- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 5 days ago:
Unless they are in a car, take a walk along one of the less used roads and you will find empty food containers and piss bottles galore
- Comment on Ocean Hedgehogs 1 week ago:
In Latvian it’s just
Hedgehog = Ezis
Sea urchin = Jūras ezis (Literally sea hedgehog)
Same almost for the porcupine tho, it is called dzeloņcūka, which basically translates to barbed pig.
- Comment on Not the same 5 weeks ago:
Idk about that, I used to sometimes work for a group that translates manga and have seen similar patterns to that
- Comment on Select a tip 1 month ago:
I don’t remember actually doing tips as a percentage back when I lived in Latvia, it was usually that you took the bills and left any coins, maybe added some on top if there weren’t many.
So probably 10% at most but still basically what I made per hour as a warehouse worker
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 months ago:
My trusty backup is still an FX8320, the main is an I7-8700k with 1070ti
- Comment on I wonder why people litter in the USA? 3 months ago:
Funnily enough that’s where I find most of the litter in Japan, like, if you go to any non-main road that goes through a bit of forest, you will see signs threatening fines for littering, with a bunch of trash tossed in that exact area.
I have seen cans, bottles, ACs, TVs, baby car seats, bags, and general household trash. Also found a golf club once that I actually brought home because I thought that it was neat. And this is only along a single stretch of road that is only like 1km long.
So Japan isn’t some miracle society that doesn’t litter, it’s just that they do it someplace that is somewhat out of sight.
- Comment on lewd noodles 3 months ago:
That thing looks hilariously confused
- Comment on Black owner here.... without context that sounds really bad 4 months ago:
- Comment on Anon loves sunny days 4 months ago:
Yeah, idk what that guy is about, few months ago the outside temp was like 32°C and, because my apartment has crap insulation, the inside temp was either equal or higher. That was not fun and didn’t help with going outside at all.
- Comment on Anon gets a pizza 5 months ago:
There was someone who mentioned that they like anon’s profile picture on another post.
It was the attached pic
- Comment on Anon shares his dating preferences 5 months ago:
Continuing with the food analogy.
The problem is that I’m basically up for trying almost anything.
I know what I foods I probably wouldn’t like (paprika for example).
And there are certain foods that I like more than others, but there is no hard preference.
Asian food? No problem.
Pizza? Love it.
McDonald’s bit plain but always reliable.
Kebab? Nice.
There simply is no preference, as long as I like the taste and it fills the stomach, I am happy.
- Comment on Anon plays Overwatch 5 months ago:
Happens more often than not for me
- Comment on One car accident, endless spam calls 6 months ago:
Say that under any thread about any billionaire and watch your comment get double digit downvotes
- Comment on Anon is a homebody 7 months ago:
Well yes, but that’s the time when I do my various hobbies, that are mostly solitary
- Comment on Anon is a homebody 7 months ago:
One of the reasons why I never will want to do WFH, I just know that I will turn into this greentext
- Comment on Anon likes hobomaxxing 7 months ago:
What? UD does get sidetracked a bit l, but NEET is actually an acronym for “Not in Education, Employment, or Training” and it is not just some made-up internet term.
- Comment on The start to a trusting, supportive relationship... 11 months ago:
Yep, that is absolutely something that I would do
- Comment on this one goes out to the arts & humanities 11 months ago:
- Comment on It's lazy, if you ask me 11 months ago:
I think that I heard about a similar thing happening in Greece
- Comment on the internet 11 months ago:
Idk, wasn’t it reported that it was Indians piloting the ship? Probably something to do with that
- Comment on It's more interesting when self-directed 11 months ago:
Also, the school subject is kinda supposed to give you general knowledge of most of the general history, and they have X years to do it. Back in school we even had 2 different history subjects in our schedules, where one focused on the history of the world and one was for national history of the country.
While researching history on your own, you are the one who decides how shallow or deep you want to look into something, so it naturally just aligns with stuff that you find interesting.
- Comment on Anon has a power fantasy 11 months ago:
Didn’t know that capitalism made people blow the miniscule dangers of nuclear power out of proportion and create irrational fear
- Comment on there are worse hills to die on 1 year ago:
That really was entertaining
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 1 year ago:
I’m going to try to explain the origins from memory so someone who knows more will probably explain better.
It comes from an book or a movie, where a husband is planning something nefarious (don’t remember if it’s a murder or something) and he uses the attic of his house to do it. This is set back in the days when they used gas for lighting things and when he turns on the lighting in the attic, it causes the lights to change (probably get dimmer) in the rest of the house. His wife notices this and brings it up to him, since he obviously doesn’t want to reveal that he is the one causing it, he constantly convinces his wife that it’s all in her head and that she might be losing her mind.