It is calories in/out but having guardrails is super helpful to a lot of people. Many overweight people got that way because they run pretty loose ships when it comes to diet to begin with. Rules can be helpful. Intermittent fasting of course is pretty popular and followers seem to get results.
Couple years ago I lost a bunch of weight just following “Eat Right for Your Blood Type” which I’m sure is quackery- but it was effective. Felt great too. 9 months ago
Yeah, keto got popular because many people lost a lot of weight doing it. And so they naturally attributed the weight loss to the lack of carbs. But in reality, the diet only works because it actually forces you to watch what you’re eating. When you have to think “does this have carbs or sugar” for every single snack, you suddenly snack a lot less. Because the overwhelming answer of “of course it fucking does, it’s a mass produced snack.” When your only options are “make something yourself instead of eating pre-packaged junk” or “don’t snack” a lot of people will opt to skip the snack.
Basically, keto works because by eliminating carbs you’re also eliminating snacking, and are actually forced to track what you eat. At the end of the day it’s just calories in<calories out. 9 months ago
All weight loss diet plans are just tricking you into eating less calories. Grapefruits don’t have magical weight loss powers, it’s just if you go on the grapefruit diet you can’t physically bring yourself to eat more than one or two, so you eat less than you normally do. 9 months ago
Speak for yourself, I could absolutely eat 5+ grapefruits in one sitting. 9 months ago
Same, I could eat all the grapefruit. I’d continue eating grapefruit even as I destroyed my toilet due to all the grapefruit I’ve eaten. 9 months ago
That, and fats are more filling than carbs, so if you up the fats and cut the carbs, you’re more likely to stick with the diet since you feel more satisfied. The same is true for fiber vs regular carbs.
So if you want a simple weight loss strategy, increase the fat and fiber you eat, and cut out the junk food. Don’t count carbs or anything, just try to increase the healthy fats you consume.