate about the things they’re interested in, and I think that’s too narrow of a way to define “interest.”
I’d reject that way of thinking because that principle could be weaponized to accuse some neurodivergent people of not caring about people by misreading why they might not be great with social cues or things like that. 2 months ago
Is this supposed to be a description about a person with adhd or a person without cuz that description was spot on for some of my relatives with adhd in that they can’t hold attention on one thing too long so passion and interest was very brief. And if we’re studying one relative I had in particular, she was constantly trying to fit in and buy things to fill a void. It did much harm. ADHD was only one of the comorbidity she was struggling with. 2 months ago
It’s a description of “neurotypical people” from the perspective of somebody who has autism/ADHD.
This is opposed to autistic people “having intense interests.” If a high level of interest in a particular topic is my “normal,” then other people’s levels of interests seem very low by comparison.
This is opposed to autistic people “stimming” in various forms. Exploring textures, staring at interesting lights, engaging in repetitive physical movements, and more are all examples of “stimming.” A lot of neurotypical people wouldn’t wave their hands between their eyes and a light just to enjoy the visual (and physical) sensations that arise from it - unless they’re tripping balls. Some people can’t seem to appreciate a super soft blanket, a complicated painting, or how strange their own body feels, until they’ve taken some kind of mind-altering substance that heightens their sensory experience. Even just on thoughts and ideas alone, I can’t count how many times I’ve said things that made people go, “What are you smoking? (And are you willing to share?)”
When you’ve always stuck out, the idea of “blending in” is laughable. I’ve never had the luxury of being a wallflower. I’ve come across so many people who have had good reason to speak up or stand out, yet they’d been terrified of breaking from conformity. From the perspective of someone who lacks the compulsive need to align themselves with an in-group, being so scared of “standing out” feels rather silly.
Does that help make more sense? 2 months ago
Don’t hold back. Just come out and say it that you think people who can actually hold a conversation with each other are just pathetic and you look down on them.
Not that distant from what an incel would write. 2 months ago
AuDHD refers to simultaneous autism + ADHD.
Some symptoms appear to “cancel out” each other from an external perspective. 2 months ago
my neighbour’s son is autistic with adhd. Their son was preyed upon by a gang. and my nephew is autistic with adhd but presents very differently. Hopefully he will grow to not be so easily taken as the neighbour’s son. it’s so tragic.
my niece is adhd. Their father was adhd but again, very different.
No two are exactly the same.
It’s a massive stretch to say simply being atypical means you’re invulnerable to peer pressure. If anything it’s been quite the opposite.