- Comment on Welp. 2 weeks ago:
The technical terms are very similar. The only issue would be the colloquial terms.
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
More like:
“Inside of you, there are 2 apes:
One is a Chimpanzee, who wants to throw its shit at everything, and kill and dismembered anyone that has mildly inconvenienced you.
The other one is a Bonobo, who just wants to chill out, and maybe fuck to let all those frustrations out (and maybe kill and dismember the ape that’s hoarding all the food and resources for itself).”
- Comment on Facebook flags Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked 1 month ago:
Boiling frog. It’s easier to start oppressing people when you start suppressing their rights, so gradually, it’s barely noticeable.
And I know Meta is a private company, they have their right to “moderate” what is discussed on their platform. But saddly, Facebook is still a big player in the social media landscape.
- Comment on It's coming 1 month ago:
I, for one, welcome our new fungus overlords.
- Comment on UFO sightings 2 months ago:
Unidentified Flying Object… Unidentified Falling Object… The acronym still applies
- Comment on Time is an unstoppable force 2 months ago:
The cure was basic math
- Comment on If you live in Florida the first thing that you learn is never to put Christmas Lights on Palm Trees 3 months ago:
The decoration fits because Florida is full of dicks.
- Comment on Pocketpair reveals specific patents featured in Nintendo's lawsuit against Palworld 4 months ago:
"Oh, haven’t they told you, palworld? That patent report is O U T D A T E D
- Comment on Sugar Daddy 4 months ago:
That’s just insurance companies:
- They take a bunch of your money.
- You have to ask them for permission to get anything.
- They act like they’re making you a favor for existing, and convinced all their hoes that they would be dead without them
- Comment on lab toys 4 months ago:
Either that or the lab equipment is infused with the souls of children.
- Comment on Tiny Tineola bisselliella 5 months ago:
And remember to drink some water!
- Comment on I hope this counts. Where my Debian users at 5 months ago:
They make The monitor faster!
- Comment on under the ice 5 months ago:
“Mac wants the what!?”
- Comment on Hammerheads sharkz 5 months ago:
Well, triceratops has the advantage of being one of the most popular dinosaurs.
The unlucky one for me is the Parasaurolophus ( that crested “duck-billed” dinosaur). It was always one of my favorites as a kid, and I had to search for its name tonight.
- Comment on Hammerheads sharkz 5 months ago:
It’s never too late!
Hope one day you find one somewhere and get it as a small treat for child-you.
- Comment on unwatchable!! 6 months ago:
Español cuenta también con “Ponzoñoso” (Poisonous ) para poder diferenciar. Pero en si, sólo son sinónimos y se utilizan igual.
- Comment on Useless Otters 6 months ago:
Otterly disappointing
- Comment on We played Valve’s secret new shooter: Deadlock 7 months ago:
Specially since apparently it has some of the most toxic mechanics I hate from MOBAS (last hit, creep denial) and another that I just hate (itemization ) after playing MOBAS that did away with it, and actually felt much more fun to play (Dawngate and Heroes of the Storm).
- Comment on Animal Attacks 7 months ago:
Ryan George made me better understand why wasps do that
- Comment on Romance 7 months ago:
Socially awkward fly
- Comment on On Bears 7 months ago:
If you boop the snoot, will it droop?