- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 3 days ago:
The vast majority of full service restaurant transactions are by card. Something like 80% of restaurant transactions are by card, and full service restaurants with servers are even higher.
There’s not a ton of cash tips at this point, so underreporting cash tips doesn’t make as big of a difference as it used to.
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 6 days ago:
I don’t think most people consider dates to be the same as dressing up for work. One can look “nice” without having to look like a white collar drone in a boring workplace.
For example, I have different suits and ties for the workplace (conservative, standard dark colors) versus for things like weddings (brighter, more expressive colors and patterns and fabrics).
But even short of that level of formality, there are fashion choices that can attract attention. If you’re in an environment where the dress code is to wear a collar and some buttons, there’s a difference between a plain polo (whether cotton or some kind of performance polyester athleisure) or a short sleeve buttoned shirt with some fun prints (whether we’re talking about Dan Flashes or a Hawaiian shirt or something more subtle), on top of the decision on whether to wear that shirt tight or loose or baggy.
Or, some people make conscious choices for their athletic wear, when they’re going to the gym or for a run or a bike ride, or playing sports like golf or basketball or tennis.
For people who are going on dates, the attire can convey a message, either intentional or not. And people might choose to send completely different messages in the workplace versus on dates versus just out with friends.
- Comment on 🎵 🎶 🎵 2 weeks ago:
Like rehearsing a speech in the mirror while getting ready for the day.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 3 weeks ago:
By my count that’s:
16g carbs (64 calories) 45g fat (405 calories) 56g protein (224 calories) 14g alcohol (100 calories)
That’s about 800 calories per day, with enough protein to maintain at least some lean mass while on a significant calorie deficit.
Doesn’t seem healthy but I think it would work.
- Comment on Anon's strict mom 1 month ago:
Luminol is a chemical that reacts with hemoglobin to glow where very small amounts of blood might have been. That’s usually sprayed, for detecting much smaller concentrations than what would show up under a UV light. That might be what you’re thinking of.
- Comment on Anon visits America 1 month ago:
Because it’s a week lol you’re talking about losing water from sweating, stored sugars in muscles from exercising, and a teensy bit of fat loss.
Yes, and that is visibly noticeable on many people.
When I switch from bulk to cut the cut starts to take effect like almost immediately, and I slim down significantly within a few days. I know it’s mostly glycogen and water, but it physically looks very different after the water wooshes out of your body and your muscles become more visible.
(Also, it’s not exactly sweat, it’s that higher glycogen levels are bound to water molecules, which get released and can actually be used by the body or discarded as excess as the body seeks an equilibrium.)
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
Anyone can be interested in anything.
Yeah, but I’m responding to a comment that says that neurotypical people aren’t curious or passionate about the things they’re interested in, and I think that’s too narrow of a way to define “interest.”
I’d reject that way of thinking because that principle could be weaponized to accuse some neurodivergent people of not caring about people by misreading why they might not be great with social cues or things like that.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
I think for most people it’s just a matter of tradeoffs. You don’t have to be interested in the act of doing something in order to be interested in the consequence of doing that thing.
Someone who doesn’t like driving may still drive, and concentrate on driving the entire time, to get to a destination where they want to end up. For someone who doesn’t like to cook but wants to eat hot food, cooking is a means to that end.
Now, if you’re saying that you don’t think that tradeoff is worth it to you, maybe that’s true of them if they stop to think about it, too. But I’m not sure that’s what’s going on for most people who continue to work jobs they don’t like.
- Comment on Diamond market 1 month ago:
Neurotypicals tend to lack curiosity and passion for interests.
When the interest at issue is human relationships and social norms, I think it flips the other way around.
Better to characterize things by what type of interests tend to appeal to which.
- Comment on Box Office: 'Kraven the Hunter' Bombs With Worst Start for Sony's Marvel Films 2 months ago:
Marvel licensed the film rights to Spider Man to Sony.
Then X-Men to Fox.
Then Hulk to Universal.
And throughout all of this, the lawyers have fought over which villains of characters properly fall within each category, signing new deals or borrowing characters and rights.
