- Comment on These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot 8 months ago:
The fire IN the tent is hilarious
- Comment on infinite paper glitch 8 months ago:
Repeating the word on the top and bottom text is a hallmark of these kinds of shit posts.
- Comment on Hello lovelies!!! 9 months ago:
I personally love potato salad but I think the biggest thing that hurts its reputation is when it’s bad IT’S BAD!
- Comment on This qualifies as a Sandwich 9 months ago:
I think they mean multi-level marketing scheme, not men loving men
- Comment on Anon is metal as fuck 9 months ago:
I don’t even have balls yet I felt some sort of phantom pain reading this.
- Comment on The American People 9 months ago:
Rural areas would benefit so much from progressive policies, but so many of them would rather make life hell for the “bad people” than actually improve their own life. I don’t understand how people can be so hateful, and frankly I’m glad I don’t.
- Comment on Anon tells their life story 9 months ago:
I think it’s safe to assume the op from 4chan was being weird to them.
- Comment on As a leftist when I saw this post in twitter I had to be rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure read 2567 over 1547 10 months ago:
- Comment on The second matchup of the tournament 10 months ago:
So it doesn’t feel threatened and try attacking me. I thought that was fairly obvious.
- Comment on The second matchup of the tournament 10 months ago:
Wolf def the safest option. Most likely to leave you alone.
- Comment on BREAKING: Microsoft has closed Redfall's Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush's Tango Gameworks, and more in devastating cuts at Bethesda. | IGN 10 months ago:
Alas, modern corporations are a fucking mad house, where sometimes not even the most profitable solution gets chosen cause ‘risk’ or whatever.
- Comment on Garry's Mod to remove ALL Nintendo content from the Steam Workshop due to takedown 10 months ago:
Fr, Nintendo isn’t going to get any more money out of people not using Nintendo addons. Instead they basically lose free advertising and make people dislike them even more. Shooting themselves in the foot again.
- Comment on Final Fantasy Maker Square Enix Takes $140 Million Hit in ‘Content Abandonment Losses’ as It Revises Game Pipeline - IGN 10 months ago:
I still don’t understand how even with a tax write off they make more money than if they actually sold the damn thing.
- Comment on Half Life 3 10 months ago:
If Valve does ever make HL3, it’s going to have to be ground breaking. Every Half Life game redefines what gaming is capable of. Eg HL: Alyx was an insane demonstration of what VR can do. I do think it’ll happen eventually, and may even partially be in development right now. But I don’t think we’ll hear anything about it for a very long time.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 10 months ago:
Lots of people are really stupid
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 10 months ago:
holy shit not even batman could get me to post this
- Comment on Check mate, creationists 10 months ago:
I think they’re making a joke that this other boat is what held all the ‘bad’ animals.
- Comment on They really want people to RTO 11 months ago:
That is straight up not what bed rotting is. Bed rotting is when you’re so depressed you can’t bring yourself to get out of bed at all. Like, it’s a mental health condition, not lazyness.
- Comment on Most useless superhero accessory 11 months ago:
something something batman makes him a super special bike that can withstand his speeds
- Comment on High quality channel 11 months ago:
I think it’s another word for chewing tobacco?
- Comment on I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is 11 months ago:
- Comment on Den Fujita's (the founder of McDonald's Japan) prediction for the year 2971 is a shitpost in itself. 11 months ago:
People want what they don’t have I guess
- Comment on Facebook now wants to write your posts for you with AI. 11 months ago:
Soon social media will be entirely automated, requiring no human input!
But fr wtf is the point of this 💀
- Comment on This is a member of the Ku Klux Klan pontificating on education. 11 months ago:
I’m getting boomer who has a max of two braincells desperately trying to write their incoherent thoughts vibes.
- Comment on Rapture ASAP Please! 1 year ago:
I like the theory the rapture already happened but only a few people qualified so no one noticed
- Comment on Yes, honey, I applied my butt cream 1 year ago:
Judging by the translation errors, I can only assume this cream will burn off my skin like acid.
- Comment on Bologna cup 1 year ago:
Usually am I against involving the police in non-violent situations…but I’m calling the police
- Comment on Why do whistleblowers always do this? 1 year ago:
Same, like it just seems so clear he was murked. And even if he was feeling guilty, wouldn’t he at least want to right his wrongs by finishing his testimony first?
- Comment on It's the bees knees 1 year ago:
I think I’d vomit before being able to even consider eating it.
- Comment on Beef Liners 1 year ago:
That’s basically what it looks like after a heavy night.