Frankly that’s something I do not understand. Why this single specific word? We have dozens of terrible offensive words. Why this specific one is considered so bad we cannot even talk about it directly, even when merely discussing it? I would think discussing it and not directing it at someone would be pretty reasonable. As with every single other word.
Comment on obesity 6 months ago
As always - if you’re saying a word is comparable to the n-word, and you are able to use your word in public as a non-black person, it’s not like the n-word 6 months ago 6 months ago
Is one of the other words associated with 200 years of chattel slavery? 6 months ago
Probably no, not in this specific form, that being said I don’t want to compare one tragedy to another. There are lots of disgusting parts of the human history, and that’s certainly one of them. 6 months ago
The only equivalent I can think of starts with k and is a slur for Jewish people, and it’s much less commonly heard. 6 months ago
Negro is pretty gosh darn close, but I guess it’s just not quite as derogatory. 6 months ago
It’s weird being told that a regular color in your native language could get you beat up to a pulp in another country. 6 months ago
To my non-American ears “negro” sounds far worse actually. Probably because of how rare it is in comparison. 6 months ago
And things worse than slavery towards them. And that a lot of racists who would likely shoot black people still use it. And there’s a lot of those people. 6 months ago
Non-American here. I also didn’t get this, thinking it’s just puritanical bullshit. Some Americans seem obsessed with auto-censorship.
Anyway, I finally understood while watching Django Unchained. It’s an extremely dehumanising word, meant to separate people (who have rights) from things which do not. It’s a tool to be able to do this distinction and then do unspeakable evil to specific people because they don’t count as people and so it’s alright.
Now remember that slavery was ended* only relatively recently, segregation was a thing during the lifetimes of many people and this mindset of black people not being even human is still prevalent…
The word is meant to be always used in hostility and it’s still being used like that today. That’s why you want to steer clear of it. 6 months ago
I think a lot of the conflict around the word is centered on the fact that many black people use it (obviously without the r) in casual reference to other people, often even people that aren’t black. It’s essentially become equivalent to “dude” or “brother”. So some people don’t see how it’s wrong to use it in that context even if you aren’t black.
I’m not saying I agree, mind you. I’m just making an observation 6 months ago
Django Unchained
Isn’t it ironic that a movie with so many uses of that word helped you understand that word better?
To me it seems a very good reason to believe that people shouldn’t be afraid of the syntax of the word, but definitely oppose the use when the semantic is the despicable one. 6 months ago
There’s an equivalent for homosexuals 6 months ago
In my opinion, the intellectually disabled too. Unfortunately, many people make all kinds of excuses why that word, which has been used to bully the disabled for decades, is an acceptable one. 6 months ago
The OJ Simpson trial. No joke. 6 months ago
Wasn’t really all that long ago when non-black people very commonly used that word in public and probably still so in certain communities. Having said that, obese is a medical term and I don’t think it compares in anyway to the n-word. 6 months ago
Absolutely. I moved from urban Southeastern Wisconsin to the upper peninsula of Michigan. I love visiting that area, and I got a job offer while on vacation. I snatched the opportunity to move to my favorite place and uprooted my life in under two months. I didn’t last two years before coming back.
The amount of times I got into verbal altercations with strangers and acquaintances over their use of racial slurs, most often the N-word, made me become a homebody. I was a bartender, though, so you can’t exactly hide.
That’s not to say I haven’t heard it in public all throughout Wisconsin. The difference was how comfortable people felt using these words and sharing openly racist views and stories like they were bragging about it. It felt like an area where people breathed a sigh of relief and took their hoods off. I couldn’t stomach staying in a place where certain friends of mine couldn’t comfortably visit.
Still, all that is nothing compared to what I saw and heard living in Tennessee. It’s sad and frightening how many communities are like this. 6 months ago
it changed with the OJ trial 6 months ago
Definitely did not. I grew up in West Virginia and idiot rednecks used it before and after the OJ trial. Decent people did not before or after. 6 months ago
i thought it was meaning in media, like the news and other stuff. not everyday life 6 months ago
Wait, for real? Sauce? 6 months ago
No, you’re thinking about a different scenario. What matters is not if you are black, but if you are the target of the word you are comparing to the n-word.
She, as an obese person herself, proposed that “obese” is equivalent to the n-word. She didn’t censor her word the same way a black person doesn’t have to censor the n-word. That’s not a contradiction. It would be, if she wasn’t obese.
Not that I care about the actual point, just wanted to talk about the logic. My bad, if my assumption that she is obese, is wrong. 6 months ago
Image 6 months ago
I couldn’t remember where the quote came from, thank you, I tried to search for it but it was surprisingly difficult 6 months ago
All quotes should be credited to Michael Scott if you dont know the original. 6 months ago
- Michael Scott