- Comment on Trust the process! 2 days ago:
Oh, it’s 100% gonna be nasty. I’ll make a post and tag you.
- Comment on Trust the process! 2 days ago:
I am a microbiologist, I can vouch this is correct. There’s the concept of infective dose, which is the number of pathogens required to infect a host.
Humans are exposed to pathogens on a regular basis. As long as the amount of exposure is not enough to cause illness, you’re in the clear. A 7-log10 reduction should get pathogens far below the infective dose, unless you’re eating like…a solid mass of Salmonella. Gross.
Now I’m going to sous vide some chicken breasts at 120°F this weekend, for science!
- Comment on Anon makes a troubling connection 1 week ago:
It’s true, there are actually people who seek out those kinds of people. Story time!
My ex had this thing, maybe a fetish, about being desirable to…social outcasts? I’m having trouble finding an inoffensive term for them. Mix well 1 kg of gamer guys and 0.5 liters of unwashed weeaboo, add a dash of Axe body spray, and place in a fedora overnight. Sprinkle liberally with crinkly neck hair (or are they pubes?) before serving raw.
Anyhow, she enjoyed helping these guys lose their virginity. She was fairly attractive, an objective 6-7/10, but dressed well and was very charming. She told me about one guy she met through an anime club in college. When they tried to have sex the first time, he was flaccid and was too embarrassed to verbalize why. Apparently he turned on his computer and queued up some hentai, which he silently watched until he could achieve an erection. They had sex multiple times and each required a hot hentai injection.
I didn’t find out about any of this until we’d been together for over two years. I initially had no issue with it beyond her having hidden it from me. Then she wanted to resume the behavior in an open relationship, immediately or she was leaving. I became promptly single.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I’m guessing his employees are salaried and throwing them a fraction of what they’d be due if hourly is how he assuages whatever he has left of a conscience.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 weeks ago:
Yep, you nailed it in your edit. We do exactly that - dry it off with a few paper towels, then roast. As long as you can resist devouring the paper towels or dragging them all over the house (I’m looking at my sleeping dogs as I type this), it’s safe.
- Comment on Caveman technology 2 weeks ago:
I know you know what I mean, so I’m similarly going to also pretend I don’t know that and simply state: oof.
- Comment on Caveman technology 2 weeks ago:
Bad jokes like these make me feel right at
- Comment on My favorite 2 weeks ago:
“Italian Inspired Food”
- Comment on The funny progression of getting promotions at work 2 weeks ago:
I feel like I have more questions now, not fewer.
- Comment on BBC staffers reveal editor's 'entire job' to whitewash Israeli war crimes 3 weeks ago:
I suspect the issue they’re having, much as I am to a degree, is that a country is literally murdering men, women, and children so it can take their land and possessions and most of the world continues going about its business as if nothing is happening. Scaled vastly down, it’s almost as if a gang was murdering a neighboring family and the family is screaming for help while the other neighbors do their best to ignore it.
I get why people aren’t flocking to Palestine en masse to defend Palestinians, but especially for anyone with friends or family there, it’s all bizarre. It’s a huge, devastating, pressing issue that weighs on their minds all the time and most of the world doesn’t seem to even care.
- Comment on Anon wipes his ass 3 weeks ago:
Tl;dr: too much pressure can result in an unwelcome “deep clean”, not recommended as a surprise.
You really have to limit the pressure to the bidet. We ultimately installed a little in-line valve but raw dogged it initially. I thought I’d be fine. “It has a dial,” I thought to myself, “I just won’t crank it up all the way.” I’m an idiot.
The next time I was really sick was when it happened. I was little kid sick, the kind of sick where you’re feverish, nauseated, and delirious, barely able to function, yet still have to drag yourself through the house and half-assedly slap your arms at things until they work, just to fulfill basic functions like drinking water and using the toilet. A toilet with a bidet.
I had just finished power blasting the porcelain for the umpteenth time and I just wanted to wash it away and ooze back into bed. I gathered all my willpower to swing an unwilling appendage over and twist the knob, but I went much too far and my aim…it was perfect. Bullseye.
In martial arts, they teach you not just to strike your target, but to strike through your target. The bidet didn’t just blast my anus, it blasted through my anus. If we were at the fair, my bidet would have popped the balloon and taken home the big bear. My wife claims she heard me cry out a high-pitched “eeeep!”, but I don’t remember it. I just remember shock and confusion as I pawed at the bidet knob. The bidet had slammed its way straight to home plate and beyond, on to the “fifth base” of legend.
I ordered a valve online that day and installed it as soon as I was able. Never again, not without intent, preparation, and a safe word.
- Comment on Anon wipes his ass 3 weeks ago:
You are a master of imagery.
- Comment on Diamond market 3 weeks ago:
My wife and I, very early in our relationship, bought cheap tungsten carbide rings to prank my parents by telling them we had eloped. When we actually did get married, we decided to use those same rings. I like her.
- Comment on TIL that Will Wright, while making The Sims, was inspired by Quake 4 weeks ago:
I lost entire weeks of my childhood playing at being an ant.
Now that I’ve typed that out, bug chunks of my childhood suddenly make more sense.
- Comment on and we thought our thing with beans was bad 4 weeks ago:
I like how the wording is may imply that being sober that particular day might be in contrast to other days.
- Comment on magic box rule 5 weeks ago:
I recall taking a date to the lab I was working in as a grad student and realizing after we got there that none of it is terribly impressive if you don’t know what any of it does. She was unimpressed despite my excitement about all of it.
I later married a different woman who actually was excited about our lab things despite but being a scientist.
- Comment on The Witcher 4 got a surprise reveal at The Game Awards, and this one is all about Ciri | PC Gamer 5 weeks ago:
I would crowdfund the shit out of that.
- Comment on chatgpt remembers 5 weeks ago:
Maybe we should change it to the Streisand-Turner effect?
- Comment on chatgpt remembers 5 weeks ago:
If he ever does, I’ll link up to him and rate him on his profile as highly skilled at rape.
- Comment on Pro-tip for this capitalistic hellscape 1 month ago:
I’ve only ever had one worse protein bar: the original powerbar. Made in Idaho back in the nineties, they were a uniformly brown (regardless of flavor), chewy, sticky, oddly grain flavored abomination. The OG version came in gold foil wrappers with black text, like it was out of a fancy MRE. They were awful.
- Comment on super squirrel 1 month ago:
You rock!
- Comment on Took me by surprise 1 month ago:
That’s social conditioning, not biology.
- Comment on Percentages 1 month ago:
×25% gives you 1/4 the original value, whereas +100% is double the original value, let’s say 8/4 to keep it consistent. ×125% (in case a 1 is missing) is still only 5/4 the original value.
Is there a typo in your comment?
- Comment on brains! 1 month ago:
It’s really both, neurons communicate electrochemically. Neurons establish a voltage difference across their membrane, typically positive outside, negative inside, by concentrating ions on one side or the other. In a single neuron, the action potential (signal) results in the electric polarity of the cell membrane switching to negative outside, positive inside, with the change in gradient cascading down the length of the axon as ions are allowed to flow across the membrane by voltage-gated ion channels. After depolarization, ions are actively and selectively pumped to either side of the membrane, repolarizing it.
There’s a lot more to it than that but it’s 100% charge dependent. The change in charge is mediated by the flow of ions across a membrane instead of the flow of electrons through a conductor, hence why it’s slower.
- Comment on Kermit :) 2 months ago:
He’s a frog, they breathe through their skin.
- Comment on Did something about mass produced ice cream change like 10 years ago? 2 months ago:
Try Acme Valley ice cream. I just bought a pint and it’s great. No injected air!
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 2 months ago:
Join us in the PNW! We have legal weed!
- Comment on ... 2 months ago:
Hah, I haven’t thought about Dragonball in ages.
Progress through turnover is true, and it’s maddening because the core tenets of science are explicitly against this. At our hearts, we’re still just apes with extra inflated egos.
- Comment on ... 2 months ago:
Am scientist (well, was, before career change), can confirm. Fuck dogmatic scientists, they’re worse than regular dogmatists because they’ve been given many opportunities to know better.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 2 months ago:
I was going to respond to your original response, then I saw this thread and saw what a waste of time that would be. Man, what an embarrassment of a human being you are.