The Disney-Fox merger made things simpler for X-Men versus not-X-Men characters. But the Spider-Man cross licensing for Sony-produced Spider Man movies that take place within the same universe as MCU makes it more complicated, too. So did the Netflix rights to Daredevil and Jessica Jones and a few other characters in that orbit.
Wtf is it for?
To make money, including making sure that rights don’t lapse from non-use.
- Comment on Depressing awful town 2 months ago:
Altoona melt
- Comment on The Ljungavik Dog: A Mesolithic dog burial 2 months ago:
I once dated someone with an extensive oral history.
- Comment on Took me by surprise 2 months ago:
Is this a thing people do? When I was in my 20’s I did the opposite, jerking off before dates so that I’d last longer later on.
- Comment on Do you think being left-handed gives any unique qualities or advantages compares to other right handed? 2 months ago:
It’s true of all combat sports, and, to some degree, any other sport in which you go face to face with your opponent.
And although it might be true that at the very very top levels people both learn to be more ambidextrous (so that there’s less of a mismatch between sides whether right or left handed) and are more experienced/skilled at dealing with left handed opponents, the early years of learning the sport will weed out fewer left handed people so that the top levels have more left handed people.
- Comment on “Daddy why that man walk in Italics?…” 3 months ago:
Is this a slur for Italian people?
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
I’ve been pondering orbs, don’t know what y’all are doing.
- Comment on Anon gives up dating apps 3 months ago:
The true key is…counterintuitive as this sounds, not looking.
I agree with your overall comment but would also expand on this point. It’s ok to be looking (and open about that fact) but you’re right that looking for a romantic/sexual relationship is a lot easier when it’s combined with looking for other things at the same time, like the other things you’re talking about: people to share conversations with, to share hobbies with, to do things with, to learn from, to accomplish things with. Because after all, even if you do find someone to be a romantic partner, you’ll want all those other things as part of it, too.
Most people who share your interests or want to do things with you won’t be potential partners. I’m a straight cis guy with a lot of stereotypical straight guy interests, which means that the majority of people I meet through my hobbies are other straight guys, and none of us want to date each other. Even most of the women aren’t in the dating pool (age, relationship status, other factors).
Being social creates opportunities to meet partners. For people who are able to do that, being social is the easiest way to create the environment where potential partners want to talk to you and want to explore compatibility with you.
- Comment on Half as Hot 3 months ago:
Which room though?
- Comment on Literally Nineteen Eighty-Four 3 months ago:
recipes are basically an engineering text
I would love to see more systematic recipe formats.
Around 15-20 years ago there was a website called “Cooking for Engineers” that used a table format for recipes that was pretty clever, and a very useful diagram for how to visualize the steps (at least for someone like me). I don’t think he ever updated the site to be mobile friendly but you can see it here:
He describes the recipe in a descriptive way, but down at the bottom it lists ingredients and how they go together in a chart that shows what amounts to use, what ingredients go into a particular step, what that step is, and how the product of that step feeds into the next step.
- Comment on Halloween Botany 4 months ago:
You’re thinking of indigo.
That’s 6.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 4 months ago:
Depends on the topic. From what I can tell, Lemmy skews young and technical and towards certain personalities and interests, so there are going to be topics that go to those strengths, but also topics where the discussions get mired down in either discussing the basics or get stuck in a pretty unsophisticated understanding of the topic.
It’s obvious with the hyper local discussions (where should I eat in this city when I visit), because there just aren’t enough knowledgeable people to form a quorum for quality discussion. But it’s also true in many of the hobby/interest discussions, simply because there aren’t enough people to where good discussion encourages more high quality discussion in a feedback loop.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 4 months ago:
Partially. I think it’s a good drop in replacement for:
- Anything technology oriented, from software to hardware to what different open source projects are up to, to what tech corporations are doing, and various discussions around ecosystems (the internet itself, specific services like Discord or Reddit or LinkedIn, app stores, social networking, etc.)
