It is actually really nice.
It works both ways, if they fire you, you still have a job for 3 months at least. Giving you plenty of time to find a new job. You also get half a day per week (paid) to use for soliciting other companies.
Comment on Anon quits their job 5 months ago
3 month bullshit for resign? What kind of work contract is that?
It is actually really nice.
It works both ways, if they fire you, you still have a job for 3 months at least. Giving you plenty of time to find a new job. You also get half a day per week (paid) to use for soliciting other companies.
Maybe this is a difference between countries, but is fired for cause and laid off treated different? Like I can understand and appreciate the protections if your position is eliminated or something. In the US we have unemployment insurance where you can get I think 3/4 of your normal pay if laid off. But if you get fired for cause then you’re on your own.
No, why you got fired does not in fact affect your need to eat food and house your family, so it’s not a factor.
And if you are “laid off”, ie the company says they don’t need your job anymore, you are usually entitled to a pretty nice redundancy payment too - plus the usual.
Really depends on the employer. One gave me a nice 3 months severance for being laid off. Another only gave me a weeks notice and only two weeks of severance. That sucked since Bill’s continue to come in but now you gotta take a savings hit unless you can find a job in 2 weeks.
I ended up finding another job, but it took a few months and now I’m trying to crawl out of that debt hole.
3/4th of your normal pay??? Lmfao
What state do you live in?
In California you max out at less than $2000 per month. Which won’t even cover rent.
I guess there’s a limit here too. I’ve never made enough when having to reley on unemployment to hit the max. I just looked it up though and looks like its a bit over $800 for the weekly max.
Thats how it works in apparently most of europe. In poland for example its based on your tenure. With 3 month being the max after you work there for more than 3 years. If you are not important enough for the company and want to start your new work earlier it can be negotiated down i think. 5 months ago
Let me introduce you to Europe 5 months ago
To be fair this is a counterpart of being harder to get fired compared to some USA states. It makes the economy less fast to adjust but it makes people’s life less stressful. 5 months ago
IDK my man, having three months of forewarning for resignation sounds pretty cool to me. I don’t really see it as a downside. Especially in Italian law, where you can avoid making things awkward by agreeing with your employer to make the resignation time as short as you both want, as long as those three months are paid out. Blessed. 5 months ago
It could make you miss you a job opening that needs someone earlier. Hadn’t have the issue myself, but I guess it happens. 5 months ago
Let’s say you have an opportunity to work somewhere else making 2x more, but you have to wait 3 months. Or let’s say your boss really sucks, but you have to tough it out for 3 months. Or let’s say a close family member dies but your company won’t give you time off to grieve, you just have to put that off for 3 months.
How productive do you think you’d be in those 3 months? I can’t speak for you, but I certainly wouldn’t be giving it my all…
In the US, there’s no minimum for most industries, but 2-weeks is expected (6-weeks in health care apparently). I think anyone can put up with almost anything for 2-weeks, and the 2-weeks isn’t even required, it’s just expected. And honestly, every time we had someone resign, we won’t trust them with new projects anyway, so they end up doing very little for most of those 2-weeks. 5 months ago
Europe’s economy is like an old Volvo. It’s slow but full of safety features in case your hit something. USA’s economy is like a classic Ford Mustang. It goes really fast on the straight but when you hit a bump things can go horribly wrong quickly. ~Mark Blyth 5 months ago
Depends on the country. Where I live, the maximum is 30 days, unless both the employer and the employee agree on a different period. 5 months ago
Yes of course it does, but standardised employment contract are rather common in Europe - at least in the few countries I worked in, YMMV. There are exceptions of course, but I imagine for Americans the idea of state laws mandating your entitlement to three months of salaries plus severance money must sound outlandish. 5 months ago
Stop calling it Europe then, you’re referring to 2-3 specific countries. There are very different laws and ideas about the “standardized” contract in different countries. 5 months ago
I don’t know what are you talking about. In my country the standard is two weeks and max one month in special cases. I’ve participated in the hiring of multiple people from different European countries and they never asked for more than one month to join in, except when they wanted to relocate. 5 months ago
In France, the standard for software engineers is 3 months. Verified with this official source 5 months ago
That’s crazy. So if they present a same day resignation note they have to pay a three month salary penalty? That’s just companies stealing workers’ money. 5 months ago
I have 6 months in Germany, all managers at my company get this. I find it a bit too much, but it can usually be negotiated 5 months ago
India too.