Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 1 week agoI think this may be body dependent. Sometimes I get a nasty hangover headache from just two drinks. Lady weekend I pounded like 5 and a half drinks in an hour or two, I was drunk and queasy until deep into the next morning and no hangover. I think it’s more about what you eat and drink besides the alcohol. 1 week ago
I don’t drink as often as I used to these days and noticed that there’s short term tolerance for alcohol. Like if I get a case of beer, if I have 4 the first night after going some months without drinking more than one drink, I’ll often stop before getting to 4 because I’m feeling like the drunk is going in a bad direction. But if I have what I can one night, then the next night 4 isn’t a big deal.
Same thing seemed to happen with hangovers.