For context, it’s a very clear Nazi Salute — and Musk did it more than once. The NYT is implying doubt because they’re afraid of losing access if they speak the truth and because some people who are financially dependent on Musk are denying what it was in public.
Elon Musk Ignites Online Speculation Over the Meaning of a Hand Gesture
Submitted 1 month ago by to
Comments 1 month ago 1 month ago
Hitler looked better at doing it.
Elon Musk was incredibly uncoordinated in his display. 1 month ago
To be fair, he is literally not good at anything. 1 month ago
The 4 year myth needs to be dispelled. There is no magical reset button every 4 years. Damage done can’t be magically erased at the end of a 4 year period.
We’re entering a period of American decline that’s going to last a lot longer than 4 years. Buckle up. As shitty as the 2000s have been for a lot of us, we’re going to look back at the early 2000s as a golden age. 1 month ago
Video version: 1 month ago
Whoa I’m saving this one. Imgur could accidentally get a glitch that deletes these videos for no reason whatsoever. You never know! 1 month ago
Well he has his hand under a different angle, that MUST make all the difference! 1 month ago
Also, he’s biting his lip. You need the Serious Face to make the proper salute. 1 month ago
Fuck this headline. 1 month ago
Did Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post mention it at all? The only thing I can find is “Elon Musk gives exuberat speech at inauguration”, a video which only shows part of it. 1 month ago
This New York Times?…/the-new-york-times-1922-11-05-musso…
Nah they wouldn’t enable fascism (again) 1 month ago
Least fascism-enabling NYT headline 1 month ago
Only from cowards and those who support him. The rest of us know exactly what he’s doing. Him and Trump are cosplaying the Third Reich and they’ve done everything they can to tell you all that this is the case. 1 month ago
You know the guy practiced this move in front of his mirror the night before. 1 month ago
And in front of his employees asking for tips & suggestions. You know damn well he told every person he could to pump his ego. 1 month ago
“Show us again, boss! Show us how you’re going to do it!” 1 month ago
Inauguration day 2017, the defining moment was “American carnage”. This year it’s this. Fine job, America. 1 month ago
Please can we not take the bait?
The goal of this is to get us flipping out while the Right and casual voters go “jesus, he just waved weirdly.”
Now more than ever we have to pick our fights well. More than half the country voted trump in part because they think The Left is overreacting, please don’t feed that narrative. 1 month ago
Did you see it? 1 month ago
It’s not important, it just makes us look like we’re in hystrionics about Musk etc.
To most Americans, they’re not worried about a handful of idiots in swastikas. When we take this sort of bait it just makes real criticisms look like more Lefty whining. 1 month ago
Fuck that, sound the alarm. Our defacto president threw up a Nazi salute during inauguration. I was done with allowing them deniability years ago. These stupid Nazis can suck a fat baby’s dick. 1 month ago
And that alarm was listened to by the same people who already believe he’s a nazi, convinces and mobilizes zero people and makes the majority of voters who voted for trump even less likely to listen to us when someone isn’t just making a stupid salute but actually doing dangerous shit that actually harms people.
I get that for spoiled mostly white kids online, life will pretty much go on and nothing that bad will happen. But to those of us who actually understand the potential harm, we also underground that how we react matters more than what feels good or is easy, like screaming nazi. 1 month ago
You don’t deserve to breath my air scumbag. 1 month ago
Fucking Hell NY Times can you please just not be a myopic piece of shit and actually call a nazi a nazi. All of this enabling hang-wringing pearl-clutching nonsense is part of how we got in this problem. 1 month ago
There’s no speculation, the Nazi who defended Nazis in Europe have a Nazi salute in a massive Nazi venue. 1 month ago
What’s there to speculate about? They should start speculating their blindness. 1 month ago
There’s so speculation needed, unless you are a fucking retard; he did a Nazi salute. Twice. Fuck him. 1 month ago
Confirmed. You have to be a literal retard to think it was anything else other than a blatant sieg heil.
He did it exactly like Nazis did it too.
Start at chest and then fully extend. Once to the crowd. Then turn around and once to the Fuhrer/flag.