- Comment on Anon hates condom 2 days ago:
This fact is highly unpleasant and i hate you for 5 minutes
- Comment on Anon experiences freedom 5 days ago:
Endlessly being told “you don’t understand” by commenters who only use tv-friendly and repeatable povs and barely try to mask their hate towards their fellow citizens gets awful tiring huh? I left R-town to get away from the bloodlust but .world folks are infested wit reddit 2.0 types
- Comment on Anon sees a happy couple 1 week ago:
Women actually like vg yo. I would know, i got my wife into them when we met (she hadn’t played games since she was a kid) and now, while i still take the crown in side-scrollin platformers and fighters? she whips my ass in shooters and it’s not actually close.
- Comment on Anon watches her boyfriend play videogames 2 weeks ago:
My wife and i agree that if we start yelling at each other instead of the game we gotta do a kissin break
- Comment on What are your favorite games for killing nazis? 4 weeks ago:
Sniper Elite lol! Love that damn game. Someone out there had the job programmin nazi-nutsacks, and they took their job serious. Such loving attention to destructive detail, that i never got tired of explodin them in slow motion from 500 yards. Magnifique!
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 4 weeks ago:
“My” message is catching on without my help, since its, yaknow, true.
More importantly, you misunderstand my purpose in speaking to you. Your personal understanding of my “message” is not required. Folks like you, folks who figured they learned enough about politics and history in highschool, will believe whatever theyre told if it’s someone they trust. You’ll come around when and if “my” message becomes common sense. Only then. And you will at that time claim to have always known what I’m telling you, right now.
- Comment on Anon watches The Terminator 4 weeks ago:
As the “other” side crushes leftist movement and worker power, provides no real resistance to the right wing (that they’re totally not a part of at all). They smush leftist politicians from joining the DNC and stymie and primary out leftist members already within the DNC in favor of moving to the right/moderate members. then one of their premier members says things like how “America needs a strong republican party”
Yo we’re all like: “when will you get it”?? it’s 2025 alright and ya still don’t see, even tho they keep showing ya.
Now if you’re not ready to put down the happy fantasy you grew up with, that beautiful dream that the world will be fixed without your personal effort and sacrifice, cool. It’s a scary prospect.
In the meantime, stop shouting down the people who have made the step? It’s a tough enough prospect without having to listen to your whimsical worldview
- Comment on Anon took the buzzpill 5 months ago:
I saw it as chest level black shirt with the chest cut out and phone blocking nipple. It wasn’t until i read comments i saw it was a guy from france