Probably only wants it to be adultery if the woman cheats as well.
Submitted 4 days ago by to
Comments 4 days ago 4 days ago
He wants to be guaranteed a woman and then to have her loyalty guaranteed.
These are obviously the desires of a man who cannot find and keep the loyalty of a mate just on his own merits. No, he needs the state to help him bag a wife. 4 days ago
Someone is waiting for his government assigned econowife. 4 days ago
I’m not saying we have state-mandated couples
The need to make this clarification should be grounds for divorce. 4 days ago
What in the world is the context for this? 4 days ago
[deleted] 4 days ago
Interesting. Wikipedia says:
Hypergamy (colloquially referred to as “dating up” or “marrying up”) is a term used in social science for the act or practice of a person dating or marrying a spouse of higher social status than themselves.
The antonym “hypogamy” refers to the inverse: marrying a person of lower social class or status (colloquially “marrying down”). Both terms were invented in the Indian subcontinent in the 19th century while translating classical Hindu law books, which used the Sanskrit terms anuloma and pratiloma, respectively, for the two concepts. 4 days ago
Ah, the fictional Chad, who is apparently any non-Incel male who has sex 4 days ago
This will surely fix the alarmingly low birth rates we’re currently seeing 🤣 4 days ago
Get your laws out of my pants. 4 days ago 4 days ago
LOL I knew that was going to be the link :)
Keep those out of my pants too! 4 days ago
skill issue 4 days ago
Adultery is already arguably a serious crime, since it generally leads to divorce courts finding against the offender. 4 days ago
Not in no fault states. They don’t care if there is adultery. Anyone can get a divorce for any reason. 4 days ago
Getting a divorce is one thing. Losing your stuff in the divorce because you cheated is another. Granted, this may vary greatly based on location. 4 days ago
On one hand, I love the idea of there being consequences for my ex.
On the other, my ex has to find a way to afford health insurance without me. That alone is a suitable consequence for me. 4 days ago
Making premarital sex illegal: He’s fine with that.
State-mandated couples: too far…? 4 days ago
It’s low key funny that the only people that think this way are such insufferable bastards that they can’t get a coffee date with anyone 4 days ago
That’s why he wants Chad out of the dating pool! It’s not about any sort of morality, he just doesn’t think it’s fair that Chad has 10 girls, and he can’t find one (willing to take over where his mother left off.) 4 days ago
4chan has done so much damage to these poor men.
You can play HOI4 and date, it’s really not that hard, you just have to be a respectful person 4 days ago
I’ve heard it said that marriage was invented by men as a sort of peace agreement to guarantee one woman per man so that no men were totally shut out of sex. In earlier times, when wealthy or powerful men hoarded the women, this led to serious problems from those men on the losing end of the society.
So yeah, in essence, this douche is trying to level the playing field between his sorry ass and more successful men. 4 days ago
This isn’t a serious point discussed by anthropologists. 4 days ago
Sometimes I think there’s cause and effect at work (in either direction) but really they’re the same picture. 4 days ago
Like they wouldn’t be such insufferable bastards if they had a coffee date?
In a way, I think there’s some truth there. If they learned the social skills and unlearned the brain rot that would make it easier for them to land a date, they would improve. And the date itself reinforces that behavior.