- Comment on How would he have 6 limbs otherwise? 1 week ago:
winged dinosaurs have four limbs: their wings and two hind legs. This is true of pterosaurs and birds
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 4 weeks ago:
It’s not tongue in cheek. You described veganism as a dietary preference, but it is an ethical belief and practice. Keeping silent in the face of unethical behavior is normally seen as cowardly or, at the least, not a general positive. If you came upon a person kicking a child, you would likely want to intervene, not merely think to yourself that you wouldn’t do the same.
Here’s a short medium post that sums it up decently, quoted for your convenience:
Look through the comments of the latest Facebook post that has aroused the ire of non-vegans and you’re bound to see the following:
‘I don’t care if you’re vegan, just respect my choice not to be vegan.’
‘How come a vegan gets mad if you serve them meat but won’t serve you meat.’
Stop telling other people how to eat!
These reactions to the promotion of veganism and vegan food products would make complete sense if veganism were a dietary preference, akin to trying not to consume sugar or not liking pickles. But veganism is an ethical stance against the commodity status of animals. Following a vegan diet results when you follow this philosophy.
When you understand the vegan philosophy, the idea of respecting someone’s choice to needlessly consume animal products no longer makes sense. Advocating that people stop using animals to the greatest extent possible is the ethical thing to do, and condoning animal use immoral. Serving non-vegan food to a vegan is rude but serving vegan food to a non-vegan is acceptable because, while a vegan has a moral conviction against eating animals, a non-vegan doesn’t believe that eating a meal without animal products is unethical. They’ve likely eaten Oreos or peanut butter on toast many times.
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 4 weeks ago:
I have the same advice for you as I have for vegans: let people eat what they want to eat, mind your business, and keep your preferences to yourself unless you’re asked.
It seems you fundamentally misunderstand what veganism is
- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
You’re so special and different. Want a rimjob?
- Comment on Tea Consent 1 month ago:
I love the last line
- Comment on New Google TV update will track your movement 1 month ago:
my LG oled works really well as a dumb TV with it disconnected from the Internet
- Comment on Maybe, just maybe, a company that refuses to give you time off if you have a bullet inside of you is a really really shitty company 1 month ago:
If you’re born in Alabama then fuck you, amirite
- Comment on Switching teams in middle of a match!? 1 month ago:
rapey comment bro
- Comment on Switching teams in middle of a match!? 1 month ago:
It’s a damn shame you have to recount this to a stranger on the Internet who’s being a creepy asshole
- Comment on Switching teams in middle of a match!? 2 months ago:
You didn’t tell your assaulter you are trans while he was assaulting you! You’re the real villain here!
- Comment on Huh? ϡψφϟβμχ 2 months ago:
“This binary has strings of Armenian in it. Our suspect likely speaks Armenian”
-The feds, probably
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
- Comment on They live among us 2 months ago:
When I come across a sticker I really like, like a band at a show or something, I usually buy 2 so I can stick one somewhere without much thought and put the other in a drawer for these reasons
- Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago:
it’s a good show
- Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago:
That’s an adorable nickname
- Comment on They're trying to charge Luigi with terrorism! Imagine that! 2 months ago:
This is kinda the OG definition of terrorism actually. Back when 19th century anarchists invented this hot new direct action political tactic called terrorism. It was all the rage, for a while, but it backfired and increased public sympathy towards the bourgeoisie and the nobility.
- Comment on The Witcher 4 got a surprise reveal at The Game Awards, and this one is all about Ciri | PC Gamer 2 months ago:
I’ve never played another cdpr game
- Comment on Or Polio. Guess we should invest in iron lungs. 2 months ago:
you might be able to look them up on the state’s voter rolls to find about about that last part
- Comment on The Witcher 4 got a surprise reveal at The Game Awards, and this one is all about Ciri | PC Gamer 2 months ago:
Hey maybe then we can get player character shadows that aren’t nightmare demons
- Comment on Those poor kids 2 months ago:
within any ε>0
- Comment on The Witcher 4 got a surprise reveal at The Game Awards, and this one is all about Ciri | PC Gamer 2 months ago:
what does that mean, cyberpunk is awesome
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 2 months ago:
I’ll ignore whatever “you guys” is supposed to mean. I never brought up lived experience and neither did you in this comment chain. A person jokingly commented a rigid, universal claim. You asked for an explanation to how the rigid claim was incorrect. You were shown counterexamples. You replied by quoting a dictionary definition in order to emphasize that the counterexamples are less common than the supposedly universal examples from the original comment. This is, obviously, irrelevant to the logic. That is why I said that you were failed by your parents, schooling, and society, because those three things were responsible for teaching you to understand reality around you and to be capable of reasoning. Your idea that infrequency is the same as nonexistence shows a deficit in basic reasoning. This has nothing to do with opinion.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 2 months ago:
Your parents failed you. Your schooling failed you. Your society failed you. You’re an adult and you don’t even understand the concept that uncommon things exist. Instead you lash out in anger at the notion that such abnormalities might be acknowledged.
- Comment on where's my damn plume 2 months ago:
My guess is they mean we have the genes to encode the proteins, since we have similar keratinized tissues like hair and nails. But probably not the hox genes to encode the structure
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 2 months ago:
also a foot handle
- Comment on what a moment to live 2 months ago:
Why do you think this means I don’t have a lemmy instance for them? Also you sound like a bot
- Comment on what a moment to live 2 months ago:
Oh boy I have a lemmy instance for you then
- Comment on what a moment to live 2 months ago:
It’s also on wikipedia