- Comment on Luxury bones? In *this* economy. 2 days ago:
Debt is not a force of nature. Money is owed to someone.
- Comment on New side hustle just dropped 1 month ago:
Fixed that for you:
Capitalization Breeds Innovation
- Comment on What's the deal with Signal? 1 month ago:
This feels so weird to me. I don’t know anyone who has used SMS for communication in many years.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
I don’t think that you’ll get scurvy in the 3 days of this diet. 😆🍋
- Comment on [Elon Musk] January hasn't even ended and we already have the Photo of the Year. 1 month ago:
I can understand the confusion. Dutch does combine words, but not normally with the enthusiasm of German. So seeing verkeizingbijeenkomst in the caption might have confused you. 😉
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 2 months ago:
For real. US history is replete with supporting dictators, military coups, and so on.
- Comment on It shows you love them 2 months ago:
In the Virginia mail-in voting instructions it is very clear that you are not to show anyone who you voted for. I guess I’m not surprised if other states do not have that, since voting rules are so haphazard in the USA.
It may be illegal to show your vote, exactly to prevent people in an unequal power relationship from pressuring you to vote in a specific way.
- Comment on It shows you love them 2 months ago:
I know that you mean well, but you seeing your mother’s vote is exactly why mail in voting should be the exception. Voting booths exist so that votes ate secret, which is how it should be.
My mom hates Trump since she thinks he’s crude, but I’m 99% sure that my dad voted for them both by mail in votes.
- Comment on Mildly McInfuriating 2 months ago:
Yeah but some prices double and the 2024 bar is less than 2× as high, other prices that are also double have 2024 bars more than 2× as high. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on If God is all powerful and created human. How come God in endowed with human emotions? Shouldn't he or she be beyond that? 2 months ago:
God literally says that he is a jealous god in The Bible. Hardly beyond emotion!
- Comment on There are some downsides to marriage 2 months ago:
As you did when you made the decision decades ago.
- Comment on Itch drama is getting real 3 months ago:
Meh. There’s also .UK, which is not the country code for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland… that’s GB.
We also have .EU, so this stuff is all pretty flexible in some sense.
- Comment on Itch drama is getting real 3 months ago:
Country codes are defined by the ISO, which is not UN run.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 3 months ago:
I love how the fact checker rules the original post false… because there are fewer homeless people and more homes than the original Facebook post? Meaning that the waste is even more egregious than claimed? 🤔
- Comment on SHAME. 3 months ago:
Thank you for this! At least according to the Wikipedia article you’re right, and Pasteur invented the technique for wine. Beer came soon after, by others, but it was a long time until it was used on milk.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 months ago:
So this isn’t about routing really, rather about optimizing standby routers for recovery.
A few things make me nervous.
First, the description of the work involved seems to imply that your setup really needs more automated tooling. Nontrivial, but you’ve already mentioned typos, and that this is for large operations.
Second, using IPv4 for your management network is wasteful and needlessly complicated. Even if your customer traffic is all IPv4, there’s really no reason to use legacy protocols for internal routing.
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 3 months ago:
IIRC Germany shut down their reactors because of Fukushima and the disaster there, not because of psyops.
- Comment on Give us your best infodump. 3 months ago:
I’m not sure that I understand the benefit of “unnumbered” routing. It sounds like there are numbers (well, “identifiers”), just not IP addresses.
It’s hard to know without more context, but you can use things like IPv6 multicast to manage reachability. This will let you set arbitrary sets of endpoints that talk to each other, and you can still us IP-based tools to debug connectivity, measure performance, and so on.
- Comment on How are Americans supposed to survive the next 30 years? 4 months ago:
This is why it’s important to work for class consciousness and worker solidarity. Look for ways that management and capital tries to divide us and point them out to your peers!
- Comment on US Elections question: Bernie Sanders said that the Democrats abandoned the working class, and the working class abandoned them. How is this true? 4 months ago:
If you ask Americans about socialist policies without mentioning parties or ideology, then they overwhelmingly support them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on How's Iceland's 4-Day Work Week Working? 'Incredibly Well,' Study Says 4 months ago:
From the study:
Between 2015 and 2019, following discussions between public sector employers and trade unions, Iceland saw two major public sector trials of a shorter working week for no loss in pay.
- Comment on How's Iceland's 4-Day Work Week Working? 'Incredibly Well,' Study Says 4 months ago:
The article is unclear, but the introduction on the study says:
Between 2015 and 2019, following discussions between public sector employers and trade unions, Iceland saw two major public sector trials of a shorter working week for no loss in pay.
- Comment on Br*t*sh 5 months ago:
The Scots are a violent, savage people. I was attacked there and beaten, and everyone I met on the rest of my week stay regaled me with stories of people they knew who had been similarly brutalized. “Oh yeah my sister got a kicking last week.” “My mate Barry tried to pull some geezers off a bird and then she helped them give him a kicking!” And on and on. Amazingly even more vicious than the English, which hardly seemed possible.
- Comment on Br*t*sh 5 months ago:
Except the water faucets (“taps”) come in pairs, one with cold water and one with hot. So, not so much like going into the future, but more like some primitive land too stubborn to change for the better in even the most straightforward, obvious ways. 😆
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 5 months ago:
I’m learning Chinese now and it seems to have a similar change in pitch as European languages when asking a question. 你说汉语吗?
- Comment on Meanwhile, in Springfield Ohio 5 months ago:
The first rule of Christianity is, “I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
There is no probation against killing in general in Christianity, only murder, which makes an appearance as the 5th commandment. Murder being unlawful and/or unjustified killing, so clearly wartime killing is a-okay in Christianity.
Now, you could argue that “love thy neighbor as thyself” might implicitly forbid killing, but if you start looking to Christianity for morality or even simple consistency you’re going to have a bad time.
- Comment on oh shit 5 months ago:
As someone with both solar panels and a water kettle I promise you this is something I frequently wonder about!
- Comment on Anon quits their job 6 months ago:
Which country? (I would guess Mali since you’re using a .ml domain… 😉)
- Comment on Another job lost because of technology 👿 6 months ago:
It’s the Netherlands.
- Comment on An artist says Nerf’s Destiny 2 hand cannon is a ripoff of their work 6 months ago:
I thought the same thing. In the Netherlands it’s not allowed to have realistic looking toy weapons. I basically think that’s a good thing.