- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 6 days ago:
You know, I was not at all. I guess I figured if fast food wasn’t on your direct path (or only very slightly out of the way) it wouldn’t even be considered as an option.
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 6 days ago:
I agree we’re better off to cut out fast food, but…
How long are the drive thrus you get stuck in? I think the worst I’ve ever had was 20 minutes and it was because their registers were acting up. The simplest meal at home is definitely 20 minutes unless you’re literally only eating plain ramen or cereal. I mean I guess you can make an egg in less than 20 minutes, but that doesn’t count the time in the grocery store or dishes?
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Depending on your state, you can! Is your parent dying of cancer and requires constant care? Did you get in a car accident that requires a multiple day hospital stay, and a wound the size of a dinner plate? You too can have a few weeks unpaid leave to recover. Thinking of maternity (or paternity) leave as a sabbatical is a joke.
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 5 weeks ago:
I think they covered that, as long as we all agree that an appropriate sentence is zero jail time and maybe a nice cup of hot chocolate or something
- Comment on Just put a spray tan over it 5 weeks ago:
I too would want to test patch it. But I would put it off too long and end up skipping the test patch.
- Comment on I live in the green part 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, the skinniest couple I know eats candy and taco bell all day long (they’re approaching 30 so that teen metabolism is long gone). They’re not unusually active or anything, just thin. My husband is thin and has basically zero regard for his diet. Southern amounts of butter on everything. I’m much more careful than him, I enjoy plain veggies as snacks (as opposed to his pastries) and I’m ten pounds more than him at 7 inches shorter than him.
- Comment on Anon walks home in the city at 2 AM 1 month ago:
Wear a reflective vest. It makes it obvious you’re just trying to safely walk your dog, makes you less likely to be hit by a car and signals safety because dangerous people don’t usually want to be conspicuous
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 2 months ago:
Make clue finders for adults! Same game, just adult level facts, puzzles, and math!
- Comment on why do our noses & anuses think different types of paper are softest? 2 months ago:
Thank you posting such an in depth and interesting explanation!
- Comment on Anon gives up dating apps 2 months ago:
It’s not just totally unattractive guys trying to punch above their weight, it’s also mid range guys who pick the hottest girl in the group and then sulk when she goes home with sometime else after doing nothing to make themselves her best option. And the sulking is pretty transparent which further lowers their attractiveness, and that kind of behavior definitely makes it back to everyone in the group. Guys really say no one will date me and literally only mean their first top choice won’t date them.
- Comment on Anon loves sunny days 2 months ago:
Yeah, but that’s just a mindset. You can turn that mindset on in the Florida summers too. When you get in your car and it’s an oven until the AC cools it you just pretend you’re in a sauna, breathing that hot air from the coals. You’re sweating while you’re doing a job/project, you just pretend it’s like hot yoga.
A hot tub feels amazing. The heat can too when you decide it does. When you finally give into the heat and decide you’re just gonna be sweaty today, it feels great.
- Comment on Caption this. 5 months ago:
If you’ve been challenged to a foot race and you have the choice, wear your skeleton, muscles, and skin for your best chance at winning. If you’re being made to pick only one, choose muscles over skeleton.
- Comment on PSA: Libraries 5 months ago:
Well that sucks. I did not know that.
- Comment on Mystery Men was the flop superhero comedy that deserved better 5 months ago:
Mystery men, mystery men, mystery men, what a treat! I didn’t expect to be seeing you again so spoon!
My family quotes this movie to each other all the time even still
I think about it when I encourage my husband. Big rubber gloves on his face, “you shovel well”
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 5 months ago:
As a teen I had little to no interest in penetration. Tampons didn’t feel good, so why would I assume something else would? I wasn’t really interested in penetration until I was interested in my partner specifically.
Once I (eventually) figured out pleasurable masturbation, I still stuck with external stuff mostly, and fingers in general. Eventually I got a job and a debit card and could privately online shop, but my little bag of toys continues to go mostly unused. Nothing beats my fingers.
I don’t know about other women, but for me masturbation is and always has been much more about what’s going on in my head, and then adding the pleasurable sensations to that, rather than experimenting with different sensations.
For a beginner I literally cannot imagine a cucumber. How many dicks are as thick as a grocery store cucumber? None I’ve seen in real life. Maybe in porn, but I can’t think of any. It would just hurt. Beginners would need something maybe the size of 2 female fingers. (Maybe a farmers market cucumber that’s skinnier?)
- Comment on Anon is a homebody 5 months ago:
My physical proximity friend group is delightful. It’s the only friend group I’m in where we don’t basically all have the same views and opinions, political, religious, etc. I love my family friend group and my found family, but I just played in the ocean last night with friends from highschool (some back to elementary school) and all their wives and it was a blast. We graduated more than a decade ago.
- Comment on PSA: Libraries 5 months ago:
Libby isn’t the only app though! My library uses Libby and overdrive and maybe even a third one
- Comment on Vince Vaughn on Why His R-Rated Comedies Aren’t Made Anymore: “People in Charge Don’t Want to Get Fired” 5 months ago:
Many movies and TV shows seem to do it without making the people creating the stereotype the protagonist or the hero of the film. I think that’s the difference. Make the Muslims, immigrants, whatever the protagonists and then you can showcase the stereotypes and the racists, sexists, bigots, whatever in a way that doesn’t celebrate them as centered.
Or just create comedy that doesn’t rely on sexism or racism to be funny. I think that’s why Vince Vaughn isn’t getting the movie deals anymore, and I don’t think it’s only because producers are scared for their jobs, it’s also because the market for low brow humor is less than it was in the aughts.
- Comment on Vince Vaughn on Why His R-Rated Comedies Aren’t Made Anymore: “People in Charge Don’t Want to Get Fired” 5 months ago:
Right, but it doesn’t sound like Vince Vaughn is arguing for a new type of comedy… it sounds like he’s trying to just bring back the old type, which while funny in their day, aren’t really funny now.
Anchorman without the nostalgia goggles… not very funny actually. When you make a movie that’s full of sexism to “make fun of sexism” you’ve still just made a movie that’s full of sexism.
I will say I watched Austin Powers recently, and it held up pretty well. Anchorman has a lot of funny bits, but a lot of it is still just saying isn’t it funny that this guy is mentally handicapped and none of us are acknowledging it? Isn’t it funny for this guy to say tits McGee instead of her name? Isn’t it funny that even the only non sexist guy also doesn’t want her career to succeed? Isn’t it funny how they all sabotage her in ways that are not actually that far from how women were actually sabotaged in the workplace pretty recently?
It’s not just people pretending not to like it for fear of being labeled problematic. Some of us actually don’t think that kind of humor is clever enough to actually be funny
- Comment on Anon goes out with friends 5 months ago:
I also think it’s about avoiding telling his parents about the suicide attempt
- Comment on Anon is anti drugs 5 months ago:
I quit caffeine over a year ago. I still think about it almost every day. Every day I’m so tired, and I think, “there’s an easy fix for this, just give me a cup of half-caf.” It’s never an option for me to think, no, I’m done with that. I always just tell myself, “you can have it next month if you still need it then” Addictions suck.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 5 months ago:
It’s almost like our collective experience is so boring and gloomy and so stressful for our little bodies and brains that we as a species are prone to mercurial outbursts where we act recklessly as a way to prove our existence to ourselves
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 6 months ago:
They’re safe relative to other explosives like bombs.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 6 months ago:
I think a big part of it is that they’re dangerous. It’s fun to experience just a tinge of fear from how big they sound, or even just from being near the little street versions. It’s a (relatively) safe way for us to experience something that would otherwise be terror inducing explosives.
- Comment on Is there a way to hide posts that take you to another site? 6 months ago:
Hey, we look to the comments to see if someone else read it and summarized it first before commenting!
- Comment on How long does it take for neurotypical (or just typical) people to get over a minor fight? 6 months ago:
my husband and I both have ADHD. typically, we fight, I’m over it pretty quickly, he needs until he can sleep to get over it, but I think this is because we usually fight “My way.” I need us to talk it out and dissect what’s actually the root of the issue (usually past hurt, ongoing pattern, or misunderstanding at the onset of the fight). Once the issue is dissected and we commit to a resolution, or even just commit to acknowledging the issue and working on it, I feel loads better. If our flight is interrupted or he gets his way (ignoring the root cause, taking a short break from each other for a walk) then I’m simmering for ages and not that interested in being friendly again whereas he is back to normal.
Are you better at arguing? Do you typically “win” the argument? Or do arguments usually go along your ideas of how a fight should be structured? This may have something to do with it.
I second the above recommendation for the Nonviolent Communication book. It’s a short little read / work book and it can get you both using the same language, as well as kind of force you to take responsibility for your own feelings and needs.
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 6 months ago:
What am I missing about your point?
Looks like income dropped following 2020 and hasn’t returned yet… am I miss reading?
- Comment on yay, no dunning kruger for me! hold up, oh no 6 months ago:
BuT yOuR pOtEnTiAl!..
Green region comes with a higher propensity for self “medicating” as well. Honestly makes me feel like less of a failure because I may be useless but at least I’m not an alcoholic?
- Comment on Saw this and thought it was fake until I googled. It's real. 6 months ago:
Obviously brushing a horse is an unusual and fun experience, but that guy is right that they’re the same amount of exploration. Kids want to play pretend at a restaurant. It’s fun. Didn’t your school do an “enterprise village” type field trip where you all play act grown up jobs for a day? It’s fun!
This is not exploration. The children are not providing anything of value period, except perhaps good will towards the brand in the future.
- Comment on Is there any significance to people using emojis that match their skin tone? 7 months ago:
I use the one with my hair color. For things like thumbs up I stick with yellow