- Funny memes or other humor
It’s got pretty good coverage of certain topics:
- Politics, at least on specific sub topics
- Science and specific scientific disciplines
It has a few pockets that work for very specific things:
- Specific TV show or movie franchises (looking at you, Star Trek)
- ADHD or neurodivergent support/advice
- Noncredible Defense is actually here. Love it.
And it’s just missing a bunch of things I loved on Reddit:
- Sports, especially the unique culture of the NBA subreddit
- Other specific interests in television, film, music, or other cultural interests.
- Local things in specific cities
- Finance and economics stuff
- Lots of specific interests/hobbies are missing, or just aren’t as active.
- Advice/support for career/work life, especially specific careers (in my case, the legal industry and life as a lawyer)
- Advice/support relating to personal relationships, from parenting to dating to very specific support forums for things like divorce or cancer. Even what does exist here is disproportionately neurodivergent, so the topics of focus seem to be pretty different than what would be discussed in other places.
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
The law falls back to a bunch of hidden rules if the language isn’t explicit.
“No vehicles in the park” is a simple rule, but then poses problems when you have to ask whether that includes baby strollers, regular bicycles, or electric assist bicycles, whether there’s an exception for ambulances in an emergency, etc.
Somewhat famously, there was a case a decade or so ago where someone was prosecuted under Sarbanes Oxley’s obstruction of justice provisions, passed to criminalize Enron-like accounting coverups. The guy was convicted for tossing undersized fish overboard to avoid prosecution for violating fish and wildlife rules. The statute made it a crime for anyone who “knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence” a federal investigation. So the Supreme Court had to figure out whether a fish is a “tangible object” in the meaning of the law, when it is clearly a “tangible object” within the normal meaning of the term, but not the type of object that stores records, as everything else described in the criminal statute.
So that just means, in the end, simplicity of language can betray complexity of meaning underneath. Lawyers tend to prefer to make things clear up front so that there’s no uncertainty later on, and that just leads to unreasonably complicated language.
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
But imagine describing an area in meter•feet instead of square feet or square meters. That could really piss everyone off.
- Comment on Hmmmm 4 months ago:
You don’t need an extra document to define each term as it is expected that others in the field will understand the language used.
For lawyers, it’s the opposite, actually. Lawyers are overly cautious and choose to explicitly define terms themselves, all the time. If they can reference a definition already in a specific law, great. But they’ll go ahead and explicitly make that link, instead of relying on the reader to assume they know which law to look up.
So any serious contract tends to use pages and pages of definitions at the beginning.
Imagine programmers being reluctant to use other people’s libraries, but using the same function and variable names with slightly different actual meanings/purposes depending on the program. That’s what legal drafting is like.
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
Probably. But it’s also a bit of a difficult question to compare the two.
One prominent estimate is that about half of all humans who have ever lived died from mosquito-related illness, about 50 billion of the 100 billion humans who have ever lived.
For humans, it’s estimated that about 3-4% of paleolithic humans died from violence at the hands of another person, and that number may have risen to about 12% during medieval history, before plummetting in the modern age.
But that’s the comparison of direct violence versus illness. Humans have a strong capacity to indirectly cause death, including by starvation, illness, indirect trauma. How do we count deaths from being intentionally starved as part of a siege? Or biological weapons, including the time the Nazis intentionally flooded Italian marshes to increase malaria? Do we double count those as both human and mosquito deaths?
And then there’s unintentional deaths, caused by indifference or recklessness or negligence. Humans have caused famines, floods, fires, etc.
So yeah, mosquitoes probably win. But don’t sleep on humans. And remember that the count is still going on, and humans can theoretically take the lead in the future.
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
Ok but mosquitoes historically are the #1 killers of humans, by an order of magnitude
Homo sapien: am I a joke to you?
- Comment on Subway 4 months ago:
I would think that an ad for something would paint that thing in a favorable light, not make it look gross and weird and unappealing.
- Comment on Explains a lot... 4 months ago:
Same but also because I haven’t felt the desire to get taco bell without having been drinking first.
- Comment on He's just lucky I guess 4 months ago:
No sorry this is gastro-entomology.