More critical thinking in world would good right now.
At least adam still doing his thing on youtube.
Submitted 3 months ago by to
More critical thinking in world would good right now.
At least adam still doing his thing on youtube.
I still see Jamie at the beach sometimes, he’s usually sunbathing.
I grew up thinking that. As I got older, I realized they’re actors like Bill Nye. That style of edu- tainment helped me internalize the scientific method. I loved the explosions growing up, but now I just love the humility, educational content, and entertainment.
Why are they not scientists? Sure their profession was in special effects, but you don’t need a degree or a lab to carry out scientific research.
I don’t understand anyone starting from the premise they’re scientists. Nobody made that claim about the hosts? They’re very much entertainers who have an educational angle (sort of). I follow Adam and one thing he discusses often enough about the Mythbusters is that they were storytellers first, the scientific process was part of the story, and teaching was never really the intent even though we all feel like we learned from the show.
You don’t need a degree to be a scientist, all you need is to apply the scientific method to your quest for knowledge.
Micheal Faraday never attended schools after about the age of 8. Look around and see the world he gave you.
Aren’t they introduced as special effects artists in the intro of every episode?
And you can see his model work in Attack of the Clones
And grant imahara made r2d2 in prequel trilogy.
RIP grant imahara.
That whole article basically sums to they settled out of court, which proves nothing.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Adam would have been 9 through 12 at the time. Awful and fucked up, sure.
I find it hard to hold over him. Over the past decades he has been nothing but the opposite of his childhood self.
For me, it was: you need to think critically, but you also need to employ proper experts. They did a lot of cringe ‘science’ early.
I hate the trombone episode they did For context I play the trombone
So the myth was that there was this performer who put a firework in his trombone mute and it ended up launching the slide off
They used a crappy pawn shop trombone with no oil to test it
The slide should be so smooth that if you simply hold it upside down and let go of the slide it should fall with near zero resistance
But if your trombone isn’t properly maintained All it takes is one tiny dent to mess that up and significantly increasing the drag
Hell all it would of took is one of the producers to drop it or bump into it to dent it ruining the whole experiment
would of took
would have taken. Even without took/taken. would have, could have. never of.
Wulrus likes the left guy
Jamie Hyneman is a legend 3 months ago
For me, they signify a time when Television/streaming companies produced content promoting science , rational thought, and blowing crap up. 3 months ago
Their show was running alongside all the Discovery and History crap about ancient aliens, mermaids, and Bigfoot, so I’m not sure about those first two things. 3 months ago
In its first years it actually ran alongside a lot of interesting and significantly more scholarly shows on those two networks. The early 2000s actually had some solid programming on the history channel. Pretty quickly devolved into pawn stars and ancient aliens after that, though. So, yeah, half to most of its run was alongside utter garbage. 3 months ago
Now it’s still all WW2 revisited with “never before seen” enhanced footage, usually centred around Hitler. Clone, clone, clone.
I’d like to see them challenge themselves to have to actually dig up some info for once.