- Comment on What TV series have the best intros? What TV series have the worst intros? 20 hours ago:
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
Intro rocks!
- Comment on Not the gift that I really wanted 1 week ago:
Funny, I made the same mistake and was wondering if the watch assists in counting cards.
- Comment on Marc Rober shows why Tesla's camera-only self-driving system is dangerous 1 week ago:
I’m bearish on TSLA, but still saw there’s some controversy surrounding his testing methodology and shortcomings in that video. Was talked about a bit on Philip DeFranco.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
I too have ADHD and am impatient. Impatience is not an excuse for financial illiteracy. And a graduated income tax is not complicated. Deductions, credits, exceptions, etc are where it gets complicated. But if he thinks he’s losing money by making more money, then he’s stupid.
- Comment on Is 33 cents a small amount of money? 1 week ago:
Your partner is a moron who doesn’t understand relatively simple math.
- Comment on Roblox CEO tells parents that “if you're not comfortable, don't let your kids be on Roblox”. 1 week ago:
Parents need to fucking parent.
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
Different mediums. Different perception. Games are a different kind of immersion.
- Comment on 'Mickey 17' Faces Tall Order at Box Office After $19 Million Opening Weekend 2 weeks ago:
I just saw it, I liked it.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Let him manage his own sleep. You know, I was punished my whole life growing up for having erratic sleep patterns. Turns out I likely have narcolepsy and need to get tested. I’m fucking 38.
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 2 weeks ago:
Can’t he just afford liposuction? He looks absurd.
- Comment on Plex ending support for Watch Together 3 weeks ago:
That just sounds like use whatever works best at the time and switch as needed. Plex worked well for me for many years. But now it looks like the alternatives have caught up or beat it. That doesn’t mean the years I’ve enjoyed it are somehow erased.
- Comment on Chad rule 3 weeks ago:
I rescued baby raccoons from a dumpster once.
- Comment on Murica 3 weeks ago:
Plenty of people do everything wrong all the time. Hungry is hungry and people aren’t going to necessarily change they eating habits if they worked up an appetite biking. They may even eat poorly specifically because they feel they earned it because they exercised.
- Comment on Murica 3 weeks ago:
Good idea, thanks for that! I really need to do that more often. I do it sometimes, but still keep forgetting I have that handy. Took me a while to remember I had Google in my pocket when smart phones came out too.
- Comment on Murica 3 weeks ago:
The reason I didn’t discount it entirely was I recently saw a Townsend’s episode on Pemmican and it discussed how the proliferation of that calorie dense food did literally fuel the manpower for entire industries whose productivity can be traced to Pemmican. But that’s old times and I’m sure diet no longer conforms to that reality.
- Comment on Anon investigates a random goth girl 4 weeks ago:
Know your worth and know where you are valued.
This can sound really deep, but it works for shallow too. I’m sorry girl, but the whore market is saturated and very competitive.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Well the meat industry is a large source of emissions isn’t it? So if our meat consumption increased due to increased caloric intake, that should have a carbon impact right?
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Interesting, I never knew that was an argument for ebikes, but as you say, if they never break even it’s a moot point. Unless… Perhaps having the ebikes promoted more cycling over driving, then perhaps it changes it enough.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Human beings literally exhale CO2. This makes me curious what the actual carbon efficiency is when using a calorie to CO2 analysis factoring in the carbon footprint of the diet needed to fuel said travel.
Because IIRC carnivores are only 10% efficient, so this feels like a complicated problem. And then of course the carbon footprint of the manufacturing of various methods of transport and break even points over what periods of time.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 4 weeks ago:
Ah yes, for comparison my parents was built year 2000. 22 year difference in quality!
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 4 weeks ago:
There might have been advances to that tech, maybe it’s better thermally regulated now. My parents house had it in the kitchen and I think it was relatively new concept when house was built, I found the heat to be a bit uneven, a bit uncomfortable in some spots.
- Comment on Nope 4 weeks ago:
So like… How possible would it be that you thaw something like that out and you release some kinda doom virus?
- Comment on meirl 5 weeks ago:
Yo ho!
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
I mean… It’s a feeling. Dysphoria is a complex thing, it’s not as clear cut as, let’s skip right to surgery.…/can-gender-dysphoria-go-away
Therapy and/or hormone treatment certainly might make enough difference to not require surgery anymore.
Let’s not pretend that the act of transitioning is something that should be taken lightly. There are trans people who have been wholly unprepared for actually living life as the opposite gender and kill themselves. For example, I’m seeing cases of Female to Male trans saying they were completely unprepared for how lonely it is to live as a man compared to a woman. So for some of them that negative feeling of loneliness ended up being even more detrimental and unpleasant to them than the original dysphoria.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
AF1 probably needs a database just for it’s in in-flight menu.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
He didn’t say the SSN database isn’t SQL. He said the GOVERNMENT doesn’t use SQL.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
Oh, well another user pointed out that SSN’s are not unique, I think they are recycled after death or something. In any case, I do know that when the SSN system was first created it was created by people who said this is NOT MEANT to be treated as unique identifiers for our populace, and if it were it would be more comprehensive than an unsecure string of numbers that anyone can get their hands on. But lo and behold, we never created a proper solution and we ended up using SSN’s for identity purposes. Poop.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 5 weeks ago:
Because of course the government uses SQL. It’s as stupid as saying the government doesn’t use electricity or something equally stupid. The government is myriad agencies running myriad programs on myriad hardware with myriad people. My damned computers at home are using at least 2-3 SQL databases for some of the programs I run.
SQL is damn near everywhere where data sets are found.
- Comment on Disney+ Lost 700,000 Subscribers in Final 3 Months of 2024 1 month ago:
And they’ve run both franchises into the ground.
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 1 month ago: