- Comment on Elon Musk Ignites Online Speculation Over the Meaning of a Hand Gesture 1 month ago:
“Most Americans are not worried about a handful of idiots in swastikas.”
Yeah, that is entirely the fucking point. We should be, I am most of Americans and I give a shit about this and you would be a fucking moron not to because not giving a shit is literally how this stupid fuck ended up on stage making this shit normal for them.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
Congratulations on your personal betting pool. Wishing you the best.
I will be buying one.
- Comment on Beware of BigReddit® 2 months ago:
It doesn’t. I don’t think much thought should be put into this shitty Lemmy circle jerk post.
However, I think the joke is that all users on Reddit are "educated’ as in if you are on Reddit you believe you are a professional on everything.
However, Lemmy is no different. It’s a “not like other girls” kind of post. People on Lemmy think they are different because they aren’t maim stream so therefore they are more educated because they can point out others that think they are educated and use Reddit.
It’s a stupid fucking cartoon as well.
- Comment on J IS LORD 2 months ago:
My name must start with a J. I can needed that boost of confidence
- Comment on GET REKT 2 months ago:
Hey man, I don’t disagree with you.
However, I think if you take every article you read and turn it into, “meanwhile I am waiting for someone to fix the planer.” You are not really doing much. All of us, including myself, want what you want but those are things that are irrelevant to this article and we should take to things that are relevant.
Fuck fascism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and anything else that is down right degrading to any human being who is just trying to be happy
In the same vain though, fuck hornets, fuck those little murderous monstrosities.
- Comment on Not likely to be AI-generated or Deepfake 3 months ago:
You have never seen the all elusive catsnail? Bummer you should look harder.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 4 months ago:
Your grammar and sanity are better for it. Actually, most cases I’m which a double that is used you can probably get away with a single that.
- Comment on Game Freak has been allegedly hacked, with source codes for Pokemon games reportedly leaked 4 months ago:
I am seeing a lot of negative comments on here and while I agree the franchise has grown stale I can also say the personal emails of employees being leaked is shit and shouldn’t happen. Nintendo had to have their day and it came and here we are but it sucks employees are at the butt of the leak.
Also as a fan I welcome competition and games like PalWorld but the classic Pokemon games hold true to my heart and some of these leaks are really dn cool while others set a concerning precedent for what data companies leave laying around and for how long.
For those of you that are interested there are some really interesting things to come out of this for fans.
Source code to games sucks in one manner but gives modders and ROM hackers the opportunity to do many things. It is tools like this Nintendo should have just embraced providing or should allow the community to have community versions to do what they want with it after 25+ years. Maybe it would he less intriguing if those tools were open sourced and the may hidden items were just openly shared. There would be less incentive to steal if they innovated on tools or left old ones to the past to be what they are. However, likewise, legally it is their IP to do with what they want.
Source code is one but straight up editing tools for how they created e-card code for e-card readers. 3DS Dev Kits and Pokemon Beta games sets a whole other wheel in motion and gives players real power to do what will absolutely hurt Nintendo’s bottom line and that is develop. That has to be a real wake up call to Nintendo.
Seeing leaks about the anime, movies, and future games is a bummer to me and I don’t want any part of that. I would rather those stay a mystery so I can be ready to play them and even if you don’t like Pokemon or Nintendo that is fine some of us hate Nintendo and like Pokemon because it was there for us as a child when your parents are going through a divorce. (TMI I know) point there is stuff adult me loves seeing because kid me would never have thought some of this would shed so much light on Nintendo’s development and scrapped ideas and processes. While Nintendo should and very much will take action on their IP. I really think if they want to learn from this they will tackle damages on upcoming films, shows, and games. Instead of being embarrassed by old stuff they should just say, “fuck it” and embrace the community doing with it what they want. We are talking about 20 year old data in some cases and tools most people have already debugged, replicated, and deciphered.
- Comment on Game Freak has been allegedly hacked, with source codes for Pokemon games reportedly leaked 4 months ago:
Tor is only as safe and as secure as the person using it.
Most people think just installing Tor and running protects them and their identity. Most don’t even look at things like DNS leaks or think a VPN plus Tor helps, that being said. Tor and Mullvad are probably as private and as secure as you can get by default.
- Comment on Women in STEM 5 months ago:
Where is my fucking lady Rosalind Franklin at?
- Comment on stop 5 months ago:
I love chicken, pork, and beef. I have tried the meat alternatives and I like most of what I have tried. I would be vegetarian if it honestly wasn’t so expensive sometimes. Not to say meat isn’t also expensive.
I work with a guy who is a vegan and honestly. I don’t get the hate towards the life style. Guy is as healthy as they get and morally more sound in the area of food than I am.
What am I missing on Vegan hate or even vegetarian hate. No one imposes on me. Honestly, I feel like they have something figured out I dont.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Stellaris, 100%
Niche Sci-Fi game. 100% fun with strangers but to see people play out the battle of a Galaxy competitively playing as their empire meta or not meta would be an absolute blast.
- Comment on Youtube ads attacking different today.. 6 months ago:
I would say some would say it was porn either way.
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
Going to ruin one for you guys.
One Republic’s Too Late to Apologize.
I used to think they said “it’s too late for Papa Johns.” I have told my friends and family and they can’t hear the original lyrics anymore. Every time I hear that song that is what I hear.
- Comment on Benny 😍😍😍 7 months ago:
What the fuck is he actually talking about? I have no fucking clue how the US is full of people that read this shit and go, “yeah politics and I am an American Republican this guy knows the truth.” Like how did we get to this kind of stupidity?
- Comment on we love those power laws 9 months ago:
Preps sophon on another planet
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 9 months ago:
Dude, you are going to break this person’s heart. Keep this knowledge to yourself.
- Comment on Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. 10 months ago:
I think there is something to respect about both types of games these days.
- Comment on Headlines be like 1 year ago:
Honestly, because diamonds are just cliché, over priced and over made meaning that don’t have a real high value and all the other gemstones have gone so unloved over the years. I mean, as a 28 year old man I fucking love my emerald earrings. Ruby ones as well for that matter. Fucked diamonds my dudes puts some color in the bling.
I am wearing opal right now. Diamond are just kind of meh.
- Comment on I love purple. 1 year ago:
History is absolutely purple.
- Comment on An oldie but a goodie 1 year ago:
Turns out the little bastards are terrible despite being cute.
- Comment on An oldie but a goodie 1 year ago:
This is what Reddit used to do for me. The weirdest thing Reddit ever did was give me the name of an insect that for years I tried to Google when I would see it and I have legitimately only ever seen the bug 3 times in my 28 years of life. They are so small, so infrequent, and so rare that I thought for years I wasn’t even seeing an I sect but just a fuzz from a dandelion once it changes.
I mean for actual fucking years I could not find the regular name, the slang name (usually changes based on dialect, or even the scientific name. The amount of times I searched for “white fuzzy bug” or “white floating bug.” No matter the combination. I even would tell people, “I remember seeing this bug and I have seen it so rarely I don’t even know if it is real.” And most of my friends would say, “yeah never seen it.” And then that one friend would say, “dude me too.” And then one fucking day I open Reddit and God dammit if I didn’t believe it someone gave me the name. Actual years of feeling insane and thinking those little fuckers were a sign of something higher because of how fragile and cute they are and Reddit not only gives me the name, confirms I am sane but enlightens me on the little bastards they actually are.
I am from West Virginia and if you made it this far well by God if you have seen one then I swear on mother nature you aren’t insane and we are in this together.
(Whooly Aphid)[…]…
- Comment on Snapchat's new avatar design 1 year ago:
They don’t, and honestly, Snapchat is what most of Gen Z is using to the point I believe it has even confused Facebook so Facebook has copied Snapchat.
Snapchat also has even more reason to update and appeal to that age group.
- Comment on Flashback - Mark Zuckerberg on billionaires: 'No one deserves to have that much money' 1 year ago:
Buddy it ain’t stealing if we keep using the product and indirectly (directly) supporting the billionaires exploiting others.
- Comment on Does Tropic Thunder have the best closing credits scene? 1 year ago:
Fuck Tom Cruise
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
Are you referring to a Steam default or the game default?
The game default is single player. You don’t have to play online and not will you encounter characters like a MMO.
If you are referring to steam then just switch to offline? That isn’t based on the game but the client running your game.
- Comment on Why must it be this way? (but also I'd like shark please) 1 year ago:
I just bought a bathbomb called black rose frome Lush. My girlfriend approved but she wasn’t the one using it.
A bathtub, chocolate, and wine. Guys listen, ladies have it all figured out. Treat yourself.
- Comment on It's Party Time: Baldur's Gate 3 is Out Now 1 year ago:
If you never played the original Baldurs Gate games or the devs original Divinity Original Sin games then you are in for an absolute treat.
This game is basically Dungeons and Dragons with so many ways to play and have fun.
Imagine if you will a half demon and a Dragonborn walk into a bar. The Dragonborn is a bard and the half demon is what is called a Tiefling. The two are best friends ready to take on the world. They meet a dark elf who is a powerful druid that can turn into a spider and a dwarf who is also warlock. The four of them find themselves surrounded by bandits but fret not the Dragonborn sings his tunes to make the Tiefling stronger. The drwarf helps freeze them in place and the druid spins her spindly legs to eat the bandits.
Together they will save the world. Well if your brain imagines all that in your own way then welcome to Baldurs Gate 3.
- Comment on Eat a tick XIAOMI... 1 year ago:
Buddy, the point being made here is specifically Android 10. I just made a comment on your thread about this exact thing.
At one point in time there was a version of Android that introduced gestures and it broke third party launchers that have gesture options themselves. People were freaking out because they thought Google was going to make Android natively kill 3rd party launchers.
In truth it was a bug with gestures and 3rd party launchers. It had to do with the fact that gestures were new and that version of Androids gestures didn’t disable or have issues with 3rd party gestures interfering with one another.
I get your frustration a lot of people at the time understood your frustration and were worried but newer versions of Android no longer have this issue because the third party launchers can take advantage of the built in 1st party gestures and add their own additional gestures.
Also, Xiaomi is not exactly what I would call an LTS phone if you want longer service for support Pixel and Galaxy (especially Galaxy) are about as good as it gets on Android.
- Comment on Eat a tick XIAOMI... 1 year ago:
What version of Android? I thought this had to do with a certain version of Android. People were freaking out because they thought Android was going to natively make it harder to use 3rd party launchers but the truth was there was a version of Android that had a hard time with 3rd party launchers and gestures because it broke them and caused them to freak out or something.