Comment on What are the odds of getting salmonella when eating raw poultry products? 2 months ago
There’s a guy in Florida who eats a lot of raw chicken (and washes it down with raw eggs apparently) and he does just fine. You can Google “guy who ate raw chicken for 100 days” and a bunch of stories come up about him. His name is John.
It’s made me feel better about being less like a crazy person in my kitchen following my husband around critiquing how he’s cross contaminating every surface in my life. I don’t think he’s careful enough. I stopped freaking out about it and we haven’t gotten sick so it turns out he is careful enough, and I just have anxiety. 2 months ago
If you’re worried about salmonella and non-dry chicken:
Also, they die after 4 hours on kitchen surfaces! 2 months ago
I love to learn the 4 hours thing! He’s definitely cooks chicken fine, it’s that I am always nervous that he puts the packaging on the counter and what if he touches that and then the cabinet handle to get the pan, and what if he moves another pot out of the way, I just feel like I wash my hands and the counters after every step and he doesn’t 2 months ago
You tell me - my wife got this scented super high quality soap for the kitchen. It’s okay for her but since I wash my hands way too often I switched to re-lipidizing doctor‘s soap for frequent handwashing due to rough skin between my fingers