- Comment on Anon experiences German humor 5 weeks ago:
Wouldn’t it be “Nåo trit”?
- Comment on It's true 2 months ago:
Who? The shooter or Luigi? Until proven otherwise, they are two separate people.
- Comment on Perspective 2 months ago:
I think… I think he meant the suit suit, not the skin suit.
I think.
- Comment on What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? 2 months ago:
I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention one of my favorites:
Spec Ops: The Line.
The risk with going in blind is that it seems like a generic cover-shooter that doesn’t do everything quite as well as its competitors but it actually works to its advantage once you get into it.
If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it, you can usually find it for really cheap.
- Comment on Whelp 3 months ago:
Both houses of which are under Republican control. So you’re only going to argue details instead of actually responding to the content?
- Comment on Whelp 3 months ago:
First: The commander-in-chief doesn’t control the military?
Second: Even if he didn’t, how would that matter for Ukraine? Removing both their support and the sanctions on Russia would still hurt them a lot.
- Comment on Whelp 3 months ago:
The country with the biggest military of the world, who they have received a lot of support from, just elected a president that supports the dictatorship committing crimes against humanity in their country. Do you not see how that is problematic?
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
I think Biden still believes that things can swing back in the midterms or next presidential election. I don’t think he realizes that this might have been the last election that was possible to win.
If he does something drastic, he’d probably hand even more popular support to the Republicans in general and to Trump in particular who would play victims as much as they could.
If he does nothing, it might be the end of democracy, not just in the US but in most of the world. But he will have “accepted defeat gracefully” and considering he won’t live to see the worst of it, I imagine that’s all that matters.
- Comment on Whelp 3 months ago:
Yeah, great fun watching the planet we all share start boiling and ruining the future not just for our own species but for millions of others.
- Comment on Anon watches a movie with a girl 4 months ago:
I can add that if you ever say something that you yourself think was stupid, it’s often better to just own up to it than to play it off (within limits). Something like “That was a stupid thing for me to say, I’m sorry, you’re just very beautiful and I’m a bit nervous” as an example.
- Comment on You know who 4 months ago:
I don’t want to ruin your fun but some of us have feet that aren’t ticklish in the slightest.
- Comment on International Woof 4 months ago:
Finnish: “Wait, you guys have articles?”
- Comment on Anon shares his dating preferences 5 months ago:
friend’s gf
few hours
I agree that it’s likely made up, and that the guy likely has a lot of misogynistic views, but you at least don’t need to misrepresent the post.
- Comment on solved 5 months ago:
I am offended by this.
It’s obviously z = boobs.
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
Highly recommend it, Tina Fey is an icon. Just beware that you’ll be quoting her character more often than you’ll notice yourself.
- Comment on Becoming et al. 5 months ago:
The IEEE reference style guide actually often works just like this, the entire reference is just a number in brackets in the text and then the details of the reference is in the bibliography at the end. For example
...a high correlation as shown in [5]... [5] A.N. Author, P. Ostdoc, and O. Verworked "A paper about a thing" Department, University, City, etc.
- Comment on Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine 2000 vs 2024 6 months ago:
As far as I remember, it is Norway that has a law requiring social media influencers to label their pictures if it has been altered and it’s France that requires models to stay over a certain BMI. I think both laws are good, but the latter one should maybe be adjusted to not strictly look at BMI as it would, for example, impact tall models differently than short ones.
- Comment on Simples. 6 months ago:
Even with the same muscle mass, it appears men might be stronger in the upper body compared to women (“A Comparison between Male and Female Athletes in Relative Strength and Power Performances”, Sandro Bartolomei, et al. ) so I’m not sure checking for any one single variable would make things fair.
- Comment on Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace? 6 months ago:
Not only that but it makes it easier to care about one another, which gives a greater incentive to unionize.
- Comment on Anon people-watches 6 months ago:
Plenty of shitbags in relationships who aren’t hot as well. People don’t like being lonely and relationships are often sold to us as fixing that loneliness, even when the opposite might be closer to the truth when you’re talking about a bad relationship.
- Comment on Anon is asking the difficult questions 7 months ago:
I personally think that shared interests are far less important than shared values (as in equality, for example), and while it’s fun to have a partner who has shared interests I don’t necessarily think it’s a prerequisite. If you enjoy spending time with them and they’re a good person, that’s all that matters if you ask me.
- Comment on Defeat 8 months ago:
“And I had to do all this just to say that the environment is fucked.”
- Comment on Long Cow is coming 8 months ago:
Are you always this angry? Doesn’t it get exhausting?
- Comment on Anon thinks about CPUs 8 months ago:
I took a course in computing systems engineering which was basically going all the way from semiconductors up to operating systems and it was incredibly interesting.
One of the things that surprised me was how easy it was to abstract away the lower-level complexity as soon as you got one step up. It’s kind of like recursive Lego pieces, you only have to design one piece then you can use a bunch of those to design another piece, then use a bunch of those to design another, and so on. By the end you have several orders of magnitude of the fundamental pieces but you don’t really think about them anymore.
- Comment on Me to myself everyday. 8 months ago:
Does that include sleeping consistently at least 8 hours a night for at least a few weeks straight? In my experience, sleeping long after not getting enough sleep makes you feel even more tired the first few days.
- Comment on Me to myself everyday. 8 months ago:
How much sleep do you get? I’ve found that getting 8 hours of sleep and then getting up immediately when the alarm rings is the best way for me to get started in the day; waiting too long with getting up, getting dressed, or getting started just makes me more drowsy and adds mental inertia.
Naturally we’re all individuals, so what works for me may not be right for someone else.
- Comment on Marxist Financial Advice 9 months ago:
I think it’s meant to be a joke.
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
Let me know when you want to have a conversation instead of arguing in bad faith. Aside from that I suggest you learn how to be less angry about things on the internet, it’ll make you happier.
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
I’m not sure if you’re trolling or not but “black people are dangerous thugs” is very clearly a racist generalizing statement.
- Comment on It is apparently controversial 9 months ago:
That is, at least to me, is both a bit of a strawman and an invalid comparison.
First: The statement “black people are” implies it applies to all of them, or at least the average person, whereas the sentiment that I usually see isn’t that all men are dangerous but rather that some are and it’s difficult, if not impossible, to know which are beforehand.
Second: Men have not been marginalized, discriminated, and systematically oppressed for centuries. People of color have been, at the very least in the west and the countries they’ve colonized.
There’s an additional point to be made here that I feel is relevant: Ethnicity does not inherently infer a large difference in physical characteristics the same way biological sex does. I don’t imagine the strength of an average person varies as much depending on ethnicity as it does depending on biological sex. The average man is much physically stronger than the average woman, in a physical confrontation she’d be at a distinct disadvantage.