- Comment on Stop making up states 2 months ago:
And to think Africans complain about their rectangle borders, Americans are just fine!
- Comment on This app requires access to your contacts 2 months ago:
- Comment on This app requires access to your contacts 2 months ago:
Funny how this is supposed to be absurd - upside down duck, cake, “bizarro” and all - but it’s actually pretty accurate. So many products out there that require you to download their shitty spyware in order to do the things they are supposed to do.
- Comment on Trump selects retired Gen. Keith Kellogg as special envoy to Russia, Ukraine 2 months ago:
I like how the title sounds like “Russia province, in the state of Ukraine” and I will now choose to believe that that is the intended meaning
- Comment on What is stopping a scammer from HTTPS certificating a "nonsense.ReputableBank.com" 3 months ago:
There are a lot of answers here but I feel they mostly miss OP’s point so I’ll try my own:
What stops a scammer from HTTPS certifying foobar.reputable.com is the trust system.
Anybody can create a certificate on their machine for anything within seconds, even you could create a certificate for www.google.com. The problem is that you, as an issuer, are not trusted by anybody.
Browsers and operating systems are released with a list of issuers that are considered trustworthy, so if you want your certificate to be recognised it has to come from one of these, not from you.
All of these issuers are in the list because they have been individually vetted, and are known to do their due diligence before issuing certificates, so they would not give you that cert unless they know that the bank domain or subdomain belongs to you, and the technical means to achieve this have been explained in other answers.
But if one of these issuers went rogue, or if you hypothetically hacked into their certification authority, then indeed nothing would stop you from obtaining a valid and recognised certificate for foobar.bank.com.
This is why for example Trustcor was removed from this list in 2022: from that position it would be trivial for a certificate authority to allow third parties to spy on people.
- Comment on Steam's new disclaimer reminds everyone that you don't actually own your games, GOG moves in for the killshot: Its offline installers 'cannot be taken away from you' 4 months ago:
Yes, that is the upstream. Valve’s downstream of wine is called proton.
- Comment on Anon quits their job 5 months ago:
If you’re hopping within the country, usually the local culture is adapted. I never had issues with it, employers expect you to have a resignation period.
Plus as I was saying companies don’t really like to have a working quitter, so they will usually negotiate for that time to be shortened. Maybe one month so you can transfer your knowledge to somebody else, then you’re out - with the three months money, naturally.
- Comment on Anon quits their job 5 months ago:
Yes of course it does, but standardised employment contract are rather common in Europe - at least in the few countries I worked in, YMMV. There are exceptions of course, but I imagine for Americans the idea of state laws mandating your entitlement to three months of salaries plus severance money must sound outlandish.
- Comment on Anon quits their job 5 months ago:
IDK my man, having three months of forewarning for resignation sounds pretty cool to me. I don’t really see it as a downside. Especially in Italian law, where you can avoid making things awkward by agreeing with your employer to make the resignation time as short as you both want, as long as those three months are paid out. Blessed.
- Comment on Anon quits their job 5 months ago:
Let me introduce you to Europe
- Comment on What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use? 8 months ago:
The German people, as a people, started as the unification of the Germanic tribes. The unified tribe called itself the tribe of all men, Alle Männer in modern German. The history of those times is narrated by romans and Greeks so we have a romanised version of that name, alamanni.
- Comment on Stephen Fry wants King's Guard to ditch bear fur 1 year ago:
The best thing for the environment in the long term would be to cull about 60% of humanity, can’t separate trash enough to beat that. That can’t be the only argument for whether something is good.
Personally I’d take a tiny amount of pollution in exchange for the cruelty.
- Comment on Think anyone would notice? 1 year ago:
And don’t you wish you kept knowing very little? Instead… en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu
- Comment on Think anyone would notice? 1 year ago:
Fam, corsicans are the only ones who hate French more than us, they are welcome to rejoin Italy whenever they want.
- Comment on Think anyone would notice? 1 year ago:
So I get rid of the land border with France, but in exchange I get a land border with USA - possibly the only worse country.
Also we lose Sicily and their awesome food and women but we get to keep Sardinia, where the best food is cheese with worms and the best women are one meter tall with moustache.
Bad deal man.