- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 4 weeks ago:
Mmm they look so affordable
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 3 months ago:
Thank you, I really appreciate that. I’m essentially an atheist too (I don’t even give it a label for myself because god and religion are just not a part of my life, and I don’t need them to be). And yet somehow I feel I have exponentially more compassion and value of morality than a large swath of these people voting in a monster, acting under the guise of being “good Christians”. Maybe I’m delusional, maybe I’m the one missing something, I don’t know. I still believe in humanity, but man I’m just sad right now. Anywho, I’ll take all the prayers and positive energy for everyone that I can get right now, so thank you
- Comment on I'm not worried you're worried 3 months ago:
I am fucking gutted, I am so sad and angry and I don’t know what to do. I am overall a happy and positive person and believe in humanity but this win feels like it’s stripping me of a piece of that and I hate that! I hate that I feel so much hate right now, it’s exactly what I preach against, yet here I am. I can’t believe this is happening
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
A community dedicated to all the niche communities, I like this. A post a day highlighting various ones or where people can announce the ones they’ve created. This is a good idea to at least spread the word of their existence
- Comment on rabioli 5 months ago:
What a horrible way to live, to be suspicious of cheese
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
- Comment on Outrageous! 6 months ago:
Oh please, next you’re going to say we actually need carbs too, pffft
- Comment on There's rupees in there 7 months ago:
Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!!
- Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 8 months ago:
Maybe it’s not crunchy enough
- Comment on A beautiful thing... 8 months ago:
Hawk two I don’t know why but the girl describing spitting is becoming the newest meme
- Comment on fruit 8 months ago:
I’d like to be known as someone who “tenderizes meats without assistance”, that seems like a compliment of the highest order
- Comment on Heiroglyphs 8 months ago:
OMG I just had this exact conversation with my doctor!
- Comment on Glass half full 8 months ago:
- Comment on I fucking love it 9 months ago:
I don’t get the joke but that’s a dachshund and I’d like to be his friend
- Comment on So, I found a cat in the river today... 9 months ago:
You mean May 21st at 2:07pm
- Comment on If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully? 9 months ago:
I’m making a big conscious effort to hear out and be in tune with perspectives of people of all age groups and to not deny anyone’s experiences just because they’re not my own. There are such generational divisions that, being between the older and younger generations right now, I can see so clearly. That makes me want to go out of my way to avoid it as I get older.
- Comment on What side do you open a banana from? 10 months ago:
The responses to this post have me more than a little rattled
- Comment on Here is my dog, Oscar. 10 months ago:
Oscar looks like he just crawled out of a well and is about to steal my soul
- Comment on Here is my dog, Oscar. 10 months ago:
I’m having one of those silent full body shake laughs over this, thank you
- Comment on The entrance to my basement 10 months ago:
Is this where you find that dark web place?
- Comment on My breakfast routine 11 months ago:
I don’t trust him, he and Mario have other sinister plans
- Comment on My breakfast routine 11 months ago:
It’s okay, there’s an extra jar of mayo on the ledge
- Comment on Hunger 11 months ago:
I don’t know how to recover from this
- Comment on Hunger 11 months ago:
I don’t know how to recover from this
- Comment on People who park in the handicapped ramp boil my blood. 1 year ago:
Exactly this happened to my friend who is a quadriplegic, some asshat parked on the striped lines next to her and she couldn’t get in her car because there was no space for the ramp. She posted a great video at the time showing visually why you should never park in the stripes.
- Comment on Price of electricity in Finland peaks at 2.35€/kWh today. Keeping my tiny granny cottage warm costs me over 50 euros for a single day. It's negative 25C (77F) outside. 1 year ago:
It’s a Christmas scented ash they leave behind, most unsettling
- Comment on Why does it seem like women are more wont to make noise in sexual situations while men don't? 1 year ago:
Love this comment :)
- Comment on Why does it seem like women are more wont to make noise in sexual situations while men don't? 1 year ago:
I never doubted it’s someone’s hypothesis, that doesn’t make it any less absurd
- Comment on Why does it seem like women are more wont to make noise in sexual situations while men don't? 1 year ago:
I’d like to unscrew my eyeballs, put them in a hard bristle boot brush to remove the outer layer and then put them back in my sockets so I can be free of this comment. We moan because it feels good. If you want to try and go further perhaps because we haven’t been conditioned as much to suppress emotion. As to the shape of the head….if anything the shape would serve as a plug for the current male’s own sperm to prevent it from coming out. C’mom
- Comment on Does anyone feel like an actual adult? 1 year ago:
Clearly you’ve not been invited to the Council, we’re adulting super hard smartly over here