- Comment on [1:05] Gen Z/A Slang (you will be dumber) 6 months ago:
Did anyone see the English language patch notes?
- Comment on Anon watches an American flick 6 months ago:
I’m a bit sleep deprived and the comment was only half on my screen.
I expected this to read “Americans are too poor/cheap to spend money on proper infrastructure, so they use old wet roads instead of new dry ones.”
- Comment on Good afternoon, get yr nails did. 8 months ago:
![What was the thought process?
- Comment on As a leftist when I saw this post in twitter I had to be rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure read 2567 over 1547 8 months ago:
It started as a prank, but now fascists unironically use the ok sign.
It’s a dog whistle. They use something innocent to signal to others in their ingroup, and call people stupid when they call them out on it.
- Comment on Beautiful 10 months ago:
The tattoo is excellent, but to permanently have it on your skin is a level of irony poisoning I aspire to have one day.
An upside of apocalyptic environmental collapse due by the end of the century is The Elders™ trying to explain their very specific joke tattoos to the younglings.