- Comment on Anon is SpongeBob 1 hour ago:
Welcome to Lemmy! If my comment is what inspired you to join I will be riding that high for a week
- Comment on Anon is SpongeBob 4 hours ago:
Hmmm with this we can deduce that SpongeBob was created sometime after 40 year olds went to highschool but before 30 year olds went to highschool 🤔
- Comment on magic box rule 1 week ago:
Oh I recognize these! We’ve got:
The 1978 super Nintendo 5 (alternate universe)
Lockheed Martin Bread maker
HP 2400 inkjet Uranium 235 enrichment centrifuge
- Comment on Admin team update 1 week ago:
Thank you for all you’ve done! You should be proud of your work.
I had to step down as mod of the mapporncirclejerk subreddit for health reasons too. When I eventually moved over here, I decided to start up ! and now I feel better about moderating having had time to recoup.
If you are like me, remembering to rest can be a difficult thing to do. Just know that taking time off is so important to becoming your best you. ❤️
- Comment on Heavy Metals 2 weeks ago:
Oh yea, you can cook it with any vegetable, fruit, or flower, milk, and rock salt to get a tough seafood stew. I those are pretty powerful, like your defense goes up for 5 minutes.
Alternatively mix it with monster parts and you get an elixir but what fun is that?
^^making a Zelda botw reference^^
- Comment on HAIL SATAN 3 weeks ago:
I mean, have you read the tenets of Satanism? Pretty darn convincing. Call me a devil’s advocate.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 weeks ago:
At first I read “have you ever met a single scientist?” As in “don’t you know they’re all fuckin?”
- Comment on i fixed Chile issue 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Mollusks 4 weeks ago:
I love that the Evergreen State College Geoducks has “let it all hang out” spelled in Latin on their crest.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 4 weeks ago:
I’m thinking the outcome of this may be even more sinister.
I know there is already plenty of corporate hands in science, doing what they can to fund research they want and making it more difficult for potentially damning results to come out.
Fun wild experiments won’t go away, they’ll still get funded, but only at the mercy of the corporation that bankrolls their study.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 1 month ago:
Yep, be the change you want to see in the world.
Also, making communities is fun! I made ! and it is booming thanks to several lemmings who I got to post consistently. Shout out to thepiccardmanuever.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 1 month ago:
I lurker is never late, nor is he early, they arrive precisely when they mean to.
- Comment on Should you trust that doctor? 1 month ago:
That said, how much do you trust your life with Dr. Who? I’ve seen many characters die while trusting him, and that’s just the ones on screen.
I’m not saying he is a bad doctor, but he was caught on film losing several sidekicks/ allies. If you’re caught on film doing something, you probably do it a lot.
If you get caught doing crack on the news, you are a crackhead. It’s not like a “oh this was just the one time” situation. You do it enough you get caught on the news doing it.
- Comment on Seeking feedback: how should move forward with external images? (related to frequent broken images) 2 months ago:
Envelopes it is then 📬
- Comment on Seeking feedback: how should move forward with external images? (related to frequent broken images) 2 months ago:
While it is a pain to upload to imgur and then post as a link, it’s not that bad tbh. If there was some way to convert an uploaded image into an imgur link automatically to skip the middle man, that would be cool, but imgur might have something to say about that.
Of course there is the option to snail mail all our memes to sunaurus for them to scan and upload. That way if you wanna post something, it better be worth the printing, 10¢ of shipping, and 2 to 3 weeks of travel time. That would be a pretty solid filter system.
- Comment on How do you even post that much 2 months ago:
Also props to you for making such silly maps! Honored to have you as a fellow mod of ! !
- Comment on Oxbowin' 2 months ago:
They should just secede from the union and be a small city state.
Would it benefit anyone? No. Would it be very costly to make the transition and potentially wreak havoc on the community? Absolutely. But would it create a sense of civic pride and feel good for the residents of Point Roberts? Also no.
