- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 month ago:
There are harder things in life that are actually worth whining about. Growing your brain isn’t one of them.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 1 month ago:
It’s just as much not a problem for them to be offended by it as it is for you to choose your words better. Knowing that you made a choice to offend so yeah, you’re the jerk. You’re honestly making a lot more of it if you went all this distance to think you’re the one hard done by just cuz you refuse to memorize some words.
Only bad actors looking for the drama go for the path of most resistance.
If you’re thinking the world was supposed to be a safe place for bullies: this is what we call a snowflake.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
That’s the thing though: if you’re having trouble finding someone who wants to listen to you, the problem might possibly be you. let’s just say it’s not out of the realm of possibility. But if you are happy to sit there refusing therapy with circular logic: you’re your own problem and all this is is you’ve found a way to self sustain that cover and you’ve convinced yourself. Fair enough.
therapy is really for those who are ready to admit they are unhappy with how things are(and willing to realize they play a part in their unhappiness) and more open to tearing down those old toxic behaviours to build something more engaging that might do better at relationships .
If you don’t see yourself in that description, then you’re right. Therapy would do nothing for you.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
plenty of men out there do planning
going along with someone is not a lack of socializing it can be their way of supporting.
In fact it’s probably better that a dude doesn’t take over on a woman doing it because that has been taught to be all sorts of sexist now. I know if it were me in the middle of organizing and some dude took over I’d be all sorts of pissed off.
There is social aspect in video games too. In fact there is a large amount of social presence online. You also have wallflowers online but just saying, if someone is looking at their screen it doesn’t necessarily mean they are incapable of social ability. there’s actually a skill in online presence.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
As is echoed a lot in this entire post of replies: therapy isn’t really mentioned here. And that might be a key when it comes to male mental and emotional health.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
Interesting how you brought incels up here and how you think they are created from the apps.
There’s a huge portion of users that reach for such an app that may think ‘intimate relationships =happiness’ that require therapy to address why they are unhappy (and how they do relationships) before they should try a relationship on those apps.
While I don’t believe the apps aren’t necessarily what is causing this problem (any user decides on their own whether they are ready to date regardless of mental and emotional capability prior to joining) It certainly doesn’t help the situation but makes the compound result much faster. EG: I’ve seen the ‘ghosting’ definition change a lot once dating apps came into play. It used to be when you have a legitimate relationship developed and one person nopes out of it without warning. It had a legitimate victim that’s left out of the cold when another person essentially wasted their time and had a very hefty amount of inconsideration. Now it’s used in a situation if a dude gave someone the jeeb vibes on first meet and got immediately blocked after the one date or even before it makes it to that point and then calls it ghosting. And before we go the route of “well how would he know if no one tells him his behaviour is weird” : dating isn’t a survey. victims of the creepy behaviour aren’t therapists and it’s not their job. They are just on there to date too. They just want to feel safe. Their job at most is themselves. It’s not to curate someone else to become dateable. Lots of unsafe topics about the dating apps on documentaries around so people aren’t going to take it on themselves to provide feedback such as “what you said was inappropriate” without that going sideways with aggression and feeling even more unsafe.
If this is actually feeling like it’s happening a lot, I’d say: close the dating app, find a therapist, talk about why you’re feeling lonely as the problem might be more local than it what is going on the dating app. Cuz the one person whose job it is to give feedback on how you’re doing especially in situations of a relationship with others is a therapist.
It’s like you say: the apps are there to make money. They aren’t there with legitimate concern for their users whether or not they are ready for going into the dating pool. But that said: it really isn’t on the dating apps to do all that either, that is a question the user should be taking on themselves before joining the app and expecting all the results. Sometimes it is on the user.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
This might be regional too. 3rd places in some cities are promoted as a social norm compared to others. More of a ‘night life’ where as some cities is like you have nothing much to do but go out in nature. I think those areas are a heavier struggle than others when it comes to socializing
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 1 month ago:
Ftr Incels exist in Australia and they have a red light district.
Incels don’t want to pay for sex.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it should be legal too if for no other reason that it makes it safer for the sex workers.
But just manage your expectations of what sexual deviants expect as Sex work doesn’t put an end to that part of the equation. Buying sex is still available even if illegal and you’re still going to have sexual deviants,psychopaths and incels. For Those groups in particular it is less about sex and more about power (and often hatred for women) hence the toxic energy they bring into sex.
Another issue for some deviants is sex workers carry a degree of consent. And shitheads like that aren’t looking for consent.
incels may not be seeking for paid sex as much as they want more power top relationship towards women(or feel entitled to) but they are unwilling to work on their personality. So their problem stems not from sex but more from their personality and feeling unloved with the sex they feel entitled to combined into that.
You don’t bring that kind of hate energy for an entire gender just over being horny.
