- Comment on Lately I feel like the second coming, yet I am afraid. Am I crazy? 1 hour ago:
Whatever meds you’re on, the current level is not correct.
- Comment on I knew it 12 hours ago:
I never wanted to see this bit suspected I might.
- Comment on The science speaks for itself 12 hours ago:
Cheers. I’ll smash it, I’m sure, but I’ll definitely have to mention the 2 inch slice on my face. It’ll be an ice-breaker, I’m sure.
- Comment on The science speaks for itself 14 hours ago:
You say that, but I just tried this with my 21 year old cat, Murphy, and he straight up scratched my face and now it won’t stop bleeding. I have a job interview in 2 days and will probably look like I’ve been slashed.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 22 hours ago:
It was installed 3 years ago, so it’s pretty up to date. An hour in the morning warms the floor pretty uniformly, and keeps it at around 21 degrees C for quite some time.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 1 day ago:
Underfloor floor heating definitely makes a floor warm to the touch. Source: have it throughout the downstairs of my house and it comes on for an hour each morning.
- Submitted 1 day ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on A Colossal Burden 1 day ago:
Squirrel with a gun vibes
- Comment on PH measurement 1 day ago:
I work for a company which designs and sells chlor-alkali electrolysers and our Technical Service Manual advises always using demin.
- Comment on Why do people from Western societies always seem to complain? 1 day ago:
You complain about what you experience whether it’s genocide or losing a shoe. Humans everywhere complain. It’s not unique to the West.
- Comment on Am I a bad friend/rude for not engaging with my friends and giving one-word responses? 3 days ago:
When you say friends, what do you think friends are? It sounds like you’re not engaging or taking an interest at all. They sound like acquaintances, people you know. Not friends.
- Comment on What is a season pass in computer games? 3 days ago:
They are things to avoid. Things that you don’t need. Gimmicks. A waste of money.
- Comment on Best way to turn off people and get lower tips 4 days ago:
That’s wild. If we go out for a meal (UK) we’ll just leave whatever change we have on the table or hand it to the waitress that served us, maybe 5 to 10 quid. If they try to make it a part of the payment, they’ll get nothing.
- Comment on why do people say annoying/rude stuff and then tell you “it was a joke!” 5 days ago:
That’s terrible advice. Use words not your fists, unless you want to be arrested.
Hit them with a bigger insult and call it a joke. ‘Sorry, I couldn’t hear you as I was overwhelmed by the horror of your hideous face. Just a joke.’ Or ‘I’m fat because your (insert family member here) feeds me when I fuck them.’
- Comment on Do you feel like you've reached the end of what the world has to offer? 5 days ago:
No, not at all. I’ve travelled extensively (maybe 75 countries) and had reams of wild experiences, but I’ve not seen a fraction of what the world has to offer.
- Comment on Driver caught doing 122mph on 30mph road as UK’s shocking speed records revealed 6 days ago:
And 10 years in jail. That speed is taking the piss, and the need to come down hard on people who do ridiculous speeds.
- Comment on Spotify Premium "Ad Free" plan 1 week ago:
I just use Spotifydown and collate my own downloaded lists on USBs.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 1 week ago:
Money and bitches
- Comment on Am I ugly? 1 week ago:
In short, no. Many people are just pricks. Ignore them. You’ll look back in a few years and think how unimportant those people really were.
- Comment on Cola facts rule 1 week ago:
Some tine new everyday.
- Comment on If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose? 1 week ago:
Echochrome. Such a simple life. No needs or wants, just the timeless puzzles.
- Comment on Angled Pareidolia 1 week ago:
pareidolia? What is the pattern / shape / face that doesn’t exist that i should see here?
- Comment on speaking as someone who’s never watched grey’s anatomy, why is meredith grey often considered one of the first pick mes in history? 1 week ago:
I did not learn this from the words above and have no idea what it means or who she is.
- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 1 week ago:
It really depends on your metabolism. There is no right answer here. Some people can get rid of a beet belly with minimal effort and others will have to really work at it. Your best bet is changing diet, not drinking, and more regular focussed exercise.
- Comment on historical inaccuracies 2 weeks ago:
Kill Strelok.
- Comment on Did you know that sugar derived from field peas can accelerate sour beer brewing? 2 weeks ago:
Did you know where you were posting this?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
You always do a few tests to make sure you didn’t get a dodgy one. Buy a few more and do them over the next 24 hours.
- Comment on Algae Rock! 2 weeks ago:
I thought it was more like 70%. You’re doing algae bad here.
- Comment on I just saw the words "Beatles Cinematic Universe" 2 weeks ago:
I used to live just off Mathew St in Liverpool where they’d have a festival each year lauding the Beatles. You’d get the same half dozen Beatles songs played over and over and over for 14 hours or so. As a result I completely loathe the band. Not
- Comment on Anyone here good at drawing political cartoons? 2 weeks ago:
I’d say post the idea and people can draw it if they wish. We could then decide which one we like.