- Comment on Why is deportation done instead of imprisonment or making people become documented? In other words, why does deportation exist? 3 weeks ago:
I think that more European countries should deport people who came here to escape “war”. Too many said they were Syrians but instead were from someone else and don’t even know what you say when you speak to them in “their mothertongue” and just say “Asyl Asyl yes” Everyone got the benefit of the doubt, yet integrated people got deported without reason. Also, everyone who breaks a law (like robbery, rape, etc) should get publically humiliated and then departed. Same goes to everyone who talks shit about the country they live in, burn the flags, etc. They get enough money so to not being forced to resort to crime.
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on Hogwarts Legacy - a weird (90 hour) review *no spoilers 3 weeks ago:
My girl almost never plays games. I bought her the ps5 with Hogwarts Legacy. She did like the atmosphere and such, but the story felt very rushed towards the end, the ending was unsatisfying, the world started off cool but got a choreful minefield afterwards.
I only played the tutorial.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on What are the odds of getting salmonella when eating raw poultry products? 4 weeks ago:
You tell me - my wife got this scented super high quality soap for the kitchen. It’s okay for her but since I wash my hands way too often I switched to re-lipidizing doctor‘s soap for frequent handwashing due to rough skin between my fingers
- Comment on What are the odds of getting salmonella when eating raw poultry products? 4 weeks ago:
If you’re worried about salmonella and non-dry chicken:
Also, they die after 4 hours on kitchen surfaces!
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Go-to #1 is definitely the r/piracy megathread. My personal #2 is a 2gb/s external SSD and a dedicated exe-downloading laptop.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Piracy is the first thing that comes to my mind when a game is georestriced or the performance is lowered due to copy protection stuff. I don’t even feel bad about it. The company wouldn’t have made any money from me whatsoever.
- Comment on Can cats see color? 5 weeks ago:
Funny thing: cats (and dogs) can see a bit of the ultraviolet spectrum. They see dandelion as pink.
- Comment on Astro Bot wins Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2024 2 months ago:
Not one bit. Sackboy is a 2d platformer, AstroBot is 3d. It feels like a Super Mario Galaxy 3 - better than 2 in every way. If AstroBot would have a wall jump and triple jump it totally would be a super Mario Galaxy 3.
- Comment on Astro Bot wins Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2024 2 months ago:
I just bought it used for $45. Started 5 hours ago, now time to sleep, then play again.
It is a better super Mario game. The difficulty is a bit higher I think, there’s some platforming where I thought like “ain’t no way some of my friends would get this first try”
I love it,
- Comment on Is Kickstarter Still Viable for Video Games? 2 months ago:
I’ve always known about kickstarter but never did something with it.
I only ever funded one thing this October; that thing was the GC Ultimate Controller.
I get regular updates, shipment will be around februaty.
- Comment on Day 142 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
Pro tip:
A 50:50 mixture of Isopropyl Alcohol and destilled water burns extremely cold.
Soaking a wooden sword in it and lighting it would result in a wooden sword with fire enchantment.
- Comment on New PlayStation Portable report backed by Digital Foundry 2 months ago:
I got a vita last year from a friend (he played it like a week when it was new) and I just love it! The buttons feel extremely nice and it in itself feels extremely premium and responsive
- Comment on I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store 2 months ago:
It seems you don’t know, but we don’t talk about that
- Comment on What are some great games that require you to bust out a notebook and pen? 2 months ago:
Currently on sale on GOG for € 0.89 - got it
- Comment on New PlayStation Portable report backed by Digital Foundry 2 months ago:
They could just release it today with added L/R 2+3 buttons and, even without a game card slot and only an SD slot, it would just fly off the shelves.
- Comment on [Crowbcat] Dad, how was Call of Duty before? 2 months ago:
I‘ll tell you my boy. Back on the PS3, when Nuke Town Noob-Tubers were real - it was right after we lost the 25 kill streak nuke, which was an instant win - it was the last time I remember not being able to run on walls, have a jetpack. Back then you had to play to unlock new skins and weapons. That one level 37 dude running around with the low level weapon in gold? He was to fear. His K/D was about 12. but all changed when lootboxes appeared. We got colorful skins, not representing the sheer dedication and skill one had to have to unlock it, only showing the money the player spent in order to archieve it.
- Comment on What are some great games that require you to bust out a notebook and pen? 2 months ago:
It reads like it would be a game similar to “A normal lost phone” and "another lost phone“ - two of the best phone puzzle games I‘ve played.
I might give Her Story a try
- Comment on I or my family does has a 3 year old mixed border collie. Is it to late to train him for something new? 2 months ago:
I thought my 2 year old cat “turn around” some weeks ago! Next will be “play dead”
- Comment on see you around 3 months ago:
The Germans call this a Bierrettich (English pronunciation: Beer-Rat and that ich sounds like a short cat hiss). If you’re in Vienna, they‘d write it that way, but the local dialect‘d be like Bieradi (pronounced: Beeruhdee)
- Comment on #notaseagull 3 months ago:
Typical customer service annoyant?
- Comment on Is mooning someone considered sexual assault? 4 months ago:
Seems like it depends on who does it to whom. A 19 year old girl? She’s a whore. A 12 year old boy? He‘s a prick. A 12 year old girl? She’s been with the boys for too long. A regular dude/woman mid 30‘s?/40‘s? He’s/She‘s either mentally unstable or drunk. I do it to my girl? She’ll probably ask if she can finally put that thing from her bedside table inside me. An old man? He‘s a creep. A comedian on stage? It’s part of his show and he’s funny!!
- Comment on Is there a name for the trope where a story is high fantasy at first glance, except for it's not fantasy and is actually set in a post-apocalypse dystopian future? 4 months ago:
If you want you could give the Xenoblade Chronicles series a go. All 3 connected core games are available on Switch
- Comment on Anon has to make a tough financial decision 4 months ago:
I must say, not being able to cover basic needs and the treats for a cat requires some very very bad financial decisions / circumstances.
I am happy to live in a country where I can get food for my serotonin-bastards for free from shelters and supermarkets if I really need to.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 5 months ago:
It is. It also is the best thing to find something on Reddit. And as much as I hate what it has become, it still is the best source of information. But this changes rapidly, sadly. I give it until 2027, then the information on Reddit is garbage too.
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 5 months ago:
It’s not just glue it‘s Elmer‘s Glue. They still have some standard.
- Comment on Sorrows you could not comprehend 5 months ago:
Depends. First 4 gens? Yes. 5 & 6? No. 7, 8 and 9? Yes.
- Comment on We should rename this place US political memes. 5 months ago:
The first one:
People’s Chancellor Hitler speaks: the leader of the National Socialist Freedom Movement and of all awakened Germany. On Wednesday, February 15, 1933, at 8:30 p.m., in the City Hall.
- Comment on We should rename this place US political memes. 5 months ago: