- Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 2 weeks ago:
I think the problem isn’t that we eat meat. It’s that we torture the animals and have them live in deplorable conditions before we eat them. If we all hunted or raised our own animals or had the animals live in decent conditions it would be less of an issue for most REASONABLE vegans and vegetarians. I used to be vegan and vegetation for a decade so I get it a bit. I hated it when anyone would bitch about other people’s food choices, but then complain when they did the same to them for their food choices. Both sides I mean. I had some non-veggies once they found out I didn’t eat meat would attack me for it. When I did start eating meat again some vegans and vegetarians would attack me for it.
- Comment on Justice should be equal 1 month ago:
Got it
- Comment on Justice should be equal 1 month ago:
I had the same thought. Us North Americans are not used to sacrificing ourselves for the betterment of the future generations.
- Comment on Justice should be equal 1 month ago:
I might be confused by your comment and not understanding it properly so excuse me if I’m just not understanding right.
Are you saying that all the school shooters in America did not actively plan to kill all of those children and/or teenagers?
School shooters took a gun to a school and started open firing on children who were no threat and never even had a chance to grow up and hurt anyone.This guy planned it out, killing one adult who was responsible for the deaths of a lot of fellow Americans while he got richer and richer from their suffering and deaths.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 1 month ago:
My mother was a wonderful person, poor, and a boomer. She never had anything handed to her. We need to stop shitting on specific generations (it’s a distraction ) and target our hate towards the class divides between us instead.
- Comment on Excellent anti smoking ad 1 month ago:
I remember seeing a faded, sun bleached poster of this on the wall of our guidance counsellor’s office and thinking, those animals look so adorable. Didn’t make me want to smoke but also didn’t make me not want to.
- Comment on App development 4 months ago:
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 4 months ago:
You got a whole menagerie! Sorry about your chicken and goose loss.
- Comment on Those poor plants 4 months ago:
I see what you are saying, but maybe you’re looking at it from an animal perspective instead of a plant one. They could have consciousness in their own way that’s not similar to ours, so we think they are “brainless” or not aware of what’s going on. I’m not a scientist but I do wonder about plants. They are living creatures.
- Comment on Those poor plants 5 months ago:
How will we ever know for sure if plants have their own form of consciousness that doesn’t follow a list of requirements that’s based on animals, or can feel pain.
- Comment on Those poor plants 5 months ago:
Yeah, plants aren’t stationary. All plants move, just very, very slowly compared to animals. Looking at time lapse videos of vines growing, reaching out for something to grab on to and stuff is pretty neat. They kind of whip around in circles until they feel they’ve hit something worth grabbing onto.
- Comment on Those poor plants 5 months ago:
Maybe tumbleweeds? I think…
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
Wait I thought you had 7 geese.
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
Are geese good animals to have?
- Comment on App development 7 months ago:
- Comment on Derps of Tiktok 9 months ago:
Yeah I was also really surprised by the contagiousness of suicide. When I first saw the article I linked I thought “how cruel they won’t give a student a space in the yearbook, it would help the grieving family so much”. Then I read it all and it made sense. I feel horrible for those families but at the same time they likely don’t want to be responsible for other families suffering what they have gone through just to have a photo of their child in the yearbook.
- Comment on 10 months ago:
Sushi doesn’t last long after its made. But I don’t like food waste so looked up ways to make it taste okay after it’s gone stale or the avocado starts browning and getting mushy. Cut it up with scissors and pan fry it in some oil. It’s not bad. Add veggies or whatever if you want.
- Comment on Derps of Tiktok 10 months ago:
Suicide is contagious. It’s the reason why schools are recommended against having memorial pages in yearbooks and stuff for students who killed themselves. It encourages more suicides.
- Comment on Hustle tip 10 months ago:
A saltine
- Comment on What do you see that you wish others saw? 10 months ago:
Sounds like with that one specific incident was that chick was being shitty at her job. I’m a female and have had female mental health providers treat me like garbage too. It’s not a woman vs man thing. Some people are just shit humans regardless of their sex.
- Comment on Yummy Mummy 1 year ago:
Ya but in this case he’s not an actual earl, Earl is his first name.
- Comment on When you want to quit drinking 1 year ago:
I would guess that the joke is when you are addicted to alcohol and are attempting to quit, it feels like temptations are shoved in your face from every direction and can feel inescapable. The dudes being chased by a beer he doesn’t want like it’s Freddy Kruger.
- Comment on When you want to quit drinking 1 year ago:
I’m an alcoholic, come from a family of alcoholics, grew up in an alcoholic home, have suffered consequences from living and being around alcohol addiction. I find this chuckle worthy. Not everything has to be serious and treated with kid gloves. I’m planning on sending this to my friend who is also struggling with alcohol addiction, and I know she’ll find it funny.
- Comment on Watching ads while grandma is choking on a fish bone 1 year ago:
I got a fish bone stuck in my throat when I was a kid. My mother tried pulling it out with her fingers, tried pliers, and when that wasn’t working, she then called the hospital (back when you were allowed to do that, now we have to call Telehealth). The person who she spoke to told her to make some well done toast and have me eat it. Worked perfectly. The toast, once chewed, wraps around the bone and gums it up so it passes through your digestive system.
- Comment on I feel the actual inflation 1 year ago:
They likely live in a different place than you do Sounds like you got it way better, congrats
- Comment on Sweet tea 1 year ago:
It might be because you aren’t a visible minority that you haven’t witnessed it, you don’t notice it happening because it’s not on your radar that it could happen.
- Comment on Sweet tea 1 year ago:
That’s very thoughtful of you to provide the imperial measurements as well for Americans ☺️