- Comment on Oxbowin' 2 months ago:
Point Roberts has entered the chat
- Comment on He's just lucky I guess 2 months ago:
By the way if you haven’t seen Over the Garden Wall, it’s worthy to take the torch of spooktober staple from the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. Absolute gold.
- Comment on He's just lucky I guess 2 months ago:
Lol I didn’t know the context so I sang it in my head to go along with Musical Advice from Over the Garden Wall. Not perfect but it works!
- Comment on 50% survival rate 2 months ago:
Good idea! Thanks!
- Comment on 50% survival rate 2 months ago:
I mean even then the stats can change with so many variables. It’s kind of like how you have a 50% chance of surviving by splitting up with Sam. You both knew it had to be done- the forest was thick and you knew it could only stalk one of you. You wish you had more time with him, but someone had to survive to tell the tale.
As you get some distance and pray to God that you are alone, you crouch low and look for any sign of a trail or a building to get to. The fog is beginning to thicken as you decide to move downhill. Water flows downward, so this is the best chance you have to find a river.
You keep running as quietly as you can as the last glow of sunlight dissipates from above the trees. You begin to panic as you realize there’s no hope for navigation in pure darkness. But then hope. The bubbling of water on rocks tells you that the river is just below. You cautiously move through the brush, heart pumping- were you being followed? It could have been waiting for the perfect moment- who knows how quietly it can move.
You get down to the river when you see a light on the other side. You focus on the shining and see it’s a flashlight. Sam had taken the flashlight with him, is it possible your paths reconnected? You wade across the shallow current- the water is cold but maybe this means you two lost whatever it was miles ago. Your shoes press down on the pebble shores as you scrape your way up the bank. “SAM” you whisper “SAM HEY”. No response. You slow down as you approach the flashlight laying on the ground. It was Sam’s, but Sam was nowhere to be seen. You reach down as you feel rain drops slowly fall on you. As you grab the light you notice something- the raindrop on your hand is dark.
As you realize what you are seeing, you begin to shake, mouth agape. You feel another drop on your shoulder. You knew you shouldn’t. You knew you should have accepted it and just moved on. You shouldn’t have looked up.
There he was. The top half of Sam was dangling from the branches, his pale face looking down at you with blood streaking across his face and dripping off his nose. How could this happen? What could do this to Sam, especially since you knew he was the fastest man in your platoon. He was able to get to us with the ammunition we needed when we were under fire in Kuwait. He saved your life, but you couldn’t do the same for him.
The shock is broken when you hear heavy boots stepping in front of you. It was over. There was nothing you could do. Nothing you ever could do. It- he- whatever you would call the figure in front of you just stated back into your soul. You felt the rattling of your lungs as you took the last few breaths you ever would. The blood soaked hands that reached out through the darkness led up to the man of your nightmares. Bits of Sam falling out of his mouth, he is fully revealed. It was him. It was always him. It was always
Shia LaBeouf
But yea in order to answer this we should define our parameters a bit more.
- Comment on 50% survival rate 2 months ago:
And my me mate paul
- Comment on Disco Time 2 months ago:
The after party’s in your garden where they’ll eat your kale
- Comment on 👣👣👣 2 months ago:
Companies do 2 things:
lie to you
underpay you
If you are going to play the game of working in a corporation, the best time to apply to new jobs is the moment you get one. Loyalty died a long time ago, so don’t pretend your manager is on your side.
Or also go freelance and never let 1 person control your income. In capitalism, money is freedom. If someone controls your money, they control your freedom.
- Comment on Nap game 2 months ago:
If you do this before work, we call it “The Sandman’s Gamble”
- Comment on oh shit 2 months ago:
And let him have that cake? No way- she should have her cake and eat it too.
- Comment on i need it, soz 2 months ago:
- Comment on Instruments 2 months ago:
The amount of times people have called my trumpet a saxophone, or my trombone a saxophone, or my clarinet a saxophone, or my melodica a saxophone, or my saxophone a saxophone apauls me.
Never call someone a saxophone; not only is it rude, it’s a slur and against the law.
- Comment on Burning Up 3 months ago:
Straight to jail with you