- Comment on Why aren't there mass protests in the USA? 4 days ago:
The revolution will not be televised.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 5 days ago:
I feel the same way, but about places that sell coffee having an obligation to provide a public bathroom.
Glares angrily at 7-11
- Comment on Consider the following... 1 week ago:
You were downvoted for making assumptions about the person you were responding to. All they did was make a lamentful comment about the state of nature, and you came in accusing them of having (or being supportive of having) a pesticided lawn with automatic sprinkler system. Then you seemed to doubledown on blaming everybody else of shirking personal responsibility, while conveniently avoiding answering the simple question of if the “we” in your quote “we completely fucked up the environment” also applied to yourself.
- Comment on Least extreme biophysics phd 1 week ago:
Having the testee measure their own penis is prone to error.
To be fair, testicles aren’t designed for that task.
- Comment on How come in most school in the USA (at least mine) they teach Spain Spanish instead of Mexico Spanish? Would not Mexico Spanish be an obvious choice to teach? 1 week ago:
I don’t know about OP. I went to a public school on the eastern seaboard and we certainly weren’t taught “Spain Spanish.” The pronunciations we were taught would’ve been very different if that were the case.
If any specific dialect was taught in my old schools, it would’ve been because a teacher spoke that dialect natively. All of our teachers were either non-native Spanish speakers, or from somewhere in Central or South America. Maybe OP had teachers from Europe?
If there were regional differences for vocabulary, we were told about them. For example, for the English word “bus,” we were taught that “autobus,” “guagua,” and “camion” all work but in different countries/regions. To be clear, we weren’t expected to remember all the variations, but we were informed that they exist.
- Comment on What are some of the things someone permanently relocating away from the US should be aware of? 2 weeks ago:
Excellent comment and very informative!
Just a quick note on the last sentence: 1 yard = 3 feet, which means a yard is approximately one meter, not 100m.
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 4 weeks ago:
Ugh, I just had a flashback to middle school, when my very attractive friend (who was already a model) complained that she was ugly because of an itty, bitty little zit she got one day.
Meanwhile I sat there, a relative pizza-face, thinking: Seriously? If you are ugly, what does that make the rest of us?
- Comment on Ow ow ow ow ow 4 weeks ago:
I’m glad to be of service.
- Comment on Ow ow ow ow ow 4 weeks ago:
I always figured mermaids would be more like cetaceans than fish. Having scales on their tails would be inaccurate, but breathing air, growing hair, and having a horizontal tail fluke are all in-line with mammals/cetaceans.
Not to mention, it would mean mermaids have regular genitals (albeit hidden inside a genital fold, to increase hydrodynamics.) So that’s, uhh… a thing to consider.
- Comment on Anon wants to be a singer 4 weeks ago:
I work with preschoolers. Autistic preschoolers.
It would be a huge help if the makers of slime would go back to making unscented versions. Whenever I look in stores for these things, it’s like companies straight up stopped manufacturing anything without a scent.
I’m trying to discourage kids from putting toys in their mouths, especially sticky toys that tend to gather all sorts of oils and gunk through regular play. It would be so much easier if there were more unscented, nontoxic options.
- Comment on Hurry it along chucklenuts 4 weeks ago:
Please forgive them, such a concept is unheard of back where we come from.
- Comment on Hurry it along chucklenuts 4 weeks ago:
This, but at legal dispensaries.
Not even joking. I don’t know if it’s my state’s specific laws or what, but the dispensary cashier can either process your card like an ATM (they round up to the nearest $10, then give you the change) or they can process cash.
There is a third option, but it involves downloading an app specifically to pay for cannabis. Yeah, I’m not doing that.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I can only ever somewhat begin to understand the amount of stress that my “not normal” existence has caused my normie mom.
Yet it must be a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of stress I experienced being raised by someone who cares more about what others think when they look at her kid, than by anything her kid is actually experiencing.
It sounds like this dad is at least trying. If my mom showed even this much ability to listen to my concerns, I’d consider it a win. Instead I just get shut down at Christmas when I respond to, “How are you?” with, “Not sleeping well, not eating well,” and when asked why, respond honestly with, “Concerned about my and my loved ones’ safety under the upcoming authoritarian regime.”
Everyone else at the table: Knows exactly what I’m talking about. Offers understanding and support
Mom, and only Mom: “Hey we shouldn’t talk about politics at a party, it makes people uncomfortable.”
Everyone else at the table: Acquiesces
I mean, we picked the discussion back up as soon as she left to go home, but it’s still disheartening to know that my mom would rather appeal to “not offending” imaginary people who aren’t even at the table, than to listen to the valid concerns that threaten her own child. Even my dad came up to me after this and offered tangible support. It’s just my mom, my “apolitical” mom who truly believes “bOtH siDeS sAmE” and refuses to entertain the slightest political thought.
It doesn’t surprise me that fascism is winning, when I consider that there are millions of people across the U.S. who view “politics” through the same lens she does.
- Comment on 🎵 🎶 🎵 1 month ago:
Black bird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life, you were only waiting
For this moment to ariseLet us never forget the reason why Paul McCartney wrote the song Black Bird. He wanted to write a song that inspired hope for those involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
Just some trivia that came to mind, might be good to know.
- Comment on spidey senses 1 month ago:
Spiders are always welcome in my garden. They come with free pest control.
- Comment on Anon pumps up the crowd 1 month ago:
Well obviously, the first thing he should do is move to Milwaukee (if he doesn’t live there already.)
