It’s been so long I thought they had dropped the IP. The first game has some issues but it wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be. Hopefully they addressed the issues with the first game.
The Outer Worlds 2: First Gameplay Trailer
Submitted 3 months ago by to
Comments 3 months ago 3 months ago
As far as I could tell, the “issues” people primarily had with it were that they wanted it to be bigger, but I also really appreciated its scope and how little time they wasted. 3 months ago
I genuinely loved the first game, my only gripe is it was a glorified demo and needed far more content.
I still finished it 3 times consecutively within the first week mind you. 3 months ago
What issues? Who makes it out to be bad? As far as I remember everyone has always loved this game, it’s like saying “despite the issues with Fallout New Vegas, it’s not as bad as people make it out to be”, or Skyrim, or Red dead redemption 2, it’s the kind of game I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone complaining about it (except perhaps for the existencial dread caused by finishing such a good game and not knowing what to do next) 3 months ago
An issue I had was the shitty atmosphere (at least for me) and the soulless world 3 months ago
Its odd that you haven’t come across any complaints since almost everytime this game comes up in online threads that I visit, it’s filled with people criticizing it. 3 months ago
My main issue is a perspective thing - it felt like playing half assed fallout in space, in the sense that many questlines and stories felt very “been there, done that”. Its probably great if you haven’t played fallout 3 or new Vegas, but it just didn’t do much that was new beyond a coat of paint so I just got bored with it. 3 months ago
Loved the trailer, even though the first game was “only” a 7/10 for me. Regardless looking forward to this, Obsidian is making great games consistently.
If the main menu music will be only half as good as the original Im sold :D 3 months ago
Obsidian has always cranked out a banger when they’re making the second game, so I expect this one to be better than the last due to Obsidian’s excellent track record of making the second game in a series. 3 months ago
I really enjoyed the first one. I missed some side quests due to shooting npcs in the head when they gave me attitude, but it was worth it. It had some long sought freedom compared to most new open world sandbox rpgs. 3 months ago
Honestly with how many absolute bangers Obsidian has put out even just recently, I’m very excited for this and for Avowed. Looks like 2025 will be a very big year for them.
Doing this off of the back of games like Pentiment and Pillars of Eternity 2, I just love this studio. They’ve basically replaced Bethesda in my mind and I have far more hope for Avowed than Elder Scrolls 6 at this point 3 months ago
Well, at least it’ll probably be better than Starfield. 3 months ago
True; I made it about 3/4ths of the way into Outer Worlds before I got bored.
Meanwhile I barely got the main story started before I decided I was done with Starfield. I never thought I’d say this, but that game has too much dialog, and none of it is even the least bit interesting. I have no idea why Bethesda keeps Emil Pagliarulo around. He should have been fired 20 years ago, but instead they keep giving him the job of lead writer. 3 months ago
Low bar 3 months ago
Fallout 3 part 2! newvegas
This trailer is absolutely brilliant 3 months ago
I kinda rolled my eyes when they name dropped new Vegas, people were already expecting “new Vegas 2” the first time for some reason. I kept my hopes low and was still kinda disappointed by outer worlds, didn’t hate it at all, was just left sitting there after I beat the game, thinking out loud “thats it?”. My whining aside, I do think that they’ll do better in a sequel. 3 months ago
Same. I beat that entire game and put at least 40 hours into it I’m sure, and I couldn’t tell you a single plot point. It’s been a few years for sure, but I haven’t played Mass effect in like a decade and I could tell you the entire story from beginning to end. 3 months ago
If anyone still hasn’t played the first game, you can find it free on Prime Gaming: ……/…
Absolutely recommended! 3 months ago
Great trailer, although it edged a bit too far into Star Lord territory at the end there 3 months ago
damn it
I misread as the Outer Wilds 2 and I was extremely excited for a fraction of a second until I realized it was the other game ::< 3 months ago
I haven’t played Outer Wilds yet, but I loved The Outer Worlds, so I’m all on board for this. I have my doubts that Microsoft will want Obsidian to launch Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 in the same year though. 3 months ago
please please please don’t look up anything about the Outer Wilds and go in blind
It’s a legendary game that most wish we had the ability to experience for the first time again with a mind wipe🏅🫡