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
It is always suspicious when someone who claims doing shrooms/experienced something first hand is when they fully understood empathy for someone else.
Ok so like you had understood all that deeper nuance and meaning that would require months if not years of self work to identify struggle and develop respect and compassion for those around you and you mean to say the ONLY thing holding you back was observation?
Like you couldn’t even take the half step to imagine it even for a second on your own?
It’s like when someone claims their behaviour and emotions are just ‘out of control’ leading to acting abusive to their loved ones but then put on a face when company comes over.
It’s bullshit. Someone is selling some bullshit.
- Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago:
lacks the compulsive need to align themselves with an in-group
Don’t hold back. Just come out and say it that you think people who can actually hold a conversation with each other are just pathetic and you look down on them.
Not that distant from what an incel would write.
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
This is making a return with scanning.
Amazon was the place to buy manuals(art,hobby, do it yourself etc.). Now authors have pulled their books from print and expecting people to sign a subscription on patreon. Now there are sharks overpricing any remaining physical print second hand by 2000%.
pirates have scanned these books and selling access to uploaded jpgs for a fraction of what the manual would have cost had it just stayed in print.
- Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago:
my neighbour’s son is autistic with adhd. Their son was preyed upon by a gang. and my nephew is autistic with adhd but presents very differently. Hopefully he will grow to not be so easily taken as the neighbour’s son. it’s so tragic.
my niece is adhd. Their father was adhd but again, very different.
No two are exactly the same.
It’s a massive stretch to say simply being atypical means you’re invulnerable to peer pressure. If anything it’s been quite the opposite.
- Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago:
Is this supposed to be a description about a person with adhd or a person without cuz that description was spot on for some of my relatives with adhd in that they can’t hold attention on one thing too long so passion and interest was very brief. And if we’re studying one relative I had in particular, she was constantly trying to fit in and buy things to fill a void. It did much harm. ADHD was only one of the comorbidity she was struggling with.
- Comment on Anon hates spiders 2 months ago:
Imagine having to do the cum face and sound whenever swinging from a building. He’d go a lot slower too where he has to break for 15 minutes each time. And as he got older the breaks between would be longer.
- Comment on How do you voice chat without bothering roommates? 2 months ago:
you should also crack them and smear them all over the wall for maximum effect.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 2 months ago:
Someone needs to paint some eyes in the pocket flaps and post it as a meme on the police website to just rub it in how fucking off they are on something so obvious.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 2 months ago:
it doesn’t come in 8 colors. I feel bad for the idiots who upvoted you and believed that was even possible.
Dude has a hoody with a flap jacket staying in a hostel. At best he’s a vfx artist and has 7 of the same color.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 2 months ago:
I don’t think lighting makes a light grey backpack into black. That’s a bit of a stretch. Especially considering the jacket on the left have no chest pockets. The one on the right has massive pocket flaps like they are the main character.
- Comment on Does anyone else think the NYPD photos of the UHC CEO shooting suspect don’t match? 2 months ago:
When people have different jackets and backpacks it not just to have the same jacket in different color. It’s to have a heavier jacket or different sized backpacks.
Also hostel guy eye look more wide set and his brow is more pronounced. Bridge of nose looks wider and deeper too.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
A lot of conservatives want to simplify life because they have a simple mind.
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
Yes, they do this already within gendered sports (different weights to compete) so just remove the gender side of it.
- Comment on Why does the snow melt in this pattern? 3 months ago:
Because the image of snow cannot be found
- Comment on What do you create? 3 months ago:
A mess
- Comment on I want a name for this 3 months ago:
No I’ve done this when I was interested. This happens to me when I’m stressed about something and my brain goes off to think about it even though my eyes are going through the motions with the words on the page. Then I have to start again.
- Comment on What do zoos do with dead animals? 3 months ago:
Considering how much meat is required to keep a lion fed per day, part of me thinks feeding it to lions would be sensible but on the other side it depends on making sure the meat is cleaned and that the animal that died didn’t die of a cause that would cause internal damage to the lion. Lions on the Serengeti feed on freshly caught food so their catch is usually pretty clean.
- Comment on US Democracy 3 months ago:
Anyone would say that about their own party not meeting every single wish within a 4 yr run.
It’s like hiring an accountant to undo what another accountant did within one season.
It’s weird how Americans don’t really understand their own system.
- Comment on What is love? 4 months ago:
Some people are into the kink of hurt.
- Comment on So bad it was actually entertaining 4 months ago:
And they go as far as to tell him to Kys… wow. I bet That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
- Comment on Why do residential skyscrapers always seem to include balconies that never get used? 4 months ago:
For smokers
- Comment on I'd have to hear her argument, but... 4 months ago:
Well no, That would be 75% if the other 50% already existed within the organisms he killed. Math fail.