In all seriousness though, if they can isolate that clip, they should make it something we can download as an alarm. I don’t know who designs alarm options, but some of it is too gentle and I can sleep right through them, or repetitive to the point it can seep into the sounds of my dream, but not be enough to wake me (if I’m sufficiently sleep-deprived, or if I took a sleep aid.) I mean, I have options that work, but a metal scream like this - that would definitely wake my ass up. No doubt about it.
- Comment on womp womp 1 month ago:
Some fools will reflexively downvote any time they see the word “vegan,” yet I wouldn’t be surprised if knowledge of egg alternatives ends up making a difference in times like these.
With agricultural workers being deported and tariffs increasing the price of food sourced from abroad, Americans are going to have to get creative and flexible with their food habits. We don’t know yet how our grocery store shelves will end up looking, but if someone needs a substitute for an ingredient in a recipe, chances are a group of people already avoids that ingredient has the knowledge of how to work around it. They may be vegan, they may have food allergies, they may have religious restrictions, or they may simply dislike a particular ingredient. Regardless of their reasons, the point is they’ve already experimented with recipes to figure out what works, which means the rest of us don’t have to trial & error everything ourselves.
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
I recently ordered some parts for an e-vape online. At the payment page it asked for a tip. I was in disbelief. (I didn’t take a screenshot, but in retrospect I should have.)
No services rendered, no food being made, nobody personally delivering it to my house. But it still wanted a tip, with the explanation that it was “to support our team!”
Where to even begin…
- Comment on Why do smokers specifically seem to be disproportionally bad for littering? 1 month ago:
The fact that you’re thinking about others’ perspectives at all is a good sign. Sometimes, when I can’t understand the mindset of someone toxic and I get frustrated, I take a step back and consider what would happen if I did start thinking like them. The fact that it’s difficult to imagine goes to show that I’m wired against certain shitty mindsets. It sounds like you are, too.
In trying to understand others, you’re showing more thought and empathy than a lot of people bother to practice. It’s frustrating and can be confusing at times, but you’re not broken for being unable to view things through the eyes of someone that doesn’t care about doing the right thing.
- Comment on Anon has casual sex 1 month ago:
For an attentive lover, coming second means winning first.
- Comment on Megaladon't 1 month ago:
I hope it brings you joy to know that “dinosaur” kids are still memorizing these ever-growing lists. I work with kids, and the big dinosaur fan is still teaching me new dino things almost every day. We recently learned of a dinosaur that is basically another student’s name +saurus. That was a cute discovery.
- Comment on Hulu quizzing about the ads played 2 months ago:
Yeah, that’s all true, but I’ve still got 500 things I need to spend money on before buying a Lexus. Ads for luxury cars are wasted on us poors.
- Comment on Dunkin' added achievements to their mobile app 2 months ago:
Oh, I do not fault any of the travel nurses for taking that deal! If I were licensed for it, I would’ve done it too. (I had a different role in the nursing home, one that wasn’t “medical” but was essential for patients’ wellbeing. In other words, another poorly-paid, under-supported position.)
- Comment on Dunkin' added achievements to their mobile app 2 months ago:
That reminds me of how during Covid, nursing homes relied on “travel nurses.” These were nurses contracted by an outside agency, sent to facilities to combat the so-called “nursing shortage.”
Thing is, the travel nurses were paid considerably more than the staff already hired by the facilities. So if you already worked at a place, you were still paid your dirt-low wage - no raises, no bonus, no hazard pay. Meanwhile, nurses who came in who didn’t know the facility, didn’t know the staff, and didn’t know the patients got paid a lot more. It was insulting and demoralizing for everyone who chose to stay working where they already were.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 2 months ago:
Poor color/contrast can be an accessibility issue. Some games come with colorblind modes that adjust light and color hues, to provide an option for players who have difficulty with that.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Thank you. As I said, I was skeptical. I’m pretty sure I’d hate living there.
I mean, tonight I’ll be going out to dinner with both my boyfriend and my girlfriend, as well as all my coworkers. Everybody knows my lifestyle - I can be open in public, with my two favorite people, and know I’m safe and accepted.
I can’t imagine a single perk the Saudi government can give me that would be better than that.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
It’s worth mentioning that Saudi Arabia is where Mecca is. Millions of people have a religious obligation to travel there at some point in their lives.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Would those perks be extended to most people, or only to a certain subset of people (ie straight, male, religious)? Like, would a bisexual, atheist woman receive the same perks? I get the impression that a lot of people still wouldn’t feel accepted there.
I’m genuinely curious. Your comment prompted me to do a little research. I found that Saudi Arabia has been making strides toward women’s equality in the past few years. It’s doing a lot better than it had been even just six years ago! At the same time, this thread exists, so… I’m skeptical that Saudi Arabia would have enough benefits to outweigh the restrictions that someone like myself would have to live with.
- Comment on Childhood in the 80s 2 months ago:
No special car seats, either, except for babies/toddlers. I know I used a booster seat when very small, and grew out of it when I was “tall enough to see out the window.” Then a few years later (some point in the mid-90s), the law extended the age that required car seats.
Thankfully I was above the age cut off - I’m pretty sure that after being told I’m “a big girl” and that I “grew out” of my booster seat, I would’ve put up a fight over needing to use one again.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 2 months ago:
So, eat the rich before they eat us